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"Aaaand print." Tom muttered, hovering his hand over the printing machine, grabbing the stacks of papers that came out of it.

Just then, he heard the doorbell ring. He left the room to open it, there it was, Cousin Tabby standing there.

"H-Hi, C-Cousin!" He waved.

Tom let go of the doorknob, turning to head back to the printer.

"W-What are you doing?" He asked.

"Printing missing flyers out for jerry. It's been a week! Jerry wouldn't just 'run off' without giving me some sort of heads up...."

"Oh my, how long has it been since he's been missing?"

"It'll officially be a week tomorrow ..."

"You sure he didn't just, 'run off' or anything? I-I'm not saying that he's not missing or anything, b-but maybe he did tell you he was gonna be gone for a little while, and y-you just forgot!"

"Tabby that's ridiculous! Jerry always says something if he's gonna be away for a long period of time. If he forgets, he'd quickly call my phone, and let me know, whether I answer or it goes to voicemail."

"People can change cousin, friends can change."

Tom blinked confused at Tabby, and shrugged it off as him being weird.

"Whatever, look just help me put up these flyers. We're only gonna use the nearby blocks. So it'll save you from complaining about the walking. You're nothing but skin and bones." He said, handing him half of the flyers.

Tabby read over the flyer, "His real name is Jerome?" He asked.

"Yeah, I actually thought it was Gerald....but getting Jerry from Jerome kinda makes more sense from getting it from Gerald." Tom replied.

"Why does your face constantly turn red whenever you talk about him?"

"It's none of your business, this is for adults only."

"I am an adult!"

"You're 19....Adults can drink, you cannot. Not until you're 21 at least."

Tabby scowled his face, he started walking ahead of Tom, not in the planned route to set up posters.

"Wait, where are you going!?" Tom yelled, "We're starting on this side!" He sighed, Tabby was ignoring him, going the way he wanted.

Tabby walked further away from Tom's field of vision, tossing the posters into the garbage can (like one of those big green ones, I just don't know wtf they're called). He crossed the street, blending into the crowd as a familiar person he knew was standing over him, watching him. Making sure every move he made was correct and accurate.

"We're you followed?" He asked.

Tabby shook his head, "My cousin just shrugged it off as me being, 'weird'...."

"Smart move. But me and you have to talk."

"About what?"

"Your stutter. You're not using it properly, in fact it's slipping. I barely heard you speak with it. Thank god Thomas was oblivious to it. Hopefully, he'll think nothing of it, and think you're just coming out your shell, and getting better at speaking in public."

"He won't, I promise. And if he does, I'll just start speaking in the stutter again, he'll drop it."

"Thomas may be stupid, but you're even stupider if you think that'll work."

"Don't call me stupid, or else-."

"Or else what? You'll tell your boyfriend Muscles? I'm not scared of him. You'll blow this whole operation up? Go ahead, I've got nothing to lose."

"Um, excuse me?"

Both cat's turned around to see a human lady, she had dark brown (watch I make it blonde in the next chapter lmaooo) hair and blue eyes. She was holding Jerry's missing flyers, the one's Tabby were supposed to tape down and hand out.

"I notice that you tossed these, perhaps this someone is missing? I can help you look for him, no reward necessary."

Tabby snatched the stack out her hand, with a soft but threatening smile, "I don't need your help. This person is dead."

The lady grabbed onto his shoulder, "If they're dead then these posters shouldn't have been printed recently. I can still feel the warmth of the printer. These have to be no more than 20 minutes old. Why must you lie to me?"

"Cause it's none of your business bitch." He (not Tabby) replied.

"I see." She said, reaching into her purse. Both males took a stance ready to engage a fight with her if necessary. (Ya know, at the time of writing this Spy x Family recently stopped airing a week prior to this, so y'all remember that scene where Yor's identity is reveled that she's an assassin?)

"Who are you, really?" He (again, not Tabby) asked.

She drew her blades, "Doesn't matter. I can be either your friend, or an enemy. You decide."

"Enemy." He declared.

"Doesn't bother me." She said, lunging at the males with her blades. Tabby got cut in the arm, while the other got a nice good slit of the throat, that's gonna leave a mark.

Tabby backed away from the fight, to assist his friend, the lady hovered over the pair, licking blood off the blade.

"Takes like an AB donor." She remarked.

"You bitch!" Tabby hissed.

"I don't wanna have to run into either of you again. Consider this encounter a warning." She threatened.

"You threatening us!?" He exclaimed.

"That, and a promise." She concealed her artillery back inside her purse, bidding fair-well to both men.

Tabby looked at his friend, the bleeding wasn't stopping, he had two—no, three choices. Either let him bleed out, take him to a hospital and explain what happened, or take him back to 'headquarters' and let him recover there. Option 3 was arguably the best answer, so that was the plan.


"What're you nerds both doing back here?" Topsy asked, kicking his feet up against the table.

"Get your feet off the table moron." Meathead said, pushing the small cat. "They're bleeding, so they're obviously injured."

"Who beat you guys' up?" Lightning asked.

"The same person who fucked up your eye." He replied.

"Where's Boss?"

"Out and about."

"How's our kidnapped mouse?"

"He's fighting every day, no matter how many times we advice him to stay quiet, he keeps on fighting."

"Way to leave out the part of you trying to fuck him." Co-Boss spoke up.

"He tried to do what!?" Tabby asked disgusted.

"Ugh, forget about it..." Topsy groaned.

"You guys are bleeding heavily, go in the bathroom and clean yourselves up! Boss'll be back soon, and I don't wanna be the one getting hit on because you two can't fight." Meathead said.

"Can it, Meatball." Tospy hissed.
(No cause the way I just now realized that I was spelling the name as Tospy like the wiki said, and auto correct kept changing it to Topsy, so we finna have another Butch getting changed to bitch situation-) Meathead rolled his eyes scoffing softly as he once again had to clean up more blood.

Hiiii, yes I'm alive! I just, haven't really had motivation to write, like days I would start writing, but lose the idea/motivation. So, for me to publish two chapters back to back is honestly a miracle. I do have the rest of the story planned out, it's just me getting time to do write it.

I'm not planning on Tospy to r@pe Jerry, since r@pe is a very sensitive topic, and we're all for consent over here. Also, if this chapter seems a little iffy, I wrote this chapter before 'Bosses Orders' like I was going back and forth with writing lol. Thank you all so much for being patient with me, and I'll see y'all in the next chapter! <3

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