good morning

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The next day, Beomgyu woke up in an unfamiliar room, he quickly got up and he almost forgotten that he had partied last night and he thought where is he. He looked around the room and started to panic, overthinking that he might have been kidnapped or something, he couldn't remember much what happened last night

He gets out of the room and ran downstairs, he then realized he was at Yeonjun's house. He sighed in relief and sat on a couch "Where is he..?" Beomgyu mumbled, he felt restless so he got up again and went to search for Yeonjun. Beomgyu got in the bathroom, master bedrooms, multiple guest rooms, the balcony, kitchen, dining room and everywhere! But he couldn't find a sign of Yeonjun

He needed to leave, and he also realized that Soobin wasn't in the house "Maybe he left.."

Beomgyu freshened up himself, and walked towards the door to leave but a person had surprised him when he opened the door "AAH!" He yelped and quickly backs away, trying to search for a weapon for self defense then ducks on the ground

"Chill, it's me" Yeonjun came inside with groceries on his hands, Beomgyu slowly got up and follows the older.. Oh yeah, he needed to ask what happened about the party

"What happened? I don't remember anything.." He asked in confusion, Yeonjun placed the stuff in the counter and turned around to look at Beomgyu "You don't remember?" He asked innocently, Beomgyu shook his head "A little but.." He couldn't continue, poor guy

Yeonjun smirked, trying to make a fool out of Beomgyu. So he joked "Well, we played truth or dare and you sat on my lap because I dared you to do it, and then when the party was over... We went to a bedroom and–"

"WAIT WAIT, WHAT?!" Beomgyu was in agony, he forced himself to remember everything as he can, but he failed. He started to overthink about it and he fell on his knees, he was teary eyed. Yeonjun was shocked and he quickly ran to the younger
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME..?!" Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun with painful eyes, he was crying already making the older worried about him

"N-no, it's not what you think, I promise.. We went to the bedroom and I took care of you because you threw up, I had to change your shirt but I didn't do anything"  Yeonjun explains, his words were sincere and he didn't lie, Beomgyu hesitated to believe him but a realization hit him, if something had happened between them, he could've found marks on his body"I wouldn't do anything that cruel to you.. I'm so sorry" Yeonjun scooted closer to Beomgyu and pats his back to calm him down

"Are you telling the truth? Please Yeonjun.." Beomgyu was in the middle of an anxiety attack, so he needed hugs.

"Yes, I am.. trust me" Yeonjun comforted, he suddenly had woken up to his senses and found himself comforting his most hated person, but there's no going back, he needed to look out for Beomgyu

Suddenly, the younger was whimpering again, Yeonjun looks at him pitifully "What's wrong..?" He cupped Beomgyu's cheeks and saw how weak he was, Yeonjun cursed to himself that he should've never joked Beomgyu those kind of things
"I'm sorry but, it just happens.." Beomgyu replied weakly

"What do you mean, hm?"

"My Derealization episodes" Yeonjun had no idea what that is, but he needs to know more about it so that he can take care of Beomgyu and annoy him less "Can you explain it to me?" He asked politely, Beomgyu didn't want to because he might get judged for his condition

"You'll judge me.."

"I won't, I might have had endless fights with you but I'll never judge your situations" Yeonjun smiled sweetly, Beomgyu felt like it was such an unreal moment to him, why is Yeonjun suddenly being so nice to him? What did Yeonjun ate today. Beomgyu had explained the full details about his disorder to Yeonjun, the older understood and he thought that from now on, he'll be careful with Beomgyu's health

"I'm sorry for annoying you before, I just didn't know you had this type of disorder" Yeonjun apologized, Beomgyu only nodded and smiles at him, I guess this is a brand new start for them..

"You're being so nice to me.. why?" Beomgyu asked just to get the confusion out of him, Yeonjun shook his head and said "Nothing, I think we should stop fighting because like you said, we're not in highschool anymore" such reasons, he chuckled, making Beomgyu do the same too

"Hmm.." Beomgyu felt uneasy making Yeonjun notice this "Do you need help?"

"This annoying episode.. Gosh" Beomgyu got up from the ground and sat himself on a chair, Yeonjun took a seat beside him and started to caress the younger's hair. He's ready to comfort, anything for his boy

"I don't think you're real, or even myself" Beomgyu mumbled leaving the other confused but he had to understand Beomgyu's situation, Yeonjun handed him a glass of water to calm down "Have this love" Beomgyu took the water and chugged it down to his throat

"Yeonjun, am I really talking to you?.." Beomgyu asked making Yeonjun feel upset because of how pitiful he looked, he was crying and trembling. It wasn't the type of crying where you cry out loud, it's like letting your tears stream down to your face

"Hey, listen to me okay? You'll be okay, and you're safe with me.. I-if you're worried about your friend, he went home earlier so take deep breaths with me, alright?" Yeonjun tried his best, he wasn't the best at comforting anyone but he had to give it a try for Beomgyu. The younger took deep breaths with him and soon he calmed down but the episode is still there

"I'm okay now... Thank you, thank you for handling this situation with me and I'm sorry for what happened"

"Don't be sorry love, it's okay" Beomgyu frowned again at the nickname and playfully hit Yeonjun's arm "How many times do I have to tell you to stop iitt" Yeonjun chuckled at the younger's cuteness and just couldn't help himself but call Beomgyu his love

Silence took over for a few minutes, Yeonjun was cooking for breakfast while Beomgyu waits.. the younger asked once again

"Are we gonna be friends?"


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