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After a few days passed, weekends was near and Soobin had longed for this moment and today was exactly Friday, he felt nervous of course even if he hasn't started confessing yet

But with Beomgyu and Yeonjun, they became real close in just a week. They have the strongest bond than Soobin and Beomgyu has, on the opposite they were becoming distant now than being close like two peas in a pod

"Good morning old maannn" Beomgyu greeted Yeonjun first at school and second was Soobin "Good morning Bin" he said with a little smile "Good morning Gyu" the taller returned a smile too

"You look so happy today love" Yeonjun said while chuckling, Beomgyu gagged at the nickname and hit the older's arms "stop with the nickname" he whined, here they're at again.. Interacting a lot while Soobin? Left out, he was like a ghost to them sometimes. He didn't want to say anything because he'd rather not interrupt the two

"I'll get going, see you Gyu" Soobin pats his shoulder while Beomgyu only hums and nodded then continues to talk to Yeonjun "Mhm, so Yeonjun you have no idea what happened–"


Soobin felt hurt by seeing Beomgyu open up to Yeonjun now about all of his happenings in life, he used to be the one that Beomgyu tells everything. He was always there but why did he got replaced so fast? Soobin was the one who always listened to Beomgyu when he was crying, happy, mad and everything.

Will he still be Beomgyu's best friend? Brother? Father? Family?

Soobin is currently on the rooftop of their school, sitting on a bench while listening to some music while wondering why him and Beomgyu had become less close. How did it all change in just a week? The thought of those things just hurt him

Beomgyu slowly ignored him, making Soobin loose hope because this time he was very sure that the younger wouldn't like him back, but like I said he'd risk anything for him


"Beomgyu, can I take yo cute ass on a date on Sunday?" Yeonjun said making Beomgyu giggle at him, they were currently waiting for Soobin to come out of his classroom since they're not done with the last subject yet "Why the hell are we going on a date" said Beomgyu jokingly

"It's a friendly date of course" the older said then laughed, the younger was having fun with Yeonjun so he didn't want to reject him "Fine fine"

After a few minutes, Soobin finally came and greets them "Hi guys" he muttered shyly, Beomgyu smiled and greeted him too "Hello Binn, come on guys" and so on they left the school to head to their own houses

While heading home, Beomgyu suddenly remembered what Soobin wanted to tell him this Friday "Oh yeah Soobin, you wanted to tell me something today" he looked at the other "Right, can we talk somewhere private?" Said Soobin and he dragged Beomgyu somewhere leaving Yeonjun behind who's confused

"JEEZ BIN CALM DOWN" Beomgyu could barely walk properly because he was being dragged by his best friend. They finally stopped running and ended up in a park that only had trees and some benches "Gyu.." He called out making the younger get nervous


"I like you" Soobin stated without any hesitations and hid his now redish face, Beomgyu blinked a couple of times and a scratched his neck awkwardly "As.. your crush?"

"Yeah, y-yeah" The older chuckled nervously, Beomgyu smiles warmly and pat his Shoulders "Bin.." he said with a smile but there's sadness in the tone of his voice "Yeah?" Soobin responds

"I don't like you just like how you do towards me" This is what Beomgyu could say, Soobin felt his heart breaking into millions of shattered pieces. He can accept rejection but this one hit him hard

He couldn't help but cry making Beomgyu hug him tightly. Maybe it was worth a shot but never his chance "I'm sorry.." Is all that he could say, Soobin pulled away and placed his palm on Beomgyu's cheeks "It's alright" he curled his lip into a smile as he stared into his eyes 

"I'm glad you understand" The younger said but he knew deep inside Soobin was hurt, they're just the same. They can't control how they feel
"Do you like Yeonjun?" Soobin asked out of the blue making Beomgyu back away "N-no haha" he said with a nervous smile

"The tone in your voice says it otherwise"

"I don't know Soobin, he's.. a funny guy, he's making me feel like I'm so special to him" Beomgyu smiled while Yeonjun's image pops up in his head. Soobin smiled sadly and nods

"Will you forget about me?" He asked, all be ever wanted was reassurance from the younger, being rejected is fine but the replacement is something that he can't handle, Beomgyu's mind is so full of Yeonjun and just him

Beomgyu shook his head "I will never forget about you nor replace you" he said with his voiced filled with sureness making the older feel relieved

"What if you'll ever date someone and forget that I'm here?"

"God knows even if I date anyone, you will still be the one I'll run to" Beomgyu took Soobin's hand and placed a gentle kiss on it, the older blushed and quivered his lips

"My heart is still willing to wait for you" Soobin hugged him and tears had rolled out of his eyes, Beomgyu closed his eyes and shakes his head in denial

"Never wait for me.. because if you do, your heart will die of waiting"

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