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After the confession, both had said their goodbyes and parted ways. Beomgyu came back to Yeonjun who's sitting on a waiting shed while waiting for Beomgyu

"There you are" Yeonjun says with a pout on his lips making Beomgyu chuckle, he sat next to Yeonjun while breathing heavily because he ran all the way back "Sorry for leaving, Soobin told me something" he stated. Yeonjun was even more confused so he asked the younger

"About what?" Beomgyu took a deep breath "He likes me.." Yeonjun panicked and thought that what if he liked him back, will it be over for him? "Do you like him too?" He tried to say those words firmly, avoiding to stutter

By his surprise, Beomgyu shook his head "No, I don't feel the same way but seeing him upset hurt me" the younger's eyes turned teary and redish, Yeonjun sighed and one thing got into his mind

He felt bad too. You can say that he doesn't want to share Beomgyu with anyone else even with Soobin, now that he confessed, even if Beomgyu had rejected him Yeonjun knows that he shouldn't be reacting in some way like being boastful and full of himself. At least he knows how to not act like 'I won and you didn't'

"It's okay Beomgyu, if you don't feel the same.. you just don't and you can't change that on your own" He comforts the younger with words of affirmation and by rubbing his back slowly. Beomgyu sniffled and smiled at Yeonjun

"I hope he'll be okay"

"He will, he'll still be there with you" Yeonjun said with a sure tone in his voice, Beomgyu chuckles and hugs the older so tight "Thank you old man" the hug made Yeonjun gasp for air

"It's not a problem but- HELLO I CAN'T BREATHE, CAN YOU LIKE LOOSEN UP" He said while slapping Beomgyu's back, the younger realized this but he wanted to piss him off more by squeezing Yeonjun even tighter "Please do suffer" he smiled in an evil manner, Yeonjun was almost in the defeat but an idea suddenly popped up in his mind, since Beomgyu didn't like those kind of jokes he had to say it for the younger to let go. Hugs are okay but it was making him cry mentally

"You can make me suffer from breathing but not in this way, like you know..~" Yeonjun purred as a smirk forms in his face

Beomgyu let's go and slaps Yeonjun's chest "YOU'RE SO DAMN WEIRD!" He shouts and gets up to leave the older behind who's now laughing "Aww, look who's embarrassed" Yeonjun said while laughing at him. Beomgyu had a better idea suddenly to deal with this annoying dude

"shut up before I make you" Beomgyu smirked trying to send back the same energy that Yeonjun gave, apparently the older sent a more intense energy
"Yes please, make me" he smirked making Beomgyu blush "I-I... Ugh, go away" he mumbled and walked in a faster pace

"Don't test me love, I have better skills" Said Yeonjun proudly


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