shut up

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Disclaimer: I don't have much knowledge about Derealization Disorders, so please correct me if I'm wrong ! And to those people who have this disorder, you'll be okay and safe, I love you and I'm proud of you for fighting and never letting your fears take you down<33 (also to the ones who are suffering any problem, health probs, disorders. A big hug to you all)


Beomgyu got home with a boiling blood, he flung his bag on the couch and ran upstairs, he was damn sure that he's about to start a new episode because of what happened earlier, it made him stressed out. He lies down on his bed and shuts his eye praying to God that he won't start an episode

"Please, oh my gosh! I don't want another shit to happen" He mumbled, but oh well, by his bad luck