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Beomgyu on the other hand felt his stress take over him after what happened, another episode of his disorder is about to strike. The episode he fucking hated the most, he was feeling it again

He feels unreal, he felt like he was in a dream, he feels like it was his first time seeing the world and feeling his surroundings, he took a look at his hand as he trembled. His Derealization episodes weren't always this bad, but this one made him fear to death and he felt like going crazy.

He had this disorder for a few months though it's getting better, he can't avoid the scary episodes of it, Beomgyu wanted to sit down on the ground and curl himself into a ball, his shaky breath going intense made it horrible

'Fuck it, this is all your fault Yeonjun' He spoke in his mind, he didn't felt like crying today so he let his episode take over and just deal with it as he suffers. Everytime when people pass by and talk to him, his emotions didn't feel real to him and he felt like he was just talking to NPCs from a video game. All he could do to cope with his situation was take deep breaths, accept his problem right now, and just keep going like it was his normal day.

Soon, he went inside the classroom and quickly heads to his seat. Beomgyu puts his head down to calm himself, he's not letting his emotions beat him today. The next thing happened, Soobin saw him in his por state so he sat next to Beomgyu and pats his back without a warning
"Beomgyu, how's it going? Having the episode again?" He asked with a concerned tone hinted in his voice, the younger raised his head slowly to look at Soobin and just smiled like there was nothing wrong with him at all

"It's not that bad but.. Am I really talking to you? Or are you just something else...?" Beomgyu started to question the older, Soobin felt pitiful because of Beomgyu's situation but all he could do was rub the other's back as Soobin says comforting words

"Beomgyu, I'm real, you're real.. You will be okay because I'm always here for you and I'll try my best to make you feel safe.." He said and plastered a small smile on his face, Beomgyu was on the verge of tearing up then sob afterwards, but he was in school so he didn't want to cause any dramatical sceneries. To him, Soobin was the greatest friend he could ever have, he was like Beomgyu's brother, father, best friend, cousin, and his everything.

"Shut up you're making me cry" the younger rolled his own eyes and chuckled, he playfully hit Soobin's arm this made him feel a little better. Soobin smiled and just sat there. No words, just relief seeing Beomgyu feel a bit better. Well what can I say, Soobin was Beomgyu's comfort person and his favorite too "Let's get you something to eat, the one that's your favorite to cheer you up" Soobin said to brighten up the mood once again, Beomgyu couldn't hold back so he gave him a tight hug, of course Soobin would hug back "You're amazing" Beomgyu stated as he keeps the hug between them for a good minute, but pulled away soon because they could get accused for 'dating'

Well damn, he wished they're actually were.

-- hello humanss! How are y'all doing today huh? I hope you're having a great day, and I hope you're not facing any problems right now ! Stay safe and keep urselves hydrated ^^

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