Chapter 24 MADMAX

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Its October 29th, of your junior year. It's been around a year since everything happened. Your just trying to get through this year the best you can, trying to act normal.

(Y/Ns pov)

I got about four dollars in quarters for the arcade. Me and the guys are going to hangout there tonight. Counting my money in my room I hear. "Hey, Y/N, come in. What's your haul?" It's Dustin, he's radioing me. Picking up my walkie-talkie talking into the speaker "I have about four dollars. What about you?" "Shit seriously, where is everyone getting this money from?" Dustin says. "Chill, Dustin you can barrow some if you need. But you have to pay me back, i'm not doing hand outs." "Okay... your ready to meet? I'm about to head out in a minute" Dustin asks. "Yeah, i'm leaving right now see you there. Over and out" I say into walkie-talkie. Turning it off and hopping onto my bike heading towards the arcade.

Me and the guys get there about the same time. Walking our bike's to the bike stand outside. We hear a car horn behind us. Turning to see it's Joyce, and Will. "Hey!" Dustin yells at them. We all head inside and start playing games. Right now we're huddled around Dustin playing a game. "To slay the dragon, you must use the magic sword" the video game says. "Oh, Jesus! I'm in uncharted territory here, guys!" Dustin yells trying to beat Lucas's high score. "Down! Down! Down!" we all start yelling at him. "I'm going! I'm going!" He yells back. We're all still yelling directions to him when he yells "Okay. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up! No, no, no! I hate this overpriced bullshit. Son of a bitch! Piece of shit!" He ended up losing. "You're not nimble enough. But you'll get there one day. But until then then, Princess Daphne is still mine" Lucas says. "Whatever. I'm still tops on Centipede and Dig Dug" Dustin says. "You sure about that?" Keith asks while eating his cheese puffs. "Sure about what? You're kidding me. No, no, no, no. Move! Move! No, no, no!" Dustin yells running over to the next row of games to see what Keith was talking about. Seeing that he was no longer the best at either of those games. "751,300 point!" Will says in surprise. "That's impossible" Mike says confused. "Who is MAD MAX?" Dustin asks. "Better than you" Keith says shoving more cheese puffs in his mouth. "Is it you?" Will asks Keith. "You know I despise Dig Dug" Keith answers. "Then who is it?" Lucas asks. "Yeah, spill it Keith" I say. "You want information, then I need something in return" Keith says looking at Mike. "No, no, no. No way. you're not getting at date with her" Mike says in return. "Mike, come on. Just get him the date" Lucas pleads. "I'm not prostituting my sister!" Mike says. "Yeah, Keith that isn't happening" I add. "While, then. How about you Y/N. You and your boyfriend still together?" Keith questions. "Yes, we are. And even if we weren't I would never go on a date with you" I say with sass in my voice. "No, don't get him the date. Know what? He's gonna spread his nasty ass rash to your whole family" Dustin says. "Acne isn't a rash and it isn't contagious, you prepubescent wastoid" Keith says back. "Oh, i'm a wastiod? Neither of them would go on a date with you. You make, like, what? $2.50 an hour?" Dustin says making fun of him. "Nice perm" Keith says as his come back. "Gonna make fun of my hair?" Dustin says back. Which leads to a dumb little argument.

*At school the next morning*

Me and Eddie are outside sitting on his uncles truck having a smoke before heading into school. "So what are you doing tonight?" Eddie asks handing me the cigarette. "I'm not sure yet, what about you?" I ask back. "Me and the band have a practice tonight. Would you want to sit in and watch?" He asks. "Yeah, that sounds nice" I say back to him with a smile. We're finishing the cigarette and getting our bags to head inside. When a car comes screeching through the parking lot. Once the driver got out no one knew who he was. But all the girl were already all over him. Walking past them hearing their conversation about his butt for some reason. "He looks like a dick" Eddie says. "Why do you say that?" I ask confused because we have literally never met him. "Not sure, he just seems like one" He says. I let out a small laugh and say "Okay, i'll have to take your word for it."

*Later during the school day*

Walking out of my third period class Tina's there. Once I get to the door she hands me a flyer "Hey. Be there" She says. Looking at it she's throwing a halloween party. Seeing Eddie at his locker. "Hey, did you hear about Tina's party?" I ask showing him the flyer. "Yeah, I heard but it's not like I got a flyer. I mean why would she want one of Hawkins resident freaks at her party?" He asks. "Well, I don't think your a freak. Also i'm sure she will be wasted the whole time so it's not like she would notice if you went" I say. "Eh, I don't know. Do you wanna go?" He asks closing his locker. "I'm not sure, but it's not like I have any other plans" I answer. "Okay, so think about it and let me know. Because we could always stay in and watch horror movies at mine" He says with a big smile. "Okay, i'll think about it. But you watching scary movies might be pretty hard to pass up" I say with a laugh since when he's scared, he screams like a little girl. As our conversation continued he walked me to my fourth hour class.

*After school*

Once the final bell had rung, me and Eddie made our way to his truck in the parking lot. Getting closer to it about to open the door until I hear. "Y/N, Y/N!" being yelled at me. I turn around to see Lucas and Dustin riding their bikes towards me. Stopping in front of me Dustin says "Y/N, we have an idea who MAD MAX is." "Seriously, who?" I ask excitedly. "We think it's this new girl Max. She's in our science class" Lucas answers. "We're going to go stakeout the arcade right now" Dustin says. "To see if she goes there, wanna come?" Lucas asks. "Umm, hold on" I say walking over to Eddie. "It's cool, go with your friends. You can always come to our next practice" He says. "Okay, thanks" I say giving him a kiss. Since I didn't have my bike Lucas let me ride on the back of his.

Once we got there we hid behind some cars watching, to see if she turns up. "Still no sign?" Dustin asks. "Jack shit" Lucas answers. "So what does she even look like?" I question. "Red hair, blue eyes" Dustin says. "Great description, Dustin" I say back sarcastically. "Oh! Damn it. My moms gonna murder me" Dustin says looking at his watch."So go home. We'll radio if she comes" Lucas says. "Oh, yeah, nice try. You just want me out of here so you can make your move" Dustin says to Lucas. "Oh, 'cause you're such a threat" Lucas says back defensive. "That's right. She will not be able to resist these pearls" Dustin says before purring or trying to sound like Chewbacca maybe? "Are you guys really fighting over a girl you have never talked to?" I ask. "Ten o'clock. Ten o'clock" Dustin says pointing. "What?" Lucas says before seeing a car pulling up fast. I recognize the car, it's the same one from this morning at school. "Hey guys, I know that car it's this new guy at school" I say. Watching to see who assume to be Max getting out of the car. Her and the driver are arguing, seems to be a pretty heated fight. "They're arguing. They're arguing" Lucas says looking through his binoculars. "Oh, my god" I say with a sigh. "We see that. I don't even know why you need those. God you're so stupid" Dustin says to Lucas. The fighting stops as the car speeds away and the girl goes inside. We follow her.

Watching her from afar she's great. "Wow, she's really good" I say. "She's incredible" Lucas adds. "She's" Dustin starts. "MAD MAX" we all sat together. We talk for awhile debating. But we end with the agreement of asking her to join our party. We stayed out for a couple hours. Then, the guys took their bike's home and since my mom had just gotten off of work she came to pick me up.

~ first chapter of season two hope you enjoy ~

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