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After a few hours at Yeonjun's, Beomgyu has decided to head back home and talk to Soobin so he got his stuff ready and went to the older to say goodbye "Yeonjuunn" he calls, Yeonjun hummed as a response and approaches the younger with a smile "Yes?" he said

"I'm going home now, see you again" the shorter flashed a grin at him, Yeonjun went in for a hug which made Beomgyu surprised "I hope you'll be fine soon.. I promise from now on, I won't be a headache to you"

Beomgyu felt butterflies and his inside was euphoric, was he dreaming? Is this all true? He couldn't help but hug back even tighter, it just felt new to him and seeing his enemy become soft for him just warmed up his heart. They pulled away with smiles on their faces "Thank you, I'll get going and take care" he says "You too, if you need something I'm here" Beomgyu bowed and went pass the door, a few steps away, he looked back and waves making the older do the same

'Do I like him?'

'Is this the beginning of our love story?' Yeonjun started thinking


"Soobinnn!" He called Soobin from the outside of his house, he brought stuff for the older before going home earlier. Soobin heard him immediately and peaks out of the window "Ah, hello Beomgyu~" then he opened the door to let Beomgyu inside

"How are you? Does your head hurt?" Beomgyu asked looking at the other, Soobin shook his head "I'm doing fine"

"Aren't you gonna ask me how my morning went?" The younger formed a pout, he was obviously joking and this made Soobin giggle "Okayyy, how's your morning?" He asked then pinched Beomgyu's cheek. Though he had a memory in his head about the party, he chose to forget it

"It's a whole new miracle Bin! Yeonjun was... So nice to me and he took care of me earlier" says Beomgyu with his eyes full of happiness, while Soobin's turned gloomy. What if Beomgyu starts talking about Yeonjun everyday, now that they're becoming nice to each other.. Soobin was scared of it, but he knew that he can't control situations so maybe if the day comes that it'll hurt him, accept the fact and move on

"Oh I see.. did he do anything to you?"

"Nope, he told me that he wouldn't do something to me and I believe him.." Beomgyu stated but with a very sure tone, the other sighed and rubbed his back "Don't trust people easily okay?"

"Oh.. okay" The younger nodded, he didn't want to doubt anything so he forgets about it and changes the subject "Soo, wanna play video games?"

Soobin nodded with a small smile, so they opened their phones and started to play any game they have


After some hours, Beomgyu and Soobin stopped playing because they got tired. They were both laying on the sofa but Beomgyu is on top of Soobin, sleeping peacefully while Soobin was just wide awake while caressing the younger's hair. He didn't feel to good today because of what happened last night, it was just there... Stuck inside of him and never going away, oh if something happened even worse it would haunt him everyday
"I lik you but, I don't think you'd feel the same" He mumbled and kisses Beomgyu's head

He fell asleep soon after a few minutes, but as he fell asleep Beomgyu was the one who woke up, he got up and saw Soobin sleeping. He placed his palm on his cheek and left soon to go home and let the older have some rest, when he arrived he ran to his room and lays himself on his bed. He took his phone and unlocks it revealing a message from Yeonjun


• did u got home safely??

yupp, how's it going there? •

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