Chapter 23 The Upside down

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(At the Byers Y/Ns pov)

     Pulling up really fast into the Byers driveway. Getting out of the car and grabbing all the gear out of the trunk. Once inside we start putting all of the lightbulbs back in. We need them to track the monster once it gets here. After that Jonathan puts the bear trap in the hallway. Nancy loads her gun and I spread the gasoline down the hallway. Jonathan puts nails into the baseball bat he has. Once finished setting up it's time for us to become the bait. Jonathan goes into the kitchen getting three knifes out of a drawer. He gives both me and Nancy one. "Remember.." Jonathan says. "Straight into Wills room and..." Nancy starts. "Don't step on the trap" I finish. "Wait for the yo-yo to move" Nancy says. "Then..." Jonathan says mentioning to me as I pull my lighter out of my pocket. When we finish going over the plan on more time Jonathan asks "All right, you ready?" "Ready" Both Nancy and I say. "On three. One... Two... you guys don't have to do this" He says nervous before getting interrupted. "Jonathan, stop talking" Nancy says. "I'm just saying, you don't have to.." He starts talking again before I interrupt him yelling "Three!" And after I yelled that we all cut a line down the middle of our palms.

     I bandage Nancy's hand so she can bandage me and Jonathan's. After my hand is all covered I head back to the kitchen. I wanted to find a bigger knife than just my switchblade. Hearing creaking around the house Nancy asks. "Did you hear that?" "It's just the wind. Don't worry. My mom, she said the lights speak when it comes" I can hear Jonathan say trying to calm her down. I'm not gonna lie i'm pretty nervous to. But i'm not sure I would ever be able to sleep again knowing that thing is out there. Wanting to protect my family, so we're going to kill it, tonight. After finding a nice small, but sharp butchers knife. I go back to the living room to see them holding hands. "Hey, love birds I found one" I say with a smirk on my face. "Shut up Y/N" Nancy says embarrassed. "Chill, I'm just kidding" I start to say when all of the sudden we hear really loud banging at the door. It made us all jump unsure of who it could be until, we hear. "Jonathan? Are you there, man? It's... It's Steve! Listen, I just want to talk!" He yells from outside. "What the hell is he doing here?" I ask. After a second Nancy opens the door just a little. She seems nervous so I stand beside her out of the way. "Steve, listen to me" She starts until Steve starts talking again. "Hey, Nancy, what" He starts until Nancy says. "You need to leave" In a stern voice but him not taking the hint. He keeps talking "I'm not trying to start anything, okay?" "I don't care about that. You need to leave" Nancy says again trying to close the door but him pushing it back open. "No, no, no. Listen, I messed up, okay? I messed... I messed up, okay? really. please. I just want to make things right. Okay? Please. Please... hey, what happened to your hand? Is that blood?" He asks noticing the bandages. "Nothing it was an accident" she try's to explain. "Yeah, what's going on?" he asks. "Nothing" Nancy try's to answer but, Steve is just not having it. "Wait a sec. Did he do this to you?" He asks getting angry. "No" Nancy try's to answer again. "Nancy, let me in!" He yells pushing the door open.

     Once he opens the door and see the mess in the house. He sees the bandages on my hand as well, since, I was standing next to Nancy. He grabs my hand "What is... What the..." He says before I pull my hand away. After I got away from him, Jonathan came up trying to push him out saying "You need to get out of here". "Whoa. What is all..." Steve says not understanding what's going on. "Listen to me, i'm not asking you, i'm telling you, get out of here!" Jonathan yells. "Seriously, Steve, you need to leave!" I yell trying to help Jonathan get him out. "What is that smell? Is that... is that gasoline?" He asks ignoring me and Jonathan. "Steve, get out!" Nancy yells behind us, turning around to see her holding her gun up. "Wait. What? What is going on?" Steve asks now freaking out. "You have five seconds to get out of here" She says. "Okay, is this a joke? Stop, put the gun down" He says putting his hands up. Getting annoyed I yell "Leave, and she'll put it down! Or did you not hear her!" "I'm doing this for you" Nancy says still keeping her gun up. "Nancy" Jonathan says but her not listening. "Wait. Is this a... what is this?" Steve asks again. "Nancy" Jonathan says again. "Three... two..." she starts counting. "No, no, no! No, no!" Steve starts yelling. "Nancy! the lights" I yell finally seeing what Jonathan was talking about. "It's here" Jonathan says. "Wait, what's here" Steve asks. "Where is it?" Nancy asks as we all get into the middle of the room looking for where it is. "Where is what? Whoa! Easy with that!" Steve yells at Jonathan since he's holding the bat. "Where is it?" Nancy asks again. "I don't know" I answer, "I don't see it" Jonathan says. "Where is what? Hello? Will someone please explain to me what the hell is going.." Steve starts to say before stopping. Stopping because of the noise, the monster is breaking through the ceiling. Nancy starts shooting at it. "No! Go! Go! Run!" Jonathan yells at us. We all know to run to Wills room now. "Get out of here!" Jonathan yells again as him and Nancy start running. I turn and grab Steve's wrist saying "Run or die". He runs following after me to Wills room shutting the door as we hear it finally break through.

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