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"I swear, Choi is so annoying" Yeonjun rolled his eyes with an annoyed attitude, today's happening was such a big issue


Yeonjun and Beomgyu happened to cross paths earlier then Beomgyu accidentally hit his shoulder, normally, Yeonjun would react in such a harsh way if someone did that to him, especially when it's Beomgyu. Yeonjun had to pull him by the back of his shirt and face Beomgyu right to his face

Beomgyu didn't bother reacting so he apologized and almost left but that didn't stop the other, Beomgyu always apologizes while Yeonjun never does because of his high pride

Actually, no one had any idea why they hated each other so much to the point that they would kill each other any minute, you can't even put these two in one room.

"Look, I'm sorry Yeonjun. I also don't have time for this" Beomgyu smiled sarcastically and pushed himself away from Yeonjun's grip, the older took him by the collar again and inhaled sharply

"Oh you need to apologize with more effort because you ruined my day even more" He whispered harshly right in Beomgyu's ear. He was so done, so so done that it made his blood boil. He had a bad day, he didn't ate breakfast, he almost dropped his books by the puddle because of the rain, tripped down the stairs while rushing, now this.

Beomgyu gritted his teeth and and pushed harder this time with his biggest force and strength, Yeonjun backs away quickly making him almost fall on the floor. Yeonjun was even more pissed, he went in and is about to punch Beomgyu

He raised his fist and aimed at Beomgyu's cheek, then proceeded to hit him but he missed. The other quickly backed away before Yeonjun could hurt him and knowing he successfuly did it made him smirk, while Yeonjun on the other hand still didn't stop and pulled him down on the ground, but by their surprise, both of them landed on the ground.

Yeonjun was found on top of Beomgyu, a lot of students suddenly passed by and they were shocked and confused, some assumed that they're about to make out, while some already knew they were fighting again that's why they ended up in such an awkward looking position. Yeonjun's eyes was wide as fuck, his mouth slightly open from shock. Beomgyu felt ashamed but he couldn't move, he froze there like an ice, he wanted to get up and run away but at this point he just couldn't move

Their cheeks were heating up from embarrassment, both hearts were also pounding so fast and loud, clear enough for them to hear. Beomgyu finally woke up from his senses and yelled "Yeonjun, get the fuck up!" He couldn't push the other though because Yeonjun was sorta heavy for him

The older was speechless, shocked, surprised, embarrassed. He finally realized what Beomgyu said and got up quickly then proceeded to run away like that fast blue hedgehog, some laughed, some didn't care at all, and some were fangirling and fanboying because to be honest some students ship the two of them ..

"Why are you so mad at him? Do you have feelings for him and you just had to show it in a hateful way?" Yeji chuckled elbowing Yeonjun on the side of his waist, the other gagged and made a disgusted face, clearly written.
"What kind of fucked up accusations is that Yeji" Yeonjun knitted his brows, the female shrugged her shoulders only

"I don't even know why I hated him either, maybe because he looks like an annoying guy?" Yeonjun added, the other girl knitted her brows thinking what did he just said

"That's just pure shit.. Whatever, go deal with Beomgyu by yourself, you two will find your true fate soon anyways" Yeji sucked her lollipop and waved lazily as she walks away from Yeonjun, the other rolled his eyes in annoyance and walked away as well without saying goodbye

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