The Hospital

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Tom opened his eyes, his vision blurry, he was starting to come to. He felt restrained, restricted. He tried to snatch his arm forward, but he was stopped by something holding him down. He shifted his eyes to it, noticing an IV stand behind him, as well as a heart monitor and blood pressure machine.

"You're awake now, huh?"

Tom recognized the voice, he turned, it was his sister, Thomasina. She smiled softly, getting up from the chair, she knelt down next to him on the bed.

"How you feeling?"

Tom opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out other than groggily hoarse sounds.

Thomasina frowned, "I knew you were gonna sound rough waking up, but I didn't think you'd be this rough." She said.

Tom raised a confused eyebrow at her, "You were obviously unconscious when you were brought in. However, they had to do some emergency surgery to get the bullet out of you. For some reason, the surgery was affecting your nearby vocal chords, the doctors had to go around them, dropping your survival rate from 76 to 16."

I thought I was shot in the stomach... Tom thought to himself.

"It's a bunch of complicated things, you're young, I don't quite get you'll understand which is why the important thing is that you're safe, awake, alive." She said, hugging him.

Tom noticed a napkin from his sisters water tray. He made a sound, pointing at it. Thomasina was a smart cat, she caught on very quickly.

Where's mom at? He wrote on the napkin.

"She was here earlier, but she had to go to work."

What happened to Tabby and Muscles?

"We don't know. Uncle Harold is pressing charges of course, which means they're out on the lamb."

When can I go home?

"That's up for the doctors to decide, not me."

Has [.....]

The name on the note was scribbled out, it was a dumb question to ask, he doubted his sister even knew about them. Instead, he wrote...

Can I get something to eat?

"Oh sure! What would you like?" Thomasina asked.

Thomasina soon stepped out to get Tom some food. Tom on the other hand, stood up out his bed, walking towards the window. He wanted to open it, and dramatically stare out it but it was winter, not summer. He could only instead, miserably watch as the snow hit the window.

"It's pretty cold out there, isn't it?"

Tom's eyes widened, he turned around, there he stood, Jerry. He held a present in his hand, with a slight head tilt and a soft smile, "Merry Christmas, Thomas." He spoke.


Tom almost fell to his knees running to hug him, Jerry dropped the present, the box opened up. Tom next turned his attention to the present, he went to go pick it up.

Jerry knelt down next to Tom, kissing his cheek. "I've missed you..." He whispered into his ear.

"I've missed you too." Tom replied, kissing Jerry's lips.

Tom lifted his hand up Jerry's shirt, twisting his nipple with one hand, sucking on the other. Jerry reached his hand up Tom's nightgown, touching his dick.

"Remember when you called me a pervert that one time? Look how the tables have turned~" Tom joked.

"" A distorted voice called out.

Tom x Jerry OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now