move on

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"He's courting you now?"

Said Soobin with a surprised reaction, Beomgyu slowly nodded. They've finally talked after weeks, Soobin had apologized for ghosting the younger and Beomgyu did too because he rejected him

Everything seems going well.. The awkwardness is still there but they both know that it's normal to end up in that situation, Soobin doesn't want Beomgyu to feel uncomfortable, so does Beomgyu with Soobin
"I've moved on" the taller said with a warm smile in his lips, the younger looked up at him and smiled back "I know you would" he said and hugged Soobin without a warning

The older hugged back tighter as he rubbed Beomgyu's back as they could hear each other's heart beat.. they pulled away and since everyone has moved on about the confession and stuff, Beomgyu decided to tell him what happened between him and Yeonjun "By the way me and Yeonjun..."

"What happened between you guys?" Soobin curiously asks, no more jealousy hidden in his emotions and words just curiosity, that's it

"Him and I kissed at his house yesterday" Beomgyu lets out those words making Soobin gasp softly, he hovered his hands over his mouth
"Oh.. oh my gosh, what happened next?"

"It wasn't a long kiss, just 20 seconds.. then we cuddled" Beomgyu giggled, Soobin hit him playfully in the shoulders "And you really counted that? Unbelievable" He said rolling his eyes, Beomgyu only laughed at him.. He missed this feeling, having a chat and never feeling awkward anymore, that's right

They've completely forgotten that They're in a terminal and Soobin was leaving him behind, he'll study abroad and won't probably come back because that's where his mother and father lives and his other siblings

Beomgyu hated to see him leave, but he has to let Soobin go and be free and wait for his true love that will love him the way he did to Beomgyu

"I hope he'll take good care of you since I'm leaving.. I want him to be your protector, your safe place, the person you'll run to when you cry, when you're happy, and angry.." Soobin said trying to smile brightly while the younger was on the verge of releasing a tear "Will you be safe?" He asked

Soobin doesn't know, he has no idea.. But he's sure he will be "I will, I promise" He said

"I'll get going now, I hope I'll see you again... I can't have communications with you because I might be busy but don't worry about me okay?" Soobin continued and ruffled the younger's hair, Beomgyu smiled and waved his goodbye "I'll definitely miss you"

"I'll miss you too Gyu, remember you'll always have a soft spot in my heart that no one could replace" Beomgyu nodded with a smile but behind that smile was agony, the train arrived and Soobin took his belongings and steps in the train, before completely going in he looked back at the younger and waved
'I love you' he mouthed
making Beomgyu tear up at this, he waved one last time and Soobin disappeared from his sight later on

"I love you too.." he whispered to himself along with sniffles coming from his nose


Beomgyu went home tired, mind's processing, empty feeling in him. How did it happen so fast? Soobin has never told him that he might leave soon or maybe it was just urgent? It may or may not be...

He wanted to cry, just cry his whole heart out, who will be there for him now? Who will sit with him at lunch and during class? Who will be by his side when he needs someone to rely on? Sure, he has Yeonjun but nothing compares to Soobin's company because he was the one who's there for Beomgyu ever since day one

"Will I ever see you again?" He mumbled to himself as a tear escaped from his eyes, it happened so fast and Soobin was just with him a few weeks ago then he's suddenly leaving Beomgyu behind? It caught the younger off guard but what he had to do is just understand Soobin's situations and choices

Taehyung suddenly came in to his room and was shocked with what he saw, seeing his younger brother made his heart feel a strong hit "What happened?" He asked and sat next to Beomgyu

"He left.." was all that Beomgyu could say, his brother was confused so asked one more time


"Soobin.. I was flabbergasted, I-I didn't knew this would happen.. But I k-know he'll come back! He will right?" Beomgyu cried out loud and covered his face with his sweaty palms, Taehyung couldn't do anything else but hug him as his way of comfort "He will.. he will come back"

Beomgyu continues to cry on his brother's shoulder, Taehyung hushes him and rocks their body back and forth


"Are you okay baby?" Yeonjun asked, Beomgyu came over at his house and when Yeonjun opened the door, Beomgyu pulled him to the sofa and cuddled with him "Yeah, just missed you.." Beomgyu mumbled

"Aww, missed you too my love" Yeonjun said and brushed Beomgyu's hair with his fingers, but he knew there was something wrong when he felt his shirt getting drenched
"But are you okay?" Beomgyu didn't want to lie, so he told Yeonjun

"Soobin left and headed to Japan, he'll study abroad.. I'll miss my best friend Junnie, it just hurts" Beomgyu stated weakly making Yeonjun just sigh.. H didn't want to see the younger being upset and he knows that Beomgyu cares about Soobin so much "Your best friend will be alright and I know he'll come back"

"H-how do you know?"

"Baby, he'll be protected by God.. he's gonna be safe and I'll make sure he'll come back, we're gonna pray for that okay? Now smile baby" Yeonjun said and lifted the younger's face, Beomgyu teared up even more and smiled at Yeonjun

"Y-you idiot, you're too sweet for me.. Junnie whyy" he whined then Yeonjun chuckled at him

"You know me and Soobin didn't had good terms but that doesn't mean I completely hate him.. He's your best friend and I know you mean a lot to him"

"Gosh, what did I do to deserve you?" Beomgyu said, Yeonjun just hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead

"For being you, my love.."

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