Chapter 19 The body

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(Y/Ns pov)

After Mike left us at the quarry where we had seen the police find Wills body. Dustin and Lucas just wanted to go home so I took it upon myself to get Eleven back to Mikes house. Getting her on the back of my bike took a little while since she hasn't known me for very long. But that's okay because she eventually got on and I rode her back to Mikes. Getting there and sneaking her back into the basement where Mike was already waiting. After making sure know one saw us I hurried back to my bike.

Riding back to the trailer park as fast as I could. Feeling the cold wind blow onto my face as tears ran down it. I know deep down it wasn't my fault but I still felt guilty about Will. If I had gone to the campaign that night we would have taken the same way home. I would have been able to drop him off at his house.

Finally getting back to the trailer park I rush over to Eddie's trailer. I start pounding on the door loud. After a minute of this Eddie finally opens the door. "Hey Y/N? is umm something wrong?" he said confused and tired. I didn't say anything back to answer his question I just hugged him and started crying. "Woah hey hey... what's wrong?" he says hugging me back. "Its Will, I couldn't do anything" I say in between sobs. "Oh no" he says finally understanding what's going on. He didn't say anything after that and just pulled me inside with him. I spent the night with him I didn't get much sleep but having him hold me helped calm me down.

The next morning I went back to my own trailer and talked to my mom. She said I didn't have to go to school today and to just take the day off to rest. Eddie tried to stay with me but I wouldn't let him miss another day of school. I've been trying to help him not get held back another year. All I planned to do today was sit in pity and sadness.

(This morning at the Wheelers house narrators pov)

Karen knocks on her sons door "Micheal?" she questions as she opens the door. "Hi, honey. How are you feeling?" she asks her son who's still laying in bed. "I, uh... I don't think I can go to school today" Mike answers. "Oh, that's fine, sweetie. I need to drop off nance, then i'm gonna go check in on barbs parents. Why don't you grab a book or something and come with me? We can stop by the video store on the way back. Pick out whatever you want, even R-rated" she says trying to make her son feel better. "I think, I just want to stay home today. I mean, if that's okay?" Mike asks his mom. "Well, are you sure you're gonna be all right here by yourself?" Karen asks concerned about her son. "I think so" Mike answers. Karen sighs "Okay, but if you need anything, call dad at work" she says. "Okay" mike said quietly. "Okay" she answers getting up off her sons bed and heading to the door. "Bye" Michael says to his mom still laying in his bed. "Bye sweetie" Karen says while shutting the door.

Once his mom had shut the door Mike quickly got up and grab his walkie-talkie. Turning it on trying to get in contact with Lucas. "Lucas, do you copy?" Mike asks talking into the speaker. After not getting a response he says "Lucas come on, I know you're there!" "This is urgent. I'm serious" still with no response. "Im not gonna stop until you answer" Mike says now getting annoyed that he's being ignored. "Lucas. Lucas! Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, Lucas...." Mike says. "Go away Mike. Im not in the mood, all right? Over and out" Lucas says finally answering. "No, not 'Out'. I'm not messing around, Okay? This is about Will. Over." Mike stated. "What about Will? You mean about his funeral? Over" Lucas questions. "No, not his funeral. Screw his funeral!" Mike says angry. "What?" Lucas says confused hearing his friend say these things. "Just get over here stat. And bring Dustin, I'll call Y/N. Over and out" Mike says finally hanging up.

(Y/Ns pov)

After getting Mikes call I quickly get dressed, grab my bike and start riding to his house. Once I got there I went through the basement door to see the guys. We all sit around El while she switches through radio frequencies. We can hear pieces of whimpering through the static. "We keep losing the signal, but you heard it, right?" Mike asks the group. "Yeah, I heard a baby" Lucas answers. "Mike you absolutely tapped into a baby monitor. It's probably the Blackburns next door" Lucas added. "Uh, did that sound like a baby to you? That was Will!" Mike said. "Mike" Lucas said in a sad tone. "Lucas, you don't understand, he spoke last night. Words! He was singing that weird song he loves. Even El heard him!" He says trying to convince us. "Oh, well, if the weirdo heard him then I guess" Lucas says sarcastically but gets caught off by Dustin. "Are you sure you're on the right channel?" "I don't think it's about that. I think, somehow, she's channeling him..." Mike answers. "Like..." Dustin says before I finish his sentence "Like Professor X". "Yeah" Mike agrees with me and Dustin's thought. "Are you guys actually believing this crap?" Lucas asks while looking at me and Dustin. "I don't know, I mean... do you remember when Will feel off his bike and broke his finger?" Dustin says. "Or that time he tripped and scraped up his leg, he did sound a lot like that" I add. "Did you guys not see what I saw? They pulled Wills body out of the water. He's dead!" Lucas yells. "Well, maybe it's his ghost. Maybe he's haunting us" Dustin says. "It's not his ghost" Mike says quickly. "So how do you know that?" Lucas questions. "I just do!" Mike answers. "Then what was that in the water?" Lucas asks still mad. "I don't know! All I know is Wills alive. Wills alive! He's out there somewhere" Mike yells back. "All we have to do is find him" I say believing parts of what Mike is saying.

