Lunch Date (Part 2)

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Jerry stifled a laugh, "Your twin brother? Right, the one you said was dead!" He started to chortle and laugh louder. Tom on the other hand, he wasn't laughing.

"How?" He asked his brother. "You died when we were 6 years old!"

His brother (Timothy, but will call him Tim for short) shook his head, "No...when I regained consciousness at the hospital, I remember the doctors saying I had a slim to no chance on living..that was after my surgery. They said my face was so badly damaged it was a lose lose. I could die right there, or do the surgery and have a 0.00021% chance of survival..."

"And knowing Mom and dad, they did the surgery..."

His brother nodded, "The last thing I remember was mother crying, and you both being escorted out by father.
The doctors had told them I died during my surgery so and they were gonna cremate my body. They took me away to this private little school where I grew up from there. I escaped when I was 19, and here I am today."

"But why use Tom's name? Don't you remember your birth name?"

His brother shook his head, "I never knew what happened to you guys, but then I seen you on the news one day! At your little piano concert, where you were crying over somebody named 'Jerry'..." He shuddered, "That's a weird name for a girl."

Jerry cleared his throat, "Because I'm not a girl, I'm a guy."

Tom's brother's eyes widened, "Huh?"

"Timothy. Your was Timothy..."

'Timothy' blinked, trying to see if he could remember that far back to determine wether Tom was telling the truth or not.

Jerry abruptly cut them off, "Okay well it's time to go! It's fucking freezing out here! And I'm cold!"

"Hold on—! Here, take my number at least. Let's catch up." He said with a smile. Timothy handed Tom the paper, which was intercepted by Jerry who snatched it.

"Thanks." He said, Tom turned to stare down his long lost brother, who was now found.


Jerry unlocked the keys to the house, letting Tom go inside. He tried to close the door, but the mailman pulled up on their doorstep.

"Not right now Cuckoo! We're kinda busy...Tom's going through something right now."

"I have to deliver the mail." He said, pointing to their mailbox.

"I know, I know. But could you, uh maybe come back? Or I dunno, leave it in our mailbox!?"

"But I always hand give you the mail cause remember that time when—."

"Cuckoo!!" Jerry yelled, he nervously laughed. "Getting off topic again!" He sang.

"Jeez, okay! You need to cool down. Maybe, you two should go out on this little vacation resort area..." Cuckoo said, giving Jerry the pamphlet as he started to skim through it.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure Tom would love to go somewhere like this, it's just that...this house... it isn't ours...we're renting it.... Sooo, who would watch over the house while we're away?"

"I can do it! No problem!"

"But, what about your work?"

"I'm sure someone can cover for me! I'll just fake an injury, and have the entire 4-5 days to myself, and watch over the house while you two are out there getting busy~" He said, nudging Jerry's shoulder.

Jerry weakly laughed, "What do you mean?" He asked.

Cuckoo got down on his knees, imitating the noises he would hear Jerry made as Tom fucked him.

"Woah, okay! I'm sorry for asking I uh..." Jerry softly laughed, "I didn't know someone like Cuckoo could hear how loud Tom fucks me." He said to himself, his eyes trailing away from Cuckoo. Jerry sighed, tossing the pamphlet on the kitchen counter.

"I'll talk it over with Tom, if we agree, we'll let you stay here and watch over the house. As long as you agree to not trash it up too badly, that seems fair?"

Cuckoo nodded proudly, shaking Jerry's hand. He tore off one of his feathers, using it as a pen, handing Jerry his phone number as he flew off to deliver more mail.

"Give me the call when you're ready!" He squealed, flying off to deliver the rest of the mail for today.

Jerry closed the door, turning back to Tom, still in shock from what happened a few hours ago.

"Who was that?" He asked turning his head with a sniffle.

"Cuckoo, who else..." Jerry scoffed, rolling his eyes. He sat down next to Tom, "You feeling okay~?" He asked, placing his hand on Tom's face, rubbing it.

Tom fell backwards onto the couch, bringing Jerry down with him.

He let out a unintelligible groan, so Jerry leaned in to try and understand it. Tom used this as an opportunity to kiss Jerry. Jerry was taken by surprise, immediately getting up.

"Thomas!" He whined.

Tom laughed, getting up, leaning in for another kiss. Jerry refused at first, but gave in. Tom ran his hands down Jerry's shirt, "Hey!!!~" He whined, "You're supposed to be crying in shock still!"

"I am in shock still, I am! But only having sex with you will truly make me feel better!" He said, kissing Jerry down his neck.

"Well try and keep it down!" Jerry said, undressing. "If Cuckoo can hear us, good lord our other neighbors can too!"

"So? Let them listen~" He said, toppling over Jerry.

Guess whose back from disappearing cutely! ^^ sorry schools been kicking my ass, along with work, and seasonal depression 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️hey you guys want the mpreg/omegaverse story route? :D

I was originally gonna have Jerry like get kidnapped during like last chapter, but I decided to let y'all be happy :))) be prepared LOL! Not sure what Imma do with Timothy's character...oh wait! 😈😈 This chapter was legit done, but I never checked it assuming it was drafted. Oops 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️

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