Chapter 5 thinking

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(This takes place around a month after you first met Eddie. L/N = last name.)

Ever since that day you have been happier. Not sure if it's because you finally have a friend or if it's because that friend is Eddie. You haven't been getting into fights as much and have started to think more about what your mom said. Thinking maybe you should start trying more in school. Things have changed and you didn't want to do anything to ruin how your life is now. You and Eddie have been hanging out a lot while your outside at the trailer park. You even met some of his friends to. You guys hang out at school sometimes to.

(Y/Ns pov)

Since it was nice out today I decided to walk home to have some alone time and just clear my head. I was lost in thought when I started thinking about the school talent show coming up. Obviously I wasn't planning on doing anything for it I hate standing in front of crowds. "Hey! Y/N wait up" I hear someone yelling. I turn to see Eddie running up to me. "Oh hey what's up Eddie?" I asked. "Wellllll you know the school talent show is coming upppppp. Me and my band Corroded Coffin are going to preform!" Eddie said excited. "Wow Eddie that's cool" I said interested in what he had just said. "Soooo I was wondering if you would come and watch us?" Eddie asked sounding excited and kinda nervous to hear my answer "Yeah I would love to Eddie" I said with a big smile on my face. "YESSS ITS GOING TO BE SO FUN!!" Eddie said sounding even more excited now.

We walked the rest of the way to the trailer park together. He told me more about his band and I listen to every world that came from his mouth. Listening to Eddie talk made me almost forget everything that was happening all I felt was happy.

Once we both got to the trailer park I was about to head home until Eddie grabbed my hand and said "hey can I show you something?". I was a little confused about why he had his voice down he was really quiet which was weird for him. "Sure is there something wrong?" I asked wanting to know if he was okay. "No, just come on" he said still holding my hand as we ran to his trailer. His uncle was still at work, so it was just the two of us there. He brought me to his room and was looking around for something until he found it. "Yes here it is" he said as he pulled out a small box. "So what's in it?" I question wanting to know what's in the box. But before he opens it he says "your not going to tell anyone right?". "Wow your really think i'm going to tell someone, I feel so hurt" I said pretending to die falling onto his bed. "Just promise me" he says I look straight into his eyes and hold my hand up like i'm about to make a pact with him. "I Y/N L/N promise you Eddie Munson that I will not tell anyone what you have in that weird small box". He says okay and opens the box and inside was a joint. I look up at him "Eddie why do you have weed?" I ask. "Well I was thinking about it and wanted to try so I bought some" he said. After a minute he started talking again "but I didn't want my first time to be alone just in case something weird happened so I was wondering if you would want to try with me". As he said that I started thinking after a minute of debating in my head I answer. "Okay i'll do it with you but I can't right now." I say. I start thinking again about a plan. "I've come up with a plan!" I say to him. He perks up listening to what I have to say.

"Okay so how about after my siblings and mom go to sleep I sneak out and we can go to the clearing in the woods and do it there so know one sees us". "YES, great plan i'll wait for you so we can walk together". I nod my head in approval "okay I have to go i'll see u later" I say as I grab my bag. "Byeeee" Eddie said with that big cheeky smile he always has on his face.

~ hope you enjoy this one, you'll see what happens in the next chapter ~

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