Chapter 43 Vecans Curse

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(Y/Ns pov)

   The night before I ended up falling asleep on the couch after putting my younger siblings to bed. I wake up feeling a little sore, but mostly worried. Since the reason I woke up was from hearing the local dogs barking. And sadly more sirens from police cars, not anything new but the sounds seem to be getting a little closer to my home then I  feel comfortable with. Throwing on my shoes, and heading out my front door. I see a bunch of police cars all heading to Eddie's trailer, I watch from just outside the door. Mr. Munson is outside talking to the cops, before they make their way inside. I walk up to him try to find out what's going on. "Mr.Munson is everything okay?" I ask softly trying to not draw to much attention to myself. "Y/N" he says a little shocked moving me away from the crowd of police before speaking again. "You know Eddie, he- he wouldn't do anything like this- you- have to find him" Mr. Munson says all shaken up. Before I'm able to speak again he just points, I turn my head to look and at the exact angle we were at you could see the body of Chrissy Cunningham laying on the floor of the trailer. Without saying anything I run back to my trailer throwing the door open. See most of my siblings sitting on the couch eating breakfast, my moms door still closed. "You guys don't leave the house today I don't want you out" I say walking through the living room to my moms room. Opening the door to yell at her half asleep "Mom, call in sick stay home today! I'll be back as soon as I can" I yell at her. I grab my bag throwing on my helmet before heading out the door locking it behind me. Getting on my bike going to the first place I can think of Dustin's house.

*At Dustin's house*

   I park my bike and run up to the door knocking hard until Ms.H opens the door. "Oh, hi Y/N-" she try's getting out before I interrupt her. "Hi Ms.H, is Dustin home?" I ask in a clear rush. "Well yes, he's in his-" she try's again. "Okay great thanks, nice seeing you!" I yell walking past her, through the house to Dustin's room.

   I over hear the conversation going on inside, "No. No, but I... I can't be the only one who saw them together. They stood out" Max says. I open the door quietly saying "Because you weren't." They both turn to look at me surprised to see me. "Y/N... hey" Dustin says breaking the silence. "Hey.." I say shutting the door behind me and making my way to sit on the edge on Dustin's bed. "What do you know exactly?" Max questions. "Chrissy she was buying from Eddie, she wanted something stronger than just the pot he had with him during the deal. So after the finally last night they went back to his house so she could get some special-K. That's all I know, his truck was already gone when I got home" I explain. "Eddie the freak with Chrissy the cheerleader."

   "Exactly, you know, his names not in the news yet or anything. But I guarantee you Eddie is suspect one now" Max explains. "That's crazy. Eddie didn't do this. No way. No way" Dustin explains in shock. "We can't rule it out" Max says. "Yes, we can" Dustin argues. "Dustin!" Max yells to snap him out of it. "Dustin, she's right. I mean no one knows him like we do. Almost the whole town things he's worshiping the devil there's no way we can convince them he didn't do it. Everything statistically points to him, but he's not the kind of person, we know he didn't do it.We just have to prove it. Okay, Max?" I say. "Well they said the same shit about Ted Bundy, yeah, he's a super nice guy, but then he's murdering women on the weekend" Max try's to explain. "So your saying Eddie's like Ted Bundy?" Dustin asks with disgust. "No, i'm not saying— i'm saying that we can't presume anything, okay? But it doesn't look good for Eddie" She continues. Dustin looks defeated he moves over an sits next to me on the bed. "Why haven't you told the cops this? Both of you?" Dustin asks us. "I... I don't know" I admit. "Something just feels different about it" Max agrees. "You don't know?" Dustin expresses his concern. Max moves to sit down on the other side of Dustin. "After I saw Eddie and Chrissy going in the trailer... something else happened. Nothing that weird or anything. I mean... Eddie always drives like a maniac, and the power goes off at my place all the time. It's a peace of shit. But... this morning, I started to think back, and... I don't know. The look on his face. He was scared guys. Really scared. Maybe he was scared because, you know, he... he just killed someone, or... maybe, um... maybe... because... I don't know... I don't know maybe-" Max says trying to get her words out. "Something else killed her" I say the realization prominent in my eyes. All the answers Max gives is nodding her head. "But that's impossible. Right?" Max asks. "I don't know. It should be" I said still not making eye contact with them. I was at a loss of words. "There's only knows what actually happened" Dustin says. "Eddie" Max says at almost a whisper. That's when I finally make eye contact with them again, it's like we all had the same idea at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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