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Beomgyu ran to his room and screamed his whole heart out "OH MY GOSH" he couldn't believe that Yeonjun is starting to treat him so well, he was in the verge of exploding soon. He shouldn't be feeling like this but he just can't control it, how can it happen so fast? They were just fighting a few weeks ago but now they're suddenly becoming close to each other, after 7 months of arguing, fighting, mostly bickering, they finally got along

"Why am I so happy about this stupid plushie he gave me? The fuck.." He realized what he was doing and stopped shrieking like a girl, his brother Taehyung suddenly walked in with an annoyed expression while crossing his arms "Why are you screaming?" He asked making Beomgyu smile awkwardly

"Oohh nothing, it's because of the series that I'm watching" He quickly took his phone pretending to watch something but Taehyung was suspicious of him

"I don't think it's because of the series you're watching, I can see that paper bag beside you that has a plushie inside. Did your lover gave you that?! Aahh why didn't you tell me that you're dating someone!" Beomgyu's brother whined, making the other make a disgusted face "Ew! I'm not dating anyone yet.." he said while low-key smiling

His brother did an 'are you sure?' face and walked away while eyeing at Beomgyu carefully then left the younger. Beomgyu let out a sigh of relief and lays himself on his bed again "Tomorrow is gonna be shit, I really don't want to go to school.." He suddenly remembered that tomorrow is Monday, and he had hated mondays so much

While he was spacing out, he suddenly felt something that made him feel unfamiliar with his surroundings, the episode was starting out of nowhere in the middle of his rest making him groan "Fuck!" He shouts while covering himself with a pillow. He looked at his hands and started to click his tounge in annoyance, he kept groaning and pulling his hair out of frustration
"Well, gotta deal with it." He mumbled and just slept to go through it

After napping, he woke up and it was night time so he went downstairs to eat dinner "I'm hungry, what's for dinner bro?" He asked his brother who was eating on the dining table by himself

"Good evening you lazy prince, it's steak" Beomgyu laughed at the nickname and sat in front of Taehyung, then took a plate and had a slice of their food. While silence taking over, Taehyung broke it by saying something to Beomgyu

"do you like anyone?" He asked, Beomgyu looked at him immediately and shook his head in denial making his brother glare at him "Sure?"

"A hundred percent duh" said Beomgyu and took a bite of his steak again "But where did that paper bag came from?" Taehyung asked again, he's desperate to know where it came from and Beomgyu decided to just tell him "From a friend"

"Is it Soobin?" Taehyung widened his eyes, he was a fond of Soobin and if he's gonna be Beomgyu's boyfriend, he'd be happy "No, just someone else" Beomgyu mumbled making the other knit his brows in confusion

"You told me before that you only have one friend, and that is Soobin" Taehyung stated and finished his food afterward "Well it's not actually a friend, but uhm.. a frienemy, it's just hard to explain" Beomgyu stated making his brother nod only as a response

"I actually wanted Soobin to be your partner, but whoever it is, I hope they don't hurt you or anything" Taehyung had to use the protective brother card, Beomgyu smiled only and took his plates to the sink, also Taehyung's plate "Don't worry, I'm not into anyone at the moment"

"You better be, study first" Taehyung pointed at his younger brother with a serious look and they both laughed then headed to their rooms


"How were you yesterday?" Soobin asked Beomgyu who's siting beside him, they're in class right now but there wasn't much to learn about
"It was great but not so great too, I got perverted looks fro–"

"Is it this Yeonjun again?" Soobin cuts him off, Beomgyu raised his eyebrows and shook his head "No, in fact, he was the one who defended me from that disgusting girl" Soobin let out an 'oh' and pressed his lips together

"Yeonjun gave me a big Kuromi plush, it feels so new that he's being nice.. Like a few days ago I hated him, like really fucking hated him" Beomgyu stated in excitement and kept shaking Soobin because of how happy he felt

"Do you.. like him?" Soobin asked, Beomgyu widened his eyes and smiled awkwardly "Now why would you ask me that..?" He said

"So do you? I mean there's nothing wrong with that" Soobin lied, he clearly didn't want his best friend liking anyone else because he had high hopes that maybe Beomgyu would realize his worth, and like him the way he does towards the younger. Beomgyu sighed and pats his shoulder

"Bin, just because I'm talking about him recently, doesn't mean I like him" Beomgyu explains but Soobin needed a more clear explanation than this, because he knew damn well that feelings change and it doesn't stay the same forever "Are you sure?"

"Yeah.." Beomgyu made a straight smile, Yeonjun suddenly came inside the room a little late but didn't bother apologizing because of being late

"Hey Gyu" He called Beomgyu making the other wave at him with a bright smile "Hey frienemy" Beomgyu and Yeonjun chuckled. Soobin was feeling new their interaction, they've never been like this before. Who knew a simple party would change their bond


Beomgyu and Soobin were walking on the hallways, about to head to the cafeteria then suddenly a guy ran up to them "Beomgyu!" A voice called out his name, making Beomgyu look back and gasp softly because he saw Yeonjun. He ran to the older and waved his hands "Junn!" He greets making the older smile at him, and there Soobin was left again

"Wanna go to the cafeteria together? My treat" Yeonjun winked making Beomgyu chuckle at him "Sure, but can Soobin come? Pretty please with sugar lumps on top?" He fake pleaded making Yeonjun gag, though he only wanted the two of them to go together, he couldn't say no for the younger "Fine finee"

While eating, Beomgyu was in the middle while Soobin and Yeonjun was on his both sides. Soobin noticed a small mess on Beomgyu's lip and wiped it without a warning "Oh thank you Bin" the younger smiled making him smile too

Yeonjun pinned his eyes on Soobin with a death glare, Beomgyu noticed this but ignored it instead. They finished soon, Yeonjun and Beomgyu talked a lot but Soobin listened to them without saying anything, good thing Beomgyu also spoke to him making sure he wasn't left out

"Come on guys" Beomgyu stood up and took a step forward, but he stumbled on his feet making him almost fall, Yeonjun catched him by his waist. The students turned their heads at them and Yeonjun quickly let's go with a nervous chuckle
"Thanks for catching me..." Beomgyu blushed, in embarrassment of course to be clear

Soobin clicked his tounge, they continue to Walk out of the cafeteria and headed back to class, Soobin and Yeonjun kept looking at each the whole time like rivals, what a twist now that they're the ones who are enemies. Beomgyu stopped the two "Why are you guys glaring at each other? Cut it out man" he said making the two obey him

Love triangles are insane

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