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Jerry ran as fast as he could through the cold winter streets. He barely had any clothing on, he didn't even wear shoes. The only thing keeping him from getting hypothermia was due to his animal biology. 'Rodents' are generally warm blooded animals, it has something to do with 'behavioral thermoregulation' but I don't wanna bore you guys too much on that.

Jerry haulted at the end of the street, catching his breath. Jerry stumbled, tripping over his feet, cars drove by honking their horn at him since he almost had gotten hit. He took a second to locate his surroundings, to figure out which part of town he was in. Still, he was unfamiliar with this area, and it was gonna take sheer luck (and plot convenience) for him to find his way home.


Jerry looked up, he turned around, there stood a young female cat, she was roughly in her 30s. She had pink tennis visor on, that she wore no matter what. One thing about Thomasina, she loved the color pink.

"Your name is Jerry, right?" She bent down, reaching her hand out.

Jerry nodded, taking Thomasina's hand. "Tom's been worried sick about you!  Haven't you heard? Cmon, I'm taking you home with me, we can call him when we get home." She said, opening her car door for Jerry.

Jerry laid against the seats of Thomasina's car. But as he did so, and started to close his eyes he heard the sound of two familiar male voices. He looked up, seeing Topsy and Butch scanning the streets in a panicked hurry.

"Shit, I don't see him!" Topsy said.

"Fuck, me neither! We gotta find the little shit before boss kills us!"

Topsy nodded, "Where do we check now? Thompson's house?"

"Thomas, his name is Thomas."

"Eh, same thing. Let's go get him drunk and see if he confesses."

Jerry couldn't hear this conversation, he was too busy falling asleep from the cold of the night and exhaustion from running. He had a feeling Topsy and Bitch were on his tail, but he couldn't stop to turn around, not unless he felt as though he had a gap in time.

Thomasina looked up from her rear view mirror, seeing Jerry asleep on his sides. "Is that a cut?" She muttered to herself, driving off to her house.

Back at Thomasina's house, She opened the door, unlocking it. Her eldest son, Bentley (nicknamed Bootsy) came running down the stairs.

"Hey mom, whose this?"

"A friend of Uncle Tom."

"A friend? Huh..I didn't know Uncle Tom even had friends."

"Where's Theo?" Thomasina asked, as Bentley walked further down the stairs.

"He's in the crib, sleeping."

"Good, good. Don't wake him. Go back upstairs, have you eaten?"

Bentley nodded, "Theo did too."

Thomasina let out a sigh of relief, "Good. Well, go back to your room, and straight to bed. Me and Mr Jerry down here are gonna talk." She told him.

Bentley went back upstairs into his room, Jerry stood there in the doorway, at least the door was closed. He was still tired, so his body rocked back and forth.

"You can sit down, if you want. I-I mean if you want to—I'm not gonna force you or anything! Do you have any specific food allergies?"

Jerry shook his head, "Wait—I'm allergic to seafood!"

"Wow, so is Tom." Thomasina noted.

Thomasina managed to throw a lil sum together, which was really just a basic sandwich and some chips to go with it.

Tom x Jerry OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now