Chapter 8 jealously part 2

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(Takes place where part 1 left off.)

     As you walked off Eddie watched really confused and concerned. He decided to follow you shoving the rest of his food in his mouth. Getting up throwing away his garbage and running after you.

(Eddie's pov)

     I'm not sure what's wrong with them why are they ignoring me. Did I do something wrong did I make them mad. I hope I didn't ruin everything. My thoughts ran threw my head, as I ran after them.

(Y/Ns pov)

     I can hear Eddie running after me and yelling my name but I feel like I want to break down and cry. I just keep walking trying to get away from everyone until I feel someones hand on my shoulder. I turn teary eyed to see Eddie looking concerned. "Is everything okay you seem sad, and mad at me did I do something wrong?" he asked in a worrier tone. "No Eddie you didn't do anything wrong, I just feel off okay" I said trying to keep the tears in. It didn't look like Eddie liked my answer, then out of nowhere he pulled me into a hug all I could do was hug him back. I finally let go and the tears came flowing out, unsure of what's going on with me.

     After a couple minutes of hugging he let's go of me. When he sees my face with tears smeared all over. He takes his sleeve and whipped my tears away. "It's okay if your not ready to tell me what's wrong. But please don't pull away your my best friend I don't want to lose you" Eddie said. Hearing those words come out of his mouth made my heart sting. Im still unsure about my feelings but him saying that hurt.

(Eddie's pov)

     That felt wrong to say they are my best friend but it doesn't feel right. I'm not really sure the title of best friend works for them anymore.

~ sorry it's kinda late and short had a busy day but enjoy being confused about your feelings until tomorrow ~

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