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Beomgyu and Yeonjun are currently outside, they decided to go to the mall for shopping, and Beomgyu found it boring to be honest. Yeonjun wanted to go look for a pair of pants, and a polo shirt

Spending money makes him feel better, the younger was just standing there waiting like a puppy, he was clearly bored and tired making Yeonjun notice this "You okay?" He asked, Beomgyu shook his head as his honest answer then his lips formed a pout.

"Do you want something? Or need anything?" Yeonjun lost his focus on the clothes, and walked closer to Beomgyu. The younger didn't honestly want anything but just cuddle with Yeonjun at home, that's the kind of date that he wants "I want you.." he mumbled lowly, the older smirked and whispered to his ears "Give me a moment, hmm? Then let's go home"

Beomgyu nodded with a smile, they headed to the counter to pay for all of the stuff that Yeonjun bought, he spent a lot of money just for those branded clothes and shoes, he wouldn't honestly mind since he's a rich lad himself. Hell, Beomgyu was surprised with the total amount to pay that flashed on the computer, Yeonjun handed the money like it was just only a coin to him.

"That's a lot of stuff huh" He said, then leaned closer to Yeonjun, and oh he smelled really nice that made Beomgyu want to bury his face onto his shoulders "Well, spending money removes all my stress" Yeonjun chuckles

They walked out of the shop and the young one was still clinging onto him as if he was a koala "You smell so fucking good" he lets out, Yeonjun smiled and ruffled Beomgyu's hair "Smell me all you want love" and so one, Beomgyu did.

They ate at a restaurant for a bit, and had to head home because Beomgyu really wanted to get out of that place, Yeonjun remembered what he said as they head to the car 'I want you' echoed through his mind making him smirk low-key. Beomgyu sat in the car and sighed in relief "Oh god, can't wait to go home"

"Speaking of earlier about what you said, how badly do you want me?" Yeonjun said in a flirty tone, Beomgyu blushed and gave him wide eyes
"W-what?" He said, Yeonjun rolled his eyes and took a deep breath

"May I?" He said looking at Beomgyu, the other one was confused at the moment "May you what?" He said

Yeonjun wanted to touch his thighs but he needed to ask for Beomgyu's consent, it'll be a major turn off if he touches him without asking. Beomgyu finally understood and hid his cherry red face "If.. you want to- whatever, y-you can. But why?" He asked

"Well you said you want me, so here I am giving you all of myself"

"J-junnie you misunderstood me" Beomgyu gasped and turned away while squealing like a female "I wanted you but not in some way you pyscho!" He rants, Yeonjun was embarrassed and started to blush madly

"oh my gosh, I'm so sorry baby! I didn't mean to–"

"no it's fine, just shut up and kiss me" Beomgyu cuts him off, the older was taken a back by his sudden demand "Are you sure?" Beomgyu didn't want to repeat himself "Did I stutter old man?" He sassed

"Oh now you're being a brat~" Yeonjun carried Beomgyu like he was light as a cloud, the younger was shocked and he ended up on the other's lap, Yeonjun stared into his eyes then quickly aimed for Beomgyu's cherry lips, the younger didn't fight back and their lips were dancing in sync.

Yeonjun slowly glided his lips onto Beomgyu's neck and started to mark him up, Beomgyu's spine sent shivers and his body hair started to rise up from his skin "Yeo- Hey!" He exclaimed, it felt so wrong but it was sending him pleasure.

He was started to grip onto Yeonjun's shirt and his back was arching when he had kissed his skin too harsh, a bruise appeared with red tint. Yeonjun had to stop and he looked at Beomgyu who was panting for air "Oh fuck, I got c-carried away! I'm so sorry.." He cupped Beomgyu's cheeks and kissed them lightly over and over again

Once the younger's breathing calmed down, he giggled and wrapped his arms around the older's neck "It's okay.. B-but you definitely surprised me right there" he said "Now my turn" he smirked

He went for Yeonjun's skin without a warning and kissed it gently before going more further, the other one liked it and started to breathe heavily as Beomgyu marks him. Beomgyu gave him love bites all over Yeonjun's neck and it was so visible, in the jaw, the neck, the Adams apple and almost close to his shoulders!

"Th–thats.. enough" He said between his heavy breaths, Beomgyu gave those marks one last peck and pulled away "God, what a creation I made.."

"Shut up, you did a good work though" Yeonjun smirked and pecked Beomgyu's lip "Of course"



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