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The next day, Beomgyu woke up and received a message on his phone, he expected that it was Soobin's text but nevermind

Beomgyu saw Yeonjun's Instagram username flashing on the screen, he rolled his eyes mentally and forced himself to read it


• be ready at 5:00 pm love, that's when the party starts

fucking stop calling me that•


Beomgyu was disgusted at the nickname then threw his phone away, he thought about it again if he really wanted to come to the party or not, well he didn't want to spend his whole day inside a boring house

"Parties aren't that bad I guess" He mumbled to himself, he checked the time and almost jumped off from his bed because of shock

"IT'S 2:00 PM!?" He exclaimed, his mind went to processing mode for a minute. How did he even slept that long, he felt like he only slept for a couple of seconds. Beomgyu shook his thoughts away and just got up to get ready for Yeonjun's party

-- 4:13 PM

'What am I supposed to wear' Beomgyu spoke to his mind, he finished taking a shower and now he just needed an outfit, he was mentally suffering because his clothes looked so lame

Beomgyu cursed to himself, he should've prepared an outfit earlier
"Jesus help me..." He groaned, all he could even find was some jeans and a plain shirt in his closet. He layed on his bed and proceeded to think about what he's gonna wear

An idea suddenly popped up from his mind, he got up and ran to his brother's room. Beomgyu took a light grey jacket and a pair of wide leg pants that had holes and was colored black, t-shirt with something written on it that he owns. He wore a black converse that of course he also owns, he started praying that his outfit is gonna come out good

He walked in front of the mirror to take a look "Not so bad" He said, Beomgyu's phone popped up a notification, It was Soobin this time


• I'm ready for the party, are you?

Yeah, I'm all ready•


Beomgyu left the house, he preps his hair properly and fixes his outfit making sure it didn't look bad on him, he suddenly thought to himself before walking 'Is this gonna be a prank..?' Beomgyu was about to overthink, He thought that maybe Yeonjun was just messing around, the older probably sent him the wrong location, Beomgyu knew him too well.. But he also wanted to see for himself if the party is legit

A figure suddenly approached him causing Beomgyu to flinch a bit, but it was just Soobin, the younger looked at him up and down as his eyes was gleaming. To Beomgyu, Soobin looked very very handsome

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something in my face?" Soobin asked worriedly

"Yes.. handsomeness" Beomgyu smirked, Soobin tried not to smile but fails instead "Shut up and let's go already" the older rolled his eyes, receiving a chuckle from Beomgyu


The arrived at the place, Beomgyu was hesitating if he should go inside or not. But it's too late to go back, there was a huge house right in front of them, more like a gigantic mansion anyone would wish for

Beomgyu opened the door without knocking and he saw a bunch of people inside partying, some were dancing, some were drinking pretty heavily, some passed out and we're throwing up because of being drunk. The scent of alcohol and the smoke of cigarettes mixed together as it flows through the air, Beomgyu coughed from the smell. So Yeonjun was actually being serious about having a party

"This place is.. a mess" said Beomgyu looking around, so many used cigarettes were on the floor, scattered.
"Of course, it's how a party works" Soobin stated, both of them went to look for Yeonjun inside but someone interrupted them

"Heyyoo, want a drink?" A student from Beomgyu's school offered them a shot, Soobin and Beomgyu shook their heads "No thanks, we're gonna look for Yeonjun" Beomgyu waved his hand as a sign of rejection, the student shrugged and walks away
"Okaayy, suit yourselves and Yeonjun is in the bathroom"

"Alright thanks" Soobin thanked

After some minutes, they didn't search for Yeonjun because there were so many rooms, So Soobin and Beomgyu ended up sitting on a couch, having some shots too.. Just the two of them, not minding to join the others, in the middle of their talk, Yeonjun suddenly sat with them, a little tipsy and drunk "Heeyy Beomgyu and uhmm.. Beomgyu's friend, nice to see your sexy ass here by the way" Yeonjun raised his other eyebrow and wore a smirk like he always used to, as expected Beomgyu will roll his eyes "You're drunk"

"No I'm not" Yeonjun denied, he was almost passing out tho, his head was dropping on Beomgyu's shouler. Soobin leaned in to Beomgyu and whispered "He looks tired" the younger nodded and made an annoyed smile

"Hey, get up! Don't sleep on my shoulder" says Beomgyu trying to nudge Yeonjun away who's already half asleep, he then suddenly woke up and rubbed his eye "My bad love.." Yeonjun said, still drunk. Soobin heard the nickname and this made him feel uneasy

"Yeonjun I swear stop calling me Love" Beomgyu glared, Yeonjun only returned a smug smile on his face

"And what if I don't want to and keep calling you that everywhere, everytime? What ya gonna do love?"

Soobin's jealousy was filled in his body, he excuses himself to head to the bathroom and let the two males bicker "I'll go to the bathroom, okay?" Beomgyu nodded and smiles at him "Okay" Soobin had left, Beomgyu's smile disappeared and he looks at Yeonjun with a dark gaze

"If you don't stop I will.. I'll–"

"What? Make out with me?"

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