Chapter 14 new friends

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(This takes place during your 8th grade year, last year in middle school.)

You've started your 8th grade year, last year in middle school. Just last year you found a good friend group that made you not feel so different. The sad thing is that they are all in the high school now, you feel like you need to start over. The first couple weeks were hard eating alone again and not really talking to anyone at school. But made sure not to lose yourself you've been keeping your grades up, and not physical fighting to much. Not saying that you never have a good yelling fight with someone. But they can suspend you for that well not yet at least.

You thought you would need to get through this year by yourself. And you were ready for that when your life decides to take you down a different path. The same way you had met Eddie ironically. You ended up meeting new friends.

Kade one of your younger brothers was in his first year of middle school. Let's just say he's not the most well behaved or nice person. Which ends up with a lot of people not liking him. But at least he's not a bully he just doesn't like anyone. Him having a big mouth but being able to back up the things that come out of it, leads to you stepping in a lot.

When starting the year you didn't think you'd end up being friends with a whole bunch of 5th graders. But like I said life took you down a new path one you didn't expect.

(Y/Ns pov)

I had been taking care of Kade for the first month of school. He had always had a big mouth but this one kid Troy seemed to hate it the most. Not really sure why because Kade never even really said anything to him. But with the amount of times I've had to stand up for my brother. I've come to know Troy he's a little shit who thinks it's fun to push others around. And it seemed know one really pushed him back so I took that as my task. Whenever he would put his hand on my brother I would just do the same to him. Not hard just trying to scare him which seemed to work especially when Eddie and the guys came up to us while I was yelling at him. So whenever I see him being the little shit he is I just get him away from the people he's bothering. I can't do anything about it when I'm not around but I feel like I can't just stand there and watch.

Which is when I met Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Will.

Walking into school one day coming around the corner to hear yelling and laughing. Walking towards the sound finding out it's Troy being a bitch to some kids calling them freaks? If anyones the freak it's him I think to myself as I walk towards them. After watching him shove one of them to the ground. Tapping Troy on the shoulder as he turns around I say "I think your the only freak I see". In a calm tone I just look at him and his little friend. Him not saying anything for a season I decide to talk again. "Did you really just push that kid over, would you like me to push you down to". "Oh shut it like you'd push me at school, your an 8th grader you don't want to get in trouble" he said with a smirk on his face. I laughed he really thought he did something there. "Who said I would do it at school, maybe I was planning on waiting for you after school with all my 'freak' high school friends, so we could have a nice friendly chat" I said with a smile on my face. I see the anger in his eyes but I know he knows i'm not lying. "Whatever" he said while walking away.

After he was gone I walked up to the kid who was still laying on the ground. "You okay?" I ask. "Umm yeah... yeah i'm fine.. um thank you" he said sounding kinda nervous. "Yeah no problem I hate that kid" I said with a friendly smile on my face. "I have to go but if you need anything I can always help" I say while walking away.

You went on your day like normal not really thinking anything about what had happened this morning. Getting through the whole day but instead of heading home since it's Wednesday you head Mr. Clarke classroom. He's a science teacher and I had him in 5th grade. When I started getting in trouble I was given the chance to help him out during his 'Science club meetings'. It seemed better than other options so I sucked it up and did it. I actually ended up having fun doing it and throughout the years I met people there who didn't care about reputations and were just chill. Even though I didn't have to do it this year I still wanted to. Mr.Clarke was alway a nice teacher so you didn't mind helping him.

This would be the first meeting of the year. Heading to his room wondering what kind of new people will he in the club this year. Walking in to his room saying hi to him as I close the door. "Ah Y/N your here meet the new members" he says. I turn around to say hi and end up being surprised to see the boys I helped out this morning. "Y/N this is Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Dustin Henderson, and Lucas Sinclair" he introduced them. "Well it's nice to properly meet you all as Mr. Clarke said i'm Y/N L/N" I said introducing myself.

At first it was a little awkward getting to know them. But when they opened up it was really fun. We even started hanging out outside of club. We would wave to each other at school, and when free even eat lunch together. Despite Eddie's protests they were the ones who taught me how to play D&D. Weird to admit but it was fun having a whole bunch of 5th graders friends. They made the year less horrible.

~ longer chapter hope you liked it, also i'm so grateful for getting over 100 reads thank you all so much ~

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