Hospital Visit

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Jerry started to violently puke. He wasn't sure what was causing it. Maybe it was something he ate, or maybe he was just getting sick. It was still February after all.

The good news is that, February was soon coming to an end. Compared to last year, this year was the better February. He his birthday dinner with Tom on the 16th, he had finally stood up to muscles a week later, him and Tom had some much needed alone time a few days ago, and now February was finally coming to a close.

Jerry still felt suspicious however, nothing bad has happened to him or Tom. Which was a good thing, don't get me started. But still, having someone like Muscles as your family member can only mean troubling times ahead.

Jerry flushed the toilet, watching in disgust the food from earlier that was now mushed together in a liquid like state. He wiped his mouth, splashing water on his face. He left the bathroom, heading backstairs to see Tom coming back home from a job interview.

"How'd it go?" Jerry asked, greeting Tom with a quick kiss on the cheek, helping Tom undress.

Tom let out an exhausted sigh, "He kept talking for hours! But hey, I think I landed the interview."

Jerry giggled, "That's good to hear." Again, Jerry felt uneasy. He placed his hands over his mouth, gagging. He ran into the kitchen, puking into the trash can. Tom came behind him, rubbing his back.

"Are you okay?" He asked him.

Jerry nodded, " must've been something I ate..." He sighed.

Tom snickered, "Or ya pregnant." He winked.

Jerry glared at him, "Pregnant? As if." He scoffed. "We're both guys y'know. That kinda stuff is impossible! Well, unless you're a seahorse or you were assigned female at birth..."

Tom laughed, "I know, I know~ I was just teasing you! Maybe I went too rough on you, and your body's finally caught up to the pain."

Jerry blushed, "Yeah, you're an animal!" He muttered, avoiding eye contact.

Tom chuckled softly, coming from behind. Kissing down Jerry's neck, sliding his fingers down below. Jerry leaned over the countertop, moaning softly. Tom lifted Jerry's leg, pulling his pants down to his ankles.

Tom slipped his finger inside of Jerry, fingering him loose. Jerry felt his stomach turn again, but he decided to hold it in. Maybe if the pleasure kicked in instead, it would negative the pain. Tom noticed Jerry groaning in pain, he stopped, pulling his finger out.

"Are you okay?" He whispered.

"My stomach is acting up again...I'm fine......"

Tom sighed, "No you're not. We need to take you to the doctor. I'll call a cab."

I feel like in a previous chapter they legit had a car that they owned. Someone correct me if I'm wrong 😭 excluding the rental car they used to come back from the motel like 3 chapters ago

Tom pulled his pants up, picking Jerry up, he carried him in his arms, waiting outside in the cold for the cab to pull up. Jerry felt a sense of shame, embarrassment. He hid his feelings by nuzzling into Tom, who felt warm to him. Layered in all those coats, and the fact cats are warm blooded animals.

I know mice are warm blooded too stfu and let them be happy and gay

Jerry's pain worsened on the way there, his stomach felt like it was about to burst from out his chest. His body temperature spiked. There was no way this was an effect of food poisoning. Something worse was going on.

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