Christmas Dinner

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"Hey Tom, can you help mom get groceries out the car!?" Tom's sister, Thomasina called out, Tom nodded, scooting away from his nephews, grabbing his coat and walking outside.

"Thomas darling, there's some more bags in the trunk, here, take these ones!" His mother told him, handing the bags from out her hand.

"Where do I put these?" He asked her.

"In the kitchen, wherever there's room, and wherever any of your sisters kids can't reach." She replied.

Tom carried the bags into the house, inside the kitchen. He felt something tugging at his leg, he looked down seeing his nephew with 'puppy dog eyes'.

"No no Theo, grandma said no."

Baby Theo started to cry, Tom sighed, picking him up, patting his back, calming his young nephew down.

"You acted like that when you were a baby." Tom's sister chimed in.

"What do you mean?" He asked her.

"Well, when you were around Theo's age, you used to wanna crawl, and climb, and get into everything...." She began, "Mom would have to snatch you back before you got hurt, you'd cry like a baby, and I'd have to hold you in my arms, and pat your back until you stopped crying..." She laughed.

The doorbell to their mothers house rang, Thomasina went to go answer it, "Georgie!" She cheered.

Tom put Theo down, walking out the kitchen and towards the front door, Cousin Tabby was here, even though it was unclear if he was showing up, since he never called anyone back.

"H-Hi Cousin!" He exclaimed, hugging his older cousin. He glared at Tom in his eyes.

"Glad you could make it! Dinner is being made now, so you're kind of early..." She weakly laughed.

"T-That's okay! I ate before I c-came..."

Thomasina placed her hand over her mouth, giggling, "Typical Tabby, just as timid as always! Even around family..."

"Oh my, is that Georgie!?" Tom's mother called out, heading out the kitchen with a pan of food in her hand.

"A-Auntie!" Tabby waved. Tabby noticed Tom's fixed gaze on him, he dropped his acts of 'timidity' for a brief second, bumping past him as he walked into the kitchen.

"Tom, are you alright?" Thomasina asked.

Tom nodded, "'s nothing..."


It was now 7pm, more of the family came over for dinner, such as Tom's father, some of his cousins from his aunt's line of the family, his great grandma, and most importantly, Jerry's cousin; Muscles.

"Everyone, this is my boyfriend; Muscles." Tabby announced, placing his hand overtop of his arm.

"Pleasure to meet you all." Muscles responded.

"Wait, so you're gay?" One of Tom's younger cousins asked.

Tabby shamefully nodded, "I-I'm sorry for hiding it for so long! I-I just didn't know when the right time to t-tell you would be..." He frowned.

Tabby's mom (who Tabby didn't have a good relationship with towards the end of highschool) placed her hand on his face. "It's okay, I support you." She softly smiled.

"Oh great, another fag into the family." Tabby's father said.

"Harold!" Tom's mother spat, hitting her younger brothers shoulder.

"No no Rosita, I have to say this." He said, standing up.

Rosita tried desperately to hide her embarrassment m, by eating more of her plate.

"I generally don't know where I went wrong with you, 'Tabby'..." Harold began, "What on earth happened to you, kid? Was it the sports? Were you getting bullied for acting like a bitch constantly? I'm more or so shocked you didn't come to announce you were transitioning into a girl. If you were, I'd honestly be more proud of you then. You always did act like a female. Constantly wearing makeup, wanting to have long hair, sometimes you wore skirts and dresses when playing with friends. That's probably why they beat you up."

Tabby tightly gripped the fork on the table, "I'm happy like this." He lied, clenching his teeth.

"Why can't you be like Thomas? He might not have the best of luck finding a gal, but at least he didn't turn out to be a faggot like you." He said, holding his hand out to Tom.

Tom looked around the room, scared to take his uncles hand. Whether it was the right thing to do or not, he felt uneasy at the table.

"I have to use the bathroom." He declared, excusing himself to the table, instead of going to the bathroom he stepped outside.

"If uncle acted like that to Tabby, god knows how they'll all act if I brang Jerry over here..." He said, reaching into his pocket to light a cigarette. He heard his phone vibrate, but didn't pay it any mind. He ran his fingers through his hair. "Mother did say that if I ever came out gay, she'd support me. But that's the thing, I'm not gay. I don't know what the hell I am. I like Jerry, but I also like women. But I don't like women more than I like Jerry. It's just...something about him...Ugh!" He shouted. "I miss him..."

"Miss who?" The voice said, he turned to see Tabby and Muscles walking up to him.

Tom blew a puff of smoke, he couldn't help but wonder in confusion how Muscles and Tabby ended up together.

"Listen here pussy cat." Muscles threatened. "Tabby and I are happy, so you better chose your words carefully, or else you'll end up like Harold." He told him.

"End up like Harold?"

The doors burst open, cousin Harold held a shotgun in his hand, his face bloody, and so was his mouth. It looks as if Muscles beat him to a pulp for what he said about Tabby. The gun (which belonged to his father, and was passed down since he was the (only) eldest son)) was loaded, he pointed it at Muscles.

Tom froze, he immediately covered his eyes. A shot went off, Tom felt an agonizing pain in his stomach, opening his eyes and looking down, he seen he was the one who ended up getting shot, not muscles. He fell to the floor, his vision blanking out. The last thing he saw before he passed out, was Tabby and Muscles, hand and hand running off.

Merry Christmas! And wow, look at me, updating the book I 100% did NOT forget about. I just didn't know where to start, or where to begin. I won't lie this story is kinda iffy and full of holes. I think when I'm 100% done, I'll add a Q&A thing, which will allow y'all to answer lingering questions :)))

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