at least

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"Yeonjun!?" Beomgyu cried and cried, Yeonjun wasn't waking up, no use of shaking him. He didn't know why this suddenly happened, it was all too soon. What happened? What was going on? Is he dreaming? He wishes he was but he isn't

"W-wake up.. this isn't funny!" Beomgyu kept waking him up, he didn't have any other choice but to call an ambulance


Minutes after worrying so much, they finally arrived at the hospital, Beomgyu felt his body trembling already, he was in uncontrollable tears. He doesn't have any idea why Yeonjun was suddenly out of life, it felt horrible. So horrible. Beomgyu kept going in circles while overthinking, the what ifs taking over him, the concern making him feel anxious. He couldn't believe what was happening, Yeonjun said he was just sick right? What is suddenly going on?

After hours and hours of crying and worrying the doctor finally went up to him soon, Beomgyu approached to them quickly "W-what happened!?" The doctor sighed and gave him a look of disappointment "Do you have any of his family members with you?" Beomgyu unfortunately doesn't know any of Yeonjun's family members yet, he shook his head lowly

"I'm guessing that you're his friend? Partner or whatsoever.. But I'm afraid to tell you that the patient is in critical condition, due to a heart disease" Beomgyu's mind went processing, how did he not know? Why didn't Yeonjun tell him earlier then? He broke down in tears and he doesn't know what to do at this point, and so on he asked the doctor "Can I see him.. Can I please talk to him?" Beomgyu pleaded, the doctor let him and made way for the male "Yes you can.."

Beomgyu came inside of the room, seeing a weak Yeonjun in front of his sight "You said you were just sick.. why? Why did you hide this from me.." Beomgyu sat beside the older as he caress Yeonjun's hand, a voice spoke "Because I didn't want you to worry about me.. When you told me about your condition, I had to make a change.. So that you wouldn't feel the same way that I did, so you wouldn't have to struggle on your own, to provide you the love and care.. So I can be be there for you, when Soobin left, I said to myself that I will take care of you and love you unconditionally.... I didn't want you to suffer.. it's pretty odd but I don't understand either, maybe this is how we found love" Yeonjun said with his weakest voice, Beomgyu looked at him with his wide red eyes, he wanted to hug his poor Yeonjun but he didn't want to startle the older "No.. You'll worry me more because you told me just now and you're here in a hospital! I don't understand– Why did you keep it from me!? Why!? Yeonjun, you're so so mean!" Beomgyu shouts as he bursted into tears "I can't believe you.. Yeonjun, you know that I love you!"

"I know sweetcakes but... I don't know why I had to hide it from you.. I just don't want to be a burden" The older insisted, Beomgyu was fumming in anger and just kept crying as he felt his chest hurt "All this time? How could you..? Yeonjun please.. don't leave me" Beomgyu begged for the older to stay, but Yeonjun couldn't stay in this land any longer, his condition became worse and worse throughout the whole time, he was busy taking care of Beomgyu but not himself. He could spend money on the stuff he could buy, but not for his medical condition

"How long?" Beomgyu asked with a shaky voice "What..?" Yeonjun replied

"How long was this heart disease thing?"

"Since I was born.." Beomgyu almost went nuts "You're kidding..?" He said

"Wish I were.. But baby you know wouldn't joke about stuff like this" The older stated, he took Beomgyu by the palm of his hand and held onto it tightly, one last breath with one last heartbeat... Beomgyu doesn't have any idea of what's going to happen next, but he wished that Yeonjun will stay, he won't die. He won't leave. He'll stay.
"Don't Yeonjun, don't.." Beomgyu closed his eyes and began kissing the other's hand "Don't give up on me, W-we just got together..Hold my hand please.. tightly.. don't let go"

"I'll hold tight as I can, but when I loose grip.. Don't cry or worry.. It means I just fell asleep" Yeonjun assured the younger, Beomgyu cried once again "Just hold my hand tightly plea-se.." and his boyfriend did what he was told "I will.."

Minutes of holding each other's hand, Beomgyu looked out for Yeonjun, thank the stats he could still feel the older's tight grip.. But not for long he started to loosen "Baby.." Beomgyu called out, Yeonjun lowly hummed as his response "Mhm.."

"Don't do this to us please"

"I can't anymore.." Yeonjun releases a tear, Beomgyu began to cry in his weak knees.. He brushed Yeonjun's hair letting his fingertips touch the strands and he began to sing


I think I'll miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky

Later's better than never

Even if you're gone, I'm gonna drive drive drive..

Kiss me hard before you go

Summertime sadness

I just wanted you to know

That baby you the best...

After Beomgyu sang the song that was dedicated for Yeonjun, he felt the other's hand letting go of his "Gyu.. let me kiss you one more time" and so on, Beomgyu leaned in

It wasn't a hard kiss, but a gentle one. A sweet one filled with bittersweet, a painful goodbye kiss that Beomgyu will never forget about. Beomgyu pushes himself away as he heard the Life screening monitor make a sound, it was just continuously making a sound, not a beeping one anymore. It's time to let go, Beomgyu couldn't handle his emotions but just to let it all out. He cried loudly and hugged the older's unalive body for one last time, Beomgyu had to let go of him.. The doctors ran into the room and had to take a look on Yeonjun

Beomgyu backs away as he watches the Doctors and nurses try to revive him, but it couldn't work. The nurses had to let him leave, so he reached for the door and before leaving, he mumbled "At least I was happy with you for a while for the last time.. Let's m-meet again.."

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