kiss -bonus-

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Weeks had passed and Beomgyu still hasn't heard about Soobin in a while.. He was still worried but he didn't want to overthink about it so he tries to distract himself and now that Yeonjun is beside him, he feels relived and safe

Beomgyu and Yeonjun are currently at Yeonjun's house and they're watching a movie together, Beomgyu wanted to watch a horror genre while Yeonjun didn't want to but he couldn't say no to the younger. Every scene in the movie terrified Yeonjun making Beomgyu chuckle and roll his eyes at him thinking that Yeonjun was too dramatic

A jumpscare came into the screen causing the older to jump in surprise along with a bloody scream that echoed in the whole house "AAAA– FUCK YOU MAN" He raised his middle finger at the tv and this made Beomgyu laugh at him, the older quickly hid his face onto the other's chest while whimpering "I can't do this for fuck's sake"

"Oh Junnie, you're so dramatic" Beomgyu said with a giggle then stroked Yeonjun's hair, soon enough, Yeonjun ended up laying on the younger's lap and they had turned off the TV. He was busy admiring Beomgyu who's on his cellphone while playing a game, Yeonjun gets up and scooted closer to Beomgyu then placed his chin on his shoulder as Yeonjun watches Beomgyu carefully

Beomgyu on the other hand was unaware of it, so he turned his head and saw Yeonjun's face closer to his but he didn't pull away, in fact he expected something to happen sooner. Yeonjun had the same thoughts as him and he quickly aimed at Beomgyu's lips, their lips has connected and it now has finally formed into a kiss

It was sweet and gentle of course, soon Beomgyu strattled on Yeonjun's lap without breaking their lip connection and took Yeonjun's face by cupping it with his hands. They were lost in their own world and lost in their kiss, Yeonjun started to only peck Beomgyu's lip and pulls away everytime he placed a kiss on it then makes a sound like 'mwa'

They pulled away soon with smiles on their faces, and deep red blush visible too "You taste sweet" Yeonjun said as he licked his lips making Beomgyu blush even more and hide his face on. Yeonjun's neck "You taste even sweeter.." Beomgyu mumbled but the other has heard him

– a super short update, idk why I'm doing this I'm so spelpy and I feel tired, gdhwhshaha have a nice day:>>

imagine writing this while ure sleepy knao

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