in the name of hatred

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"I swear he always gets on my nerves, he's so annoying that I want to punch him in his fucking face" Beomgyu ranged and kept ranting about Yeonjun while Soobin just listens to him, he didn't say anything and was all ears for the younger, everytime when Beomgyu needs to say something or burst out, Soobin was there to accompany him until he calms his mouth down. Soobin just lets out an 'I understand' as he listened

When Beomgyu's mad, he acts like an angry mother who's scolding her children, and they just spats some words nonstop. After a few minutes of talking about how annoying Yeonjun is, Beomgyu had finally stopped, he noticed that he was being too talkative so he shuts himself up

"Do I talk too much?" Beomgyu genuinely asked, he really had no idea that he was talking a lot, to the point that he almost said every word in the dictionary and almost all of the cuss words, Beomgyu's dark eyes darted at Soobin as he pouted while waiting for the older's answer

Well, Soobin was spacing out earlier and wasn't paying much attention, he processed what Beomgyu had just said, he turned his head and his eyes are immediately locked to the other's, Beomgyu's eyes made Soobin feel euphoric.

he could just see a whole beautiful universe in his eyes

"Earth to Soobin" Beomgyu glares at him and proceeds to roll his eyes, Soobin was taking so long to respond

"Oh, no no you're not talkative at all Beomgyu.. Sorry, I was spacing out" The taller gave Beomgyu a reassuring smile, but to be honest he really didn't find it bothering even if the younger was being talkative, he thought that the Grumpy Beomgyu was more adorable. He felt like he was the mother of Beomgyu's and whenever something bad happens, Beomgyu would cry to him and tell the whole thing

"Oh, I thought I was" The younger chuckle awkwardly

"Talkative or not, I don't mind. You can tell me anything",

"Aw.. thank you, you're amazing" Beomgyu pulled Soobin in a hug, along with a kiss on his cheek. It was a normal thing for them, they do this all the time like a couple. Students would assume that they're dating but it's just the lies, they're besties for a long time

"Stop, we're at school.." Soobin pulled his face away as he hid his rosey cheeks, Beomgyu raised his brow and wonders why did his kids had an effect on the older, whenever he did this, Soobin never felt shy but now, his reaction made it suspicious to Beomgyu

"Why are you getting shy? We used to do this, even our classmates thought that it was normal.. w-well even if I kiss you in the lips" Beomgyu questioned, shaking Soobin rapidly, all of the students were still waiting for their substitute teacher and she hasn't entered the classroom yet

Soobin's eyes widened as the red tint spread around his face even more
"A-are you crazy?!" He whisper-yelled making Beomgyu giggle at his reaction

"I'm kidding obviously" the younger patted Soobin's back, and the teacher came inside the classroom making everyone's attention focus on her

"Good morning students, please get your Science Textbook and turn it to page 70" the teacher announced as she places all her belongings on the table placed in front, Science class went really boring for Beomgyu but Soobin on the other hand loved this subject so much

"Bin, I'm too lazy to study anything from Science.. Can I copy your work if  the teacher assigns a homework? Pweaasee" Beomgyu fake pleaded to convince the older, well Soobin doesn't have the urge to say no. Not even one bit, he was too whipped for the younger "Of course, I'm fine with it" the taller smiled sweetly, making Beomgyu return a smile as well


"Can you please stop being so annoying Yeonjun?" Beomgyu stated sternly, Yeonjun was being a pain in the ass to him for straight 17 minutes, not even bothering to stop "No, I won't" Yeonjun smirked and stuck out his tounge at the other

"I don't have time for you" The younger scratched his head aggressively in annoyance, he didn't have Soobin with him at the moment because he had to go somewhere, Beomgyu's warning didn't stop Yeonjun so the other kept going with his stupid actions like making noises, pinching his ear playfully, telling him names

Beomgyu didn't even knew why he got into this situation, he was just trying to study alone at the waiting shed then until Yeonjun sat down with him, probably wanting attention from Beomgyu.. He ignored every little thing's Yeonjun said to him, questions that the older asked and such

"Yeonjun, what the fuck please just shut the hell up!" Beomgyu had bursted, he got stressed again. Not because of the teasing but the thing is Yeonjun just wouldn't leave him be on his own. The older scooted away in surprise because of how loud Beomgyu yelled

"Excuse me? Why did you have to yell?"

"Because you're being such a headache and you wouldn't give me space, listen Choi Yeonjun I don't care what you want, but can you please stop acting like we are in Highschool!?" Beomgyu had shouted again, he began to rage. He picked up all of his notes and materials then shoving it to his bag aggressively leaving all of his paper crumbled up

He walked away, with his blood boiling. He raised his middle finger on Yeonjun as he walked away

"He's damn crazy.." Yeonjun mumbled while he watched the younger, mouth slightly open

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