Chapter 4 meeting part 2

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(Continues right where last chapter left off. F/M = favorite movie, L/N = last name.)

(Y/Ns pov)

Me and mom walked into are trailer it was quite which was rare. "So your day you can lay on the couch, eat snacks, and watch movies just relaxing" mom said while opening a kitchen cupboard getting snacks out. I walked over to the couch picking up the tv remote and a blanket.

After I got comfortable watching my favorite movie which is F/M of course. Mom had to leave to go back to work until all of my siblings got off of school. So I had a nice couple hours to myself something i've never had before. And since today was Friday I didn't have to deal with anyone from school until Monday.

*time-skip to when mom and siblings get home*

When I heard moms car pull up I quickly put everything away. So know one would know that I wasn't in trouble.When they walked into the house I helped my youngest twin sister Emma and Sadie get there coats off and hung up. There only in 1st grade so I don't mind helping them.

As the night went on I helped the middle kids my two younger brothers with there homework David who's in 3rd and Kade who's in 5th. Let's just say they aren't that smart so mom makes me help them with their homework a lot. It's ok though I don't really mind, most of the time. After homework we start watching tv when mom comes out of her room. "Hey why don't you guys go play outside it's not super hot and you'll want to play before it gets to dark." She said making her way toward us all. I heard yes's and ok's from every so we get are shoes on. "I'll call you guys in when dinner is ready" mom says as we walk outside.

Once outside I go to sit on top of a picnic table and watch the kids play on the little play ground in the trailer park. Lost in thought I was snapped out when I heard someone say something behind me. I turn and see a kid with big brown eyes and a buzz cut staring at me. "Do you need something?" I ask kinda confused. "Oh no sorry for staring I just didn't know you lived here." the kid said. Which honestly just made me even more confused and I guess he could tell that based on my facial expressions. "Ugh that sounds weird like i'm stalking you, sorry that's not how I meant it. Your Y/N L/N right?" the kid asks. "Umm yeah who are you?" I ask back wanting some answers or i'll think he's stalking me "Oh I should have introduced myself i'm Eddie Munson I live in that trailer with my uncle". So the stalkers name is Eddie I thought to myself. "I go to your school i'm actually in a grade above you though and umm today when you well got into that fight you actually broke up a fight I was going to get in.... so what I meant to say is thank you" he continued to talk. While talking he sat next to me. "You don't have to say thank you I didn't even know that was happening. I was just standing up for my sister, I hate that asshole Jason" I said looking back watching my siblings.

It was silent for a second until he started talking again. "Yeah I hate him to he's so annoying always in my business". After we agreed about hating the wanna be jock. He still kept talking and it was nice we had a lot in common. It had been a while since anyone had actually sat down and talked to me without being anything but nice. It was really refreshing until it got cut short. "Hey kids dinners ready" mom yelled from the door to are trailer. I looked at Eddie and said "sorry I have to go that's my mom calling". "Oh that's fine I should probably head in to it's getting dark" he said while getting up. As we started to walk back to are trailers separating. Suddenly he bowed down and said "It was nice talking to you m'lady or m'gentleman ". I couldn't help but giggle and bowed down too and said "It was nice to meeting you i'll see you tomorrow or maybe you'll see me first stalker". We both laughed and waved bye while closing the doors to are homes.

~ recap of info in this chapter your 12 and in 7th your younger sister Harley is in 5th next Kade who's in 4th then David who's in 3rd then the twins Emma and Sadie who's in 1st also Eddie is in a grade above you but has already been held back a year so he is now 14 ~
~ bit of a longer chapter hope you liked your first chat with your "stalker" Eddie ~

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