The Cat Concerto

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There will be an anime reference in this. Kudos to you if you get it.


"You have a concert tonight?" Jerry asked. Tom nodded, "Believe it or not, I'm very talented in playing the piano. I took lessons as a kid, not by choice though."

"Oh...Well what time does it start?"

"At 7."

"I get to come, right?"

Tom laughed, "Why would you?"

Jerry blushed, "I thought you'd wanna take someone else..." He said, evading eye contact with Tom.

"Like who? Toodles Galore?"

Jerry nodded, "You seem really into her."

"Not as into her, as I am to you." He said, kissing Jerry on his cheek.

Jerry blushed he was flustered. Tom kept kissing and kissing him on his face, he slipped his hand up Jerry's shirt.

"Now?" He questioned, "You haven't even take me out to dinner first." He winked.

"I can take you after my show tonight, if you don't eat all the snacks the theater has to offer."

Jerry giggled, "I think I'll like that." He winked, breaking free of Tom's grab on him, waiting for him outside.


"Thomas Cat. I'm performing tonight."

"You can go, name?"

"Gerald Mouse, I'm his guest, I have a backstage pass, right here in my-."

"You can go, but don't go out on stage with him, I'll have security drag your tiny ass out." Jerry awkwardly coughed, Tom pulled him by the arm.

"That guy was rude..." He whispered.

Tom reached the backstage door, this is where he and Jerry had to bid fairwell.

"Do your best!" Jerry said, encouraging him, "I know you can do it!"

Tom was overtaken by emotions, he leaned forward, kissing Jerry on his lips. He didn't want to let go, he didn't want to break free. Jerry softly moaned against Tom's lips, they were interrupted, being caught by one of the directors. Tom and Jerry both fixed theirselves, acting is if nothing happened.

"Mr..*clears throat* Cat...the show is about to begin.

"Yeah, sorry! Thank you. I'll be right there." He said, kissing Jerry one final goodbye.

Jerry waved off Tom, shouting at him that he believed in him, and that he was going to do great.

"I didn't know he was gay." The other stage director is.

"Bi." Jerry corrected, "He's bi..."

"And you?"



Jerry let out a sneeze, embarrassed by his actions he covered his mouth, bringing his knees to his chest.Immediately, he was rudely shushed by the people sitting next to him, "Sorry!" He tried to apologize, but it was no use.

The sound of loud applause could be heard, the show was over, Tom was finished. He stood up, taking his bow. The lights slowly turned back on, brightening the room. Jerry sat up, picking up the now trampled flowers off the floor that he was going to give to Tom, as a token of appreciation.

Jerry followed the crowd, leaving out the theatre rows. He started to search for Tom, pushing past the people who were standing doing nothing. He noticed Tom, talking to the director of the whole show.

He called his name, Tom turned his attention, looking to see who it was. He seen Jerry flagging him down, as he jumped up and down. Tom smiled, he thanked the director, heading in the direction of Jerry, but alas...he was stopped by the paparazzi and adoring fans who wanted to ask him some more questions.

"Mr Cat, how did you feel playing during tonight's show!?" A reporter asked.

"I felt kind of nervous, but I had a loyal supporter cheering me on!" Tom responded.

"A loyal supporter? What's her name!?" The female reporter asked.

"His name is-."

Tom could see over the shoulders of the reporters, Jerry wasn't there. He was gone. He excused himself once again, trying to figure out where the mouse went.

"Jerry!?" Tom yelled, looking left to right, up and down. He checked the seating area, in case he went back in there to quietly wait for him, but no Jerry. He checked the bathroom, each stall, one by one, but no Jerry. His last place to look idea was outside, in the back. Sure, it was now raining outside, but still no Jerry.

"I hope that he doesn't get hurt..." He sighed, leaning against the wall, staring up into the sky.


"Who are you!?" Jerry cried.

"You should already know who I am." They said, stepping into the light, away from the dark, so Jerry could see them.

Jerry's eyes widened, "[...]!? W-What do you want with me?!"

"You never should've messed with us, Gerald." They said.

Hey y'all! I'm back! :D I wanna apologize for not updating, I literally had no motivation to write, on this story at least. I won't be dropping it, because that's what quitters do. I also start working on Monday, so not only am I a college student, I have to balance a job too. That being said, we got some drama going on. I won't say exactly who Jerry's kidnappers are, but I'll hint who they are. One of them is from the running gag of auto correct switching their name to...and the other one, is a secret for now. See you guys hopefully soon, with another chapter! :)

 See you guys hopefully soon, with another chapter! :)

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