Chapter 32 Snow Ball '84

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(Y/Ns pov)

      After everyone got out of the tunnels, back from Hoppers cabin, and returned from the lab. We all spent the night, passing out at the Byers.

     Waking up from the morning light shining through the window. Sitting up stretching starting to think about what's happened these past couple days. But I just can't shake the feeling that i'm forgetting something. Closing my eyes trying to fall back asleep. But immediately being polled out from the remembrance of what I had promised Eddie. I promised him we would hang out and that was three days ago! He must be worried sick and my mom must be to. Getting up and grabbing all my stuff, I start my run back to the trailer park.

     Once arriving completed out of breath. First I run over to Eddie's trailer and start banging on the door. I know he's still asleep since it's only 6:30 and honestly who wakes up that early. After a couple minutes of banging on the door, a sleepy looking Eddie finally opens it. "Y/N, what the hell happened to you? You got bruises on your neck and looks like you had a bloody nose" He asks tired. I run up and hug him saying "i'm so sorry, Ed's. I never meant to be gone that long." After a second he pushes me away, making a confused face I was about to ask what's wrong when he starts talking. "Look, I don't care where you were, it's your business. But why were you gone so long, you promised we would hang out. Then you never came home, your mom has been trying to get a hold of you!" Eddie doesn't yell but his tone of voice makes it feel like he's yelling at me. "Look, Ed's i'm sorry I was helping-" I start to try and explain. "The guys, yeah I know. But that doesn't explain why you've been gone so long. Or why people have been saying they've seen you with Steve Harrington. And in the back of Billy Hargroves car? Plus it looks like you just got in a fight" Eddie keeps going. "Steve and I, we're just friends. And I wasn't in Billy's car with Billy I was with his sister" I clarifying. "And what exactly were you and Steve doing? Also why are you hanging out with Billy's sister?" He questions annoyed. "Look Steve and I, we, we're just, helping Dustin. Like I said the scientific studies. And Billy's sister, Max is now friends with the guys since they're all in the same grade." I say, trying to explain it in the simplest way I could think of. "Theres no way you needed Steve's help with a science thing. I may be getting held back again this year but he's barely going to graduate" Eddie answers. "Well yes that's true, we uh, didn't need his help with the science part of it, more with the heavy lifting part" I say. "Well what is this, 'scientific studies' exactly?" He asks. "uh, it's top secret, I can't tell anyone who doesn't already know, or anyone who's not in the party" I say feeling bad I can't tell him the truth. "I feel like I have no idea what's going on anymore. You ditch me for the guys, your now hanging out with Steve. And you can't tell me why you've been MIA for the past couple days" He explains. "Yeah, I uh, I know it's sounds bad, but uh there really isn't anything going on" I trying to sound convincing, but i'm kinda freaking out. "I'm sorry, I just, I can't do this right now. I need a break, goodbye, Y/N" He says in a sad tone getting ready to close the door. "Uh, okay, I uh, I understand. I'll be here when your ready to talk, or if you need anything" I say starting to cry. He closes the door, once it's closed I still don't move. I just stand there thinking, thinking and wishing I could tell him what I was really doing but I can't.

     Standing there crying for a couple minutes, hoping he would open the door again. But he doesn't and I know he doesn't plan of doing it. Making my way slowly back to my own trailer. Unlocking the door to find my mom asleep on the couch. Turning off the tv and pulling a blanket over her. Making my way down the hallway. Opening each door checking on my siblings who are all fast asleep still. Going into my room making sure i'm quiet since I share with Harley. Setting my stuff down and grabbing fresh, clean clothes. The bathroom is my next stop, staring at myself in the mirror. Seeing the tears running down my face, large dark rings under my eyes, hair all kinda messed up from being in those tunnels. Afterwards getting in the shower, standing there for longer than I probably should have. After washing up stepping out of the shower to put on the clean clothes.

     Once finished with my long shower checking the time seeing that everyone should be getting up soon. Deciding since I haven't been home to help as much lately, i'll make breakfast. Cutting up fresh fruit and making nice and warm pancakes. As every makes their way out of their rooms seeing me, each coming up and giving me a hug. I give them a small smile, filling up everyone's plates and turning on morning cartoons. As my mom starts to wake up she makes her way over to me. "So where have you been?" She questions as I hand her a plate full of food. "First I went to Dustin's like I said, then stopped at the Wheelers and the Sinclairs, no one was there though. So then Dustin and I met up with Steve then went back to Dustins. Stopped at the store, went on a long walk then met up with Lucas and Max. Then went on another long walk met up with Nancy and Jonathan. Then Hopper picked us up and all of us went to the Byers and that's where i've been. Sorry I should have called" I explain not really making eye contact. Just wanting to get the truth out as fast as I can without any other information slipping out. "So is that it?" She asks taking a bite of her food. "Yes, that's it" I say turning to face her. "Okay" She answers turning around to go sit down. "That's it? You're not going to ask any other questions?" I ask confused. "Nope, I trust you, plus I know your telling the truth. I called them all last night, I called Mrs. Wheeler she said you and Dustin stopped by. I also called Mr. Sinclair who said the same thing. Then I called Ms. Henderson who said that you spent the night there and was going out with Dustin. I also called the police station to ask Hopper if he's seen you but Flo said he was at the Byers which goes along with your story" my mom explains. "Oh okay" I answer surprised. "Why is there a reason I shouldn't believe you?" She asks smirking at me. "Nope" I answer honestly. "Okay, good. Now make yourself a plate and come eat with your family" She says sitting down. I smile making my self a plate and sat down like she said.

     As the weeks pasted seeing Eddie around, smiling and waving at him, but he just ignoring me. I felt bad I didn't really want to do anything. I just went to school and went straight home afterwards. But the snow ball at the middle school is coming up. And Nancy convinced me to help out with it since 'I never went when I was in middle school'. Which is true I never went, but helping with it didn't sound super fun. But it was better than staying in and being sad. So I got into my nice clothes did my hair on the phone with Steve listening to his advice.

*At the dance*

     Now here I am at my first middle school dance as a high schooler. Nancy and I helped hand out punch and snacks. And Jonathan took pictures. All the guys looked great and so did Max. Everyone looked to be having a good time, but to be honest I wouldn't know this is my first school dance in general.

     About half way through the night I see Dustin sitting on the bleachers by himself. Taking a break from drinks, I make my way over to him. Stopping in front of him, he quickly whips his tears away before looking at me. "Wanna dance?" I ask putting my hand out. "Huh, but why would you want to dance with me?" He asks confused. "Well because your my friend and I want to shove it in those bitches faces, let's show them what their missing" I say with a smile. He takes my hand and we walk out to the dance floor. "I don't know how to dance" Dustin admits. "That's okay, i'm well, i'm not great but I know how" I say. I put his hands on my hips and putting my hands on his shoulders. We start swaying to the best of the song. "You're hair looks great" I compliment. "You're's does too" Dustin says with a smile. "So who helped you with yours?" I question. "What about you?" Dustin asks. "Steve!" We both say at the same time with a laugh at the end. "He may be dumb but he is really good at doing hair" I admit.

     The night continues with fun and laughter. It was a great night, the first night I didn't over think about Eddie, or monsters. It was just a night to be happy and have fun.

~ Last chapter of season 2, bit of angst in this chapter sorry, but maybe it will all work out in the end you'll just have to wait and see ~

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