Chapter 17 The weirdo on Maple Street

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( Takes place the next day )

(Y/Ns pov)

     Last night I didn't get any sleep. I stayed awake look out of the window. Luckily Eddie didn't have a problem falling asleep. Lately mom has been getting more worried since Will is still missing and the town is getting more scared of what could be happening. So she's been going in late to drive the younger kids to school in the morning. It makes me feel better knowing their safe. Me and Eddie don't walk to school anymore we ride our bikes so we aren't as vulnerable as mom says.

      As me and Eddie rode are bikes to school. Everything in town and around us just felt off or at least for me it did. When we got to school walking in it felt like nothing had changed. Everyone was acting normal like nothing had happened. Probably because no one really cared, I mean people only care about themselves anyways. Talking to Eddie while waiting for him at his locker. My attention gets pulled away when I see Jonathan, Wills older brother. "Hey Ed's i'll be right back" I say while turning around. "Okay i'll wait for you" He answers still looking for his book. "Hey umm Jonathan" I say while waving at him. We aren't super close even though we're in the same grade. I've talking to him a couple times because of Will. I mean he seems pretty chill. "Oh... Um hey Y/N" he says keeping his head low still hanging up a missing poster. "Well I know things are hard right now. For you and your mom, you know because of Will. But if you ever need anything or help with something i'm just a phone call away" I say giving him a light hearted smile. "Yeah.. umm thanks Y/N" he says acting like  his same nervous self. "Really if you need help with anything call I want to help. Wills my friend I don't want anything to happen to him" I say still smiling as I hear the bell ring. "Yeah I umm I will", "Okay well I have to go, but i'll see you around okay?" I say while walking back to Eddie who finally found his book. "Okay bye" He says while waving back at me. While walking away from Jonathan I see Nancy walking towards him. Nancy is Mike's older sister I think she's kinda stuck up sometimes. We never really got along not because anything happen just because we're really different. But I guess she feels bad not saying anything since Mike and Will are friends.

    While walking to class I hear "At 8:00 p.m. tonight we will be holding an assembly on the football field in support of Will Byers and his family" over the PA system. Guess people do know what's going on. But it sure as hell doesn't seem that way. Especially Tommy and Carol joking that Jonathan killed Will. I hate the way they treat people just because their different. I mean Jonathan is really awkward but his brother is fucking missing. I think to myself as I walk into my first class.

    The rest of the school day was normal, I guess. Me and Eddie are now walking to get are bikes. "Hey you okay you seem kinda off, is something bothering you?" Eddie asks. "Honestly i'm not sure lots of things about what's going on is bugging me, especially that I haven't been able to get in contact with the guys for awhile. And that no one's letting me help with anything" I say with a sigh. "Well i'm sure the guys are busy they want to help find Will too, and they'll get back to you soon. People not letting you help is just to keep you safe, we don't want anything happening to you, especially me" he said with a smile on his face. "Everything is going to be fine, Okay?" he asks when we get to our bikes. "Okay" I say still feeling like I want to do more. I think Eddie could see that he pulled me into a hug and said "Maybe if you want to do something so bad we can go to the assembly tonight. I mean if you want I know you don't like crowds" He says. "That sounds nice" I say feeling a bit better.

*later that night*

     Since it was dark outside mom let me and Eddie barrow the car. Once at the assembly we stayed in the back kinda just watching. I didn't really want to get any closer. "You know most of these people don't even know the Byers, or if they do they made fun of them" I say with annoyance in my voice. "Well at least they showed up to give support" He said trying to see the bright side. "Yeah I guess, at least they showed up" I said trying to smile. As the assembly finished up we headed back to my moms car. "See it wasn't that bad, more people than I expected came" He said as we drove back to the trailer park. "Yeah I just wish it didn't take Will going missing for people to care, or be nice" I say looking out the window.

     As we get back to the park Eddie walks me to my trailers door. "I know you want to do more, but please don't do anything stupid" He says while holding my hand. "I won't do anything stupid I promise" I say while facing Eddie. "Good, now get some sleep i'll see you in the morning" he says giving me a hug. "I'll try, good night" I say giving him a kiss and opening the door to my home. "Good night" he says while walking back to his trailer.

~ sorry about not posting a chapter in a couple days, on another note thank you all for helping me get to 200 reads ~

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