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The door was opened, "Come on out." One of them said. Jerry lifted his head, angrily glaring at his captivators.

"It's time to eat." Another one of them responded. Coming into the room, untying Jerry. He still put a dog leash around him, so Jerry wasn't to get any ideas of escaping.

"The boss'll be back any minute."

"Hey, what are you two idiots doing?" Topsy asked,  coming into the room.

"We're just setting him up for boss!" Lightning responded, meathead nodded.

"Gee, thanks. While you two losers were doing that, the meat in the oven was burning!" He yelled.

"We put Carver in charge of it, right?" Lightning asked, turning to meathead who shrugged.

"Whose Carver?" Meathead asked.

"He's that orange lookin fella! He kinda looks like you, just..." He hesitated.

"Just what?" Meathead asked.

"Just not as fat as you are!" He snickered.

The two got into it, Topsy facepalmed hardly, turning towards Jerry. He yanked on the dog collar, "Come with me." He ordered. As the pair exited the room, Muscles was coming inside.

Muscles noticed Jerry, the two exchanged glances.

"Why is he out?" Muscles asked.

"You told us to, sir."

"No, I did not."

Topsy blinked in confusion, "You did...earlier, you called and said-."

"Are you defying me, Topsy?"

Topsy hesitated, "No sir."

"Where's Butch at?"

"In the other room." He said, clenching the dog collar in his hand.

"He's gonna choke me with that." Jerry thought to himself.

"And free my cousin Jerry, who the hell do you people think you are? He's stupid, but ain't stupid enough to run away from here."

"Free him?" Topsy blinked in confusion. Jerry looked at him with a smirk on his face. "I refuse!" He yelled.

Muscles took a step forward, pulling up his sleeves, he gripped Topsy up by the neck, choking him.

"Boss, no!"

"Boss, stop!"

Lightning and Meathad came running from the kitchen, trying to free Topsy from Muscles choking grasp. You'd think with Topsy being slightly taller than Muscles, he could overpower him with height alone. But alas, he was wrong.

"Muscles?" Muscles let go of Topsy, he turned, looking at the person standing at the door.

"Georgie, what are you doing here?" Muscles asked. "I thought I told you to stay in the car...."

"I was thirsty, I wanted something to drink.... Who are these people?"

"They're family." He lied, well it wasn't fully a lie since Jerry was his only relative. Muscles cleared his throat, "Actually the brown ones my cousin, the others are just homeless people I took in."

"Homeless?" Meathead scoffed.

"Hey you, get him some water!" Muscles shouted. "And make it snappy too, or else I'll snap your fucking neck." He hissed.

Tabby took the glass of water, drinking it, he thanked the gentleman and went back outside.

"So what do we do with this food?"

Tom x Jerry OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now