Chapter 41 Always moving

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(Previously Y/Ns pov)

Finally realizing something, I'm done loosing, and I'm ready to continue to put up a fight for the people and things I care about; and I won't stop until I take my final breath.

*Back to the present*

After finally realizing what I needed to do. Getting up starting to walking away from all the commotion. Ignoring all the noise but being pulled out of my thoughts by someone grabbing my arm. "Hey! Y/N, where are you going?" It's Steve. Holding onto my arm with a concerned expression on his face. "I'm sorry. I have to go" I say, pulling my arm away. Walking through the crowd of people, slowly speeding up until I'm full on running out of the mall parking lot. Down the road through the traffic, and through the town. Not even slowing down until I see the sign to the 'Forest Hills trailer park.'

Seeing my moms car next to my trailer, knowing that their okay. I make my way to the trailer across the road. Knocking on the door, waiting a second and still not getting an answer. Then pounding on the door until I finally hear someone coming.

The trailer door finally opens to reveal a tired looking Eddie. "Y/N? What are you doing here? Wait what happened, are you okay?" Eddie asks confused. "I'm fine, I just need to talk" I say out of breath. "Are you sure your okay? You look like you just got in a fight" Eddie says concerned. "I'm really okay. I mean, kinda, I just really need to tell you something" I explain. "You know I don't really want to talk right now" He says tired trying to shut the door in a sad manner. "You don't need to talk, I just need you to listen" I say forcefully, putting my hand on the door before he can completely shut it. "Please" I say in a calm tone. Without saying anything back he just opens the door, making way for me to come inside. Making my way into his trailer looking around, it looks worse than it normally does. I walk in an sit down on the couch, he doesn't move much just shutting the door and taking a couple steps towards me. "Please come sit, I'm just going to say what I need. Then we don't have to talk again if that's what you want" I say truthfully. He makes his was to the couch sitting down next to me. "Okay, so talk I'm ready to listen but I can't say it will change anything" Eddie says. "Thank you, Eddie that's all I want" I say, sighing before starting to explain.

"First off, I was only ever in Billy's car last year because I needed to help someone I care about and it was just the quickest way for me to get there. Second, the only reason I ever even became friends with Steve was because of a complete accident. And well in that accident he actually ended up saving my life. He's my friend now which seems weird to say but I care about him. Lastly, I'm sorry for keeping things from you. I've wanted to tell you so much. But I can't, I can't tell you the reason of why I've been gone so much. I can't tell you what really happened in November 1983, I can't tell you what happened before the middle school snowball of '84. It's a secret one I would love to get off my chest and tell you. But I can't, I legally can't. Even if I could tell you without getting in trouble, I still wouldn't. Because every person who has been told, or has accidentally found out the truth has been killed, or now lives in constant fear. You know of all the weird disappearances or unexplained deaths, it's all because of this secret. And I don't want that for you, but I understand that's your decision to make. So, I promise after we graduate, and get the hell out of this town I will tell you everything even if you don't believe me I will tell you the complete truth. The only thing I can tell you the one hundred percent truth on right now is that... Eddie Munson I love you. I have loved you since we were kids. You take care of me and make me feel loved, loved in a way i have never felt before. And i should have fought harder for us. But if you have any questions I'll answer them as best as I can, but that's all I needed to say; Sorry if I took up to much of your time. I'll see myself out." After explaining everything I could, getting up off the couch making my way to the door.

Reaching the door putting my left hand out to turn the handle. Before it reaches it, Eddie grabs onto my right hand. "Don't I get to say anything?" He asks in a sad tone. Slowly turning around to face him, with the tears running down my face. Seeing that he has the same ones. "Y/N, I love you too... and I never stopped. I just don't like the secrets and the little white lies you tell me, I just want the truth even if it sounds crazy. I wish I could say I understand why you can't tell me yet, but I don't. But I'm willing to wait until you can, because I don't want to loose you either" Eddie says whipping the tears away from my cheeks. Pulling me into a hug, one hand placed on my lower back while the other sits on the back of my head holding me close. Wrapping my arms around his waist, finally feeling my body relax. "I'll answer all your questions, I just need you to trust me" I say resting my chin on his chest while looking up at his face. "Oh trust me I have questions, and don't worry... I trust you" He says looking back down at me.

That night was spent laying in Eddie's bed, cuddled up in each others arms. While I answered all of Eddie's questions the best I could.

As the next three months pasted by, Eddie and I worked on our relationship. And I'm happy to say we're back together now. I'm taking a break from working during the school year, but Steve and Robin have both found new jobs at Family video. Now that the school year is coming up fast, it also means the moving date is coming up fast too. After everything that had happened over the summer, Joyce decided it would be best for her to get Will and Eleven out of Hawkins. Which meant all of the Byers and El were moving west to California.

*At the Byers house, moving day*

Helping pack up the kitchen I listen to Max, and Lucas tease Dustin. "Yeah, but you're butchering it, so could you please stop?" Dustin asks very annoyed. "So then join in, Dusty-bun" Lucas says, blowing a kiss at Dustin afterwards. "Yeah, come on, Dusty-bun, why don't you join us?" Max asks in the same mocking manner. I make my way over to stand in the door way of the living room just in time to hear Dustin say "You guys are so funny, you should be on Carson." "Can't we just hear your rendition?" Max questions. "No" Is the stern and only answers Dustin gave Max. The whole argument makes me laugh, catching the others attention. "Sorry Max, but he's not going to, I already tried. He always says the same thing..." I say before repeating the same thing Dustin already told me. "It's reserved for Suzies ear and Suzies ears alone" I explain with a small chuckle while walking through the living room to the front door.

After about another two-three hours the entire Byers house is empty, and ready in the moving trucks and cars. Going up to Ms. Byers first giving her a hug "Oh, I'm going to miss you dear, you always did such a good job of taking care of everyone. Now it's time you take care of yourself, okay?" Joyce says while holding my face in her hands not letting go till I nod my head in agreement. Moving to Jonathan next, giving him I quick goodbye hug, wishing him luck at his new school. Sneaking up behind El to give her a big hug, she turns around and starts crying. "Hey! It's gonna be okay. Your going to do great where ever you go, and I'll always be one phone call away. You just have to make sure not to replace me with all the new friends I know your going to make" I say holding her tight. "Promise" El says softly. "Promise" I say as we lock our pinky fingers together. Finally making my way over to Will, who's standing kinda to the side. "Hey, buddy" I say softly as I approach him. Not getting a verbal response, but he comes up and gives me a hug while softly crying. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be okay. I'll write to you, and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call. I'll drive all the way down to check on you if I need too" I say hugging Will back.

After saying our sorrow goodbyes, Joyce and El get into the moving van. While Jonathan and Will get into Jonathan's car. As they start to pull away we all stand and just watch as the cars get farther and farther away. I wait till everyone else leaves, until slowly grabbing my bike, taking one last look at the Byers house before riding away.

~ this one is a bit shorter just because it's ending off the storyline of season three, which means the next chapter will be the start of season four! glad your all still with me because this is where your relationship with Eddie really shines. Also i can thank y'all enough for getting me to 4.54k reads it means so much, next chapter will be up soon! ~

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