with you

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"Do you feel good?" Soobin asked as he watched Beomgyu in amusement, the younger looked at him with a smile on his face and answers
"I don't feel good.." he quickly pouts, Soobin's eyes widened and he scooted closer to the purple haired male,then cupped his cheeks "Why, what's wrong? Do you need something else?" But he didn't knew that Beomgyu wasn't finished with his words yet

"Because I feel better.. especially with you" Beomgyu chuckled and held the other's hand, Soobin sighed softly and just smiled at him. His eyes tell how much he cared for the other, words could not describe how much Soobin loves Beomgyu more than his own life. But there is this feeling that only himself could know, the love that he felt for Beomgyu wasn't just a friendly affection.. more like having a crush on him, well of course Beomgyu didn't have any idea so he'd just act like however he wants with Soobin, but then his actions would have a different meaning to the older

Sigh, only if Beomgyu knew.

They both finished their lunch, Beomgyu wiped his lip to finish and went to the trash bin to throw away all of the crap, the episode actually has ended luckily, it's been 30 minutes and he felt like another episode is about to hit him, but this won't let him get weakened. After cleaning up, he went to Soobin to go back to their own classrooms, a lot of students ran past them, causing all of them push each other or bump each other, some apologize and some just didn't gave a shit, Beomgyu didn't mind at all with all the pushing and colliding between bodies but.. this one pissed him off

A student pushed him but not by accident, but on purpose and he knows damn well who that was, of course it had to be Yeonjun. His dearest hater, what was he up to again? Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun who was in front of his sight, the older looked back at him with a mischievous smirk on. Yeonjun stuck out his tounge in a playful way but enough to piss you off, Beomgyu was so close to pulling his scalp off anytime though he wanted to keep his cool, he took deep breaths but it was no use because to him, seeing Yeonjun was an eyesore and makes him want to throw the older away or fling him off a cliff. Soobin noticed the Beomgyu was upset so he held the younger's hand and pulled him closer
"Don't mind him, okay?" he said glaring at the blue haired guy which is Yeonjun. Apparently, he heard what Soobin said and was about to fight him

"Who are you to butt in to our moment?" Yeonjun raised his other brow as he scoffed, he went closer to Soobin and boasted about how he would fight with him and break Soobin's bones with his bare hands. Luckily Beomgyu had to stop the two of them "Cut it out" Beomgyu said and rolled his eyes, he pushed Yeonjun out of the way and proceeded to walk faster, Yeonjun watched the two in disgust especially when he saw how Beomgyu was checking up on Soobin, it's not like as if he hurted him, he thought.

Yeonjun scoffed once again and walked away, heading back to his classroom with a frown on his face

‘I can only bully you, only you can bully me, because our business isn't their's at all anyway’

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