We get pulled out of this heated conversation by the sound of the walkie-talkie. El was flipping through channel frequencies again. "This isn't gonna work. We need to get El to a stronger radio" Mike says. "Mr. Clarkes heathkit ham shack" Dustin suggests. "Yeah" both me and mike agree I mean it's probably the strongest in Hawkins. "The heathkits at school. There is no way we're gonna get the weirdo in there without anyone noticing, I mean... look at her" Lucas says we all turn our heads to look at Eleven. "Make over!" I say with a laugh. Me and Mike take El upstairs to Nancy's room to barrow some makeup. While Dustin and Lucas look through old costume box's to find clothes and a wig. After we finish up El goes to change. When she comes out "Wow. She looks..." Dustin says. "Pretty" Mike adds. "Good. You look pretty good." Mike try's to not embarrass himself anymore. "You look great" I add with a thumbs up and a smile. El makes her way over to the mirror in the hallway. "Pretty... Good" she says while looking at herself.

After getting ready we all hop on our bikes and start riding to the middle school. Once inside Mike says "Okay, remember, if anyone sees us, look sad. And Y/N just don't let anyone see you, you know since your not supposed to be here". "Yep got it" I answered. As we walked through the hallway we hear over the PA system. "Attention students, there will be an assembly to honor Will Byers in the gymnasium now". We make it to the room where the heathkit is being stored. Mike try's to open the door "It's locked". "What? Lucas says sounding nervous. "Hey, do you think you can open it? With your powers" Dustin asks El. I listen to their conversation while watching for teachers. Looking around a corner I see shit. "Shit.. shit Mr.Clarke is coming" I say in a nervous whisper. "Go, go" Dustin says while pushing me away. I run down the hallway in the opposite direction and hid behind a wall that lead to another hallway. Watching and listening to their very fast made up story. "Boys?" Mr.Clarke says as he sees the guys. "Assembly's about to start" He says. "We know. We're just you know..." Mike starts "Upset" Lucas finishes. "We need some alone time" Mike says "to cry" Dustin adds. "Yeah, listen. I get it. I do. I know how hard this is, but let's just be there for Will, huh? And then, the heathkit is all yours for the rest of the day, what do you say?" Mr.Clarke says while throwing Mike the keys to the room. "I don't believe we've met. What's your name?" He asks finally noticing El. "Eleven..." El starts to say before being cut off by Mike. "Eleanor! She's my.. uh" then Mike is cut off by Lucas "Cousin" then Lucas is cut off by Dustin "Second cousin". "She's here for Wills funeral" Mike adds. "Ah, well, welcome to Hawkins middle, Eleanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances" Mr. Clarke says. "Thank you" El says in her quiet voice. "Uh, where are from exactly?" Mr.Clarke questions curious. "Bad place.." El starts again before getting cut off again. "Sweden!" Dustin answers "I have a lot of Swedish family" Mike says trying to make it convincing. "She hates it there" Dustin says, "Cold" Lucas adds. "Subzero" Dustin says. Worried he wouldn't believe their lies all I could to was slap my forehead. I really should teach them how to lie better. Luckily the next thing he said was "Shall we?". "Yep!" Dustin answers. As they walk to the assembly Mike turns and mouths 'Don't move we will be back'. I nod and Dustin turns to give me a thumbs up.

Waiting for them sitting in a quiet empty hallway was really boring. How long was this assembly going to take. After a while I start to hear the noise of people talking and walking towards the hallway I was hiding in. Starting to get nervous because now I hear running coming from another hallway leaving me no where to go. Luckily those feet I heard running was the guys and El. "Hey Y/N come on!" Mike yells at me. As soon as I hear him I get off the floor and run into the room. Shutting and locking the door behind me. We all sit around the heathkit "What now?" Dustin asks. "She'll find him, right El?" Mike asks. El shuts her eyes and the kit starts flipping through different frequencies. "She's doing it she's finding him" Mike says. "This is crazy", " awesome" Me and Dustin add. "Calm down. She just closed her eyes" Lucas says unconvinced. The light suddenly shuts completely off. "Holy..." Dustin says "Shit" I say finishing his thought. Clanging noises can start to be heard. "What is that?" Dustin asks but not getting an answer because none of us knew. 'Mom?' "No way!" Lucas says after hearing Will's voice. 'Mom... please, mom!' "Will!" Mike yells. "Will it's us! are you there?", "Can you hear us?!", "Will, we're here for you!" Me, Dustin, and Lucas start yelling. 'Hello? Mom?' "Why can't he hear us?" Lucas asks. "I don't know" Mike answers. 'Mom, mom it's coming! Its like home but it's so dark... Its so dark and empty and it's cold! Mom? Mom! Mom please'. That's all we can hear before the heathkit sparks and goes up in flames at the same time the lights turn back on. Me and Dustin run and grab a fire extinguisher to put it out, and Lucas and Mike check on El. "El, are you okay?" Mike asks El. "Oh" Lucas says. "Can you move?" Mike asks again still not getting an answer. "Here El climb on, i'll carry you out" I say bending down. She gets on my back and I stand up giving her a piggyback ride. We all hurry and get out of the school with the fire alarm going off.

~ this chapter took me awhile to write hope you like it ~

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