Chapter 22 The Bathtub

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(Back at Mikes Y/Ns pov)

Once back at Mikes house with El. Mike was cleaning the dirt off her face. When me and Dustin suddenly hear Lucas trying to contact us through the walkie-talkie. Dustin busts into the bathroom where El and Mike are, saying "Guys! It's Lucas, I think he's in trouble." They all come rushing out to see me trying to figure out what he's saying. "Do you guys remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" I ask. "Yeah" Mike replied. "What if he found it" I say looking at them hearing the the indistinct sounds coming from the walkie-talkie. "Whats he saying?" Mike asks. "We don't know, he's way out of range" Dustin answers. "Lucas, if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you" Mike says picking up the walkie-talkie and talking into it. Still hearing Lucas talking into the speaker, we're trying to piece together what he's trying to tell us. "Mad hen. Does that mean anything to you? Like a code name or something?" Dustin asks Mike. "The bad men are coming!" we can finally hear pretty clearly. "Bad men" I say repeating what I heard Lucas say. "Huh?" Dustin says confused "Bad men! Stay here" Mike says to Eleven before the three of us run upstairs. Going over to one of the front windows to look outside. Seeing a guy sitting in what looks to be a repair van. "What's that guy doing?" Dustin asks what we're all thinking. "Nothing good" I say before Mike runs off to talk to his mom. Me and Dustin stay there looking out the window when we see more and more vans approaching. "Shit" I say as we see men holding guns getting out. Me and Dustin run over to the kitchen where Mike is talking to his mom. "Mike!" Dustin yells trying to get his attention. "One second!" Mike yells back. "Mike!" Dustin yells again. "We need to leave right now" I add with urgency in my voice. Mike finally understands what we mean and we all run downstairs.

We grab our stuff and get Eleven. Head out the back door and grab our bikes which we left there. Pushing them up the little hill, once at the top we get on and see all of the people who had gotten out of the vans. Seeing this we start riding as fast as we could in the other direction. "Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!" Dustin says in a panic. Getting on to another street seeing the vans following us. "Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god!" Dustin keeps going now totally freaking out. Dustin is wearing his head set so he can keep in contact with Lucas. "Yeah, Lucas, they're on us" Dustin says. "Cornwallis" Dustin says the street we're currently on. "Dustin where are we going?" I yell at him since he's the one saying directions. "Elm and cherry" Dustin answers. "Okay!" both me and Mike yell back at him. "Shit" I say as we see even more vans coming down the road in front of us. "This way come on!" Mike yells at us as we cut through peoples backyards. "Out of the way! Out of the way!" Dustin yells at some girls playing in their backyard which we road through. Once on the next road we see Lucas. "Lucas!" Mike yells at seeing him there. "Where are they?" Lucas questions looking around for the vans. "I don't know" Mike answers. "I think we lost them" Dustin says. "Yeah, I don't think so" I says back to his statement as I point to the vans coming down the road behind us. "Go, go, go, go!" Mike is now yelling. "Faster guys!" I yell as I see the vans getting closer to us. "Shit!" Lucas yells when he see another van coming straight at us. Suddenly the van completely flips right over us. Giving us the chance to get away.

*Once at the Junkyard*

Finally getting the chance to stop. We're all breathing heavy, out of breath from what had just happened. "Holy, holy shit, did... did you see what she did to that van?" Dustin asks. "No, Dustin, we missed it" Mike answers sarcastically. "I mean that was" Dustin starts before Lucas finishes his thought by saying "Awesome". "It was awesome. Everything I said about you being a traitor and stuff... I was wrong. I'm sorry" Lucas says sitting down by El. "Friends... friends don't lie. I'm sorry, too" El says in response. "Me, to" Mike says putting his hand out of Lucas to shake. Which thankfully this time he does. Seeing this Dustin and I fist bump.

"This is randolph road, right here. The fence starts here, and goes all the way around. And this is the lab right here. The gates gotta be in there somewhere. It's gotta be" Lucas says. As he draws a map of what he saw in the dirt. "Well, who owns Hawkins lab?" Dustin asked. "The sign says 'Department of Energy'" Lucas answers. "Department of Energy? What do you think that means?" Dustin questions. "Government, Military" I answer. "Then why does it says 'Energy'?" Dustin asks another question. "Trust us Y/N is right. It's Military my dads told me about it before" Mike says agreeing with me. "Mike and Y/N are right. Theres solders out front" Lucas says. "Do they make, like, lightbulbs or something?" asks Dustin. "No, probably more like weapons" I reply. "To fight the Russians and commies and stuff" Mike adds. "Weapons" Lucas says making us all look at El. "Oh, jesus, this is bad" Dustin says. "Really bad. The place is like a fortress" Lucas explains. "Well, what do we do?" Dustin questions. "I don't know but we can't go home" Mike says. "Mikes right, we can't go home. If they know where Mike lives they probably know where we all live. Which means they could be waiting for us, we're fugitives now" I say agreeing with Mike. Suddenly we hear a noise getting closer by the second. "G-guys? Do you hear that?" Dustin asks looking around for where the sound could be coming from. "Oh shit, hide" I say pointing at a helicopter approaching. "Go, go, go!" Mike yells as we get up to hide our bikes and ourselves. After getting mine, Lucas's, and Mikes bike under the old school bus Dustins having a hard time getting his in. "Come on, come on!" He yells trying to get it under. "Dustin move, i'll get it just get inside!" I yell at him shoving him out of the way and pushing his bike under the bus, running inside right behind him shutting the door. "Get down!" Mike yells at all of us as we hid behind seats on the floor. "Mental" Dustin says.

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