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after Soobin confessed to Beomgyu, he ignored the younger everytime he sees him everywhere even at school just to avoid the awkwardness, he felt so scared and embarrassed to the point that he just didn't want to show up in front of Beomgyu

The younger remained confused and concerned because he never saw Soobin be this distant from him, in fact Soobin would love to be sticking with him everywhere, anytime, anyhow

Yeonjun and him are currently dining in to a restaurant, while Beomgyu spaces out to think about what is going on, it made Yeonjun worry for him so he wanted the younger to open up to him to see if he's alright
"You okay?" he asked making Beomgyu shake his head as his very honest answer

"What did I do..?" Beomgyu mumbled to himself and fiddled his fingers making Yeonjun sigh at this sight "You've done nothing wrong.. maybe he wants some space"

"I don't know Jun, he was never like this to me" Beomgyu said with his trembled voice that almost sounds like crying, Yeonjun couldn't do anything but do his best just to make him feel better again

"There are downsides in confessing too.. The upside is relief because you finally told them how you feel, and the downside because of rejection.. Unless if they liked you back"

"I know rejection is hard but it's better to tell them, yeah it does make you guilty but.. at least they know what you really feel" 

Yeonjun explained making the younger only nod non chantly, Beomgyu couldn't imagine what Soobin is going through because he rejected the older, but feelings aren't meant to be forced to become a different one in just a snap "Thanks for those words Junnie" Beomgyu said in a sweet tone, Yeonjun nodded with a smile as his response, the nickname even made it better

"Now don't overthink okay? Let's just order and we'll head to the arcade later" The older took his chin and lifted it up making Beomgyu confused, he lets go and says "Chin up for me love" Yeonjun then got up like nothing happened and went to order

Beomgyu froze and was madly blushing by the older's actions, his heart was beating too fast and loud. He wanted to scream his lungs out and throw everything on the ground that he could see but not now at a public place, it was surprising that he didn't fight back about the nickname, he was low-key.. loving it? No that's impossible

'How could you do these things to me.. I'm feeling something that I shouldn't– why are you so charming..!?' He spoke to his mind, he burried his face with his hands then Yeonjun arrived soon and sat in front of him. He noticed the younger who's so red, he realized why and forms a smirk "You look like a strawberry" he chuckled, Beomgyu was caught off guard because of what he said making his heart beat faster

"y-you!" Beomgyu stammers while he looks away from Yeonjun's eyes that looked sexy to him

"Hm? Me?"

"Stop being so.. s-sweet I can't handle it"

"You like it huh?" Yeonjun says with a low tone on his voice, Beomgyu went mentally crazy over Yeonjun.. was he falling? Only God knows what Beomgyu is feeling towards the older

"No, it's just making me–" Beomgyu was cut off by Yeonjun

"Get butterflies and a fast heart beat?"  Well Beomgyu couldn't deny this one so he nodded "But it doesn't mean I'm liking you"

"Baby is so in denial" Yeonjun laughed, first is Love, now baby? Who was he to call Beomgyu those nicknames when they aren't even dating? They say label isn't important at all anyways, that's what Yeonjun believes

As long as you love them, that's enough.. But does Yeonjun love him already? Well based on his thoughts, he loves the younger so much than his life and family, even himself

So overdramatic

"Stop it you flirt" Beomgyu growled and crossed his arms, he wasn't gonna let Yeonjun defeat his pride by some nicknames and sweet words, sweet actions or whatever

"Fine I'll stop so you won't be uncomfortable, So cute" The older smiled and pinched Beomgyu's cheeks in awe, he quickly pushed Yeonjun's fingers away with a glare then asked

"Why do you give me the bare minimum huh?" There he goes again, blushing real mad

"It's because it's rarely seen in men these days and I don't want you to settle for less... I know I was rude back then but when I found out about your situation, I didn't want to make it worse" Beomgyu almost believes him but another assumption came up to his head

"But what if I never had Derealization? Will you be always rude to me?"

"No.." Yeonjun smiled making the other knit his eyebrows
"Why?" Beomgyu asked, he wanted a clearer explanation than just a no. Yeonjun pressed his lips together and slowly drifted his eyes away from Beomgyu

"it's messed up but.. Maybe being mean to you was my only way to get your attention"

"What do you mean?" Beomgyu was confused

"I liked you after two weeks until now when you transferred to our school" Yeonjun had explained, Beomgyu hit him in the head making him Yelp in pain "Ow!"

"You idiot, wh-what else huh?"

"I told my friend before that you looked like an annoying guy, but I was clearly lying because I actually thought.. youlooksocuteandbeautiful" Yeonjun snapped, and hid his redish face. Beomgyu blushed by his words, fast but clear enough to understand

He felt euphoric and happy as well, this is what he actually feels... When Soobin confessed, it felt so wrong and he didn't like him just like how Soobin does but when Yeonjun did it, it was different.

It's unfair, but true feelings are needed to be said instead of the fake ones

"o-ohh.." Beomgyu mumbled, he wasn't confused about what the older told him but he was confused with his feelings, does he like Yeonjun back or not? He was half happy and flustered but also half unhappy and weirded out by it

"I promise I'll always treat you better and wait for you, sorry.. I just wanted to really say that I like you"

"It's alright Junnie, please don't ever be mean to me again" Beomgyu held Yeonjun's hand and smiles at him

"I won't, may I court you now love?" Yeonjun asked with his eyes filled with hope, Beomgyu smiled softly

"You can"

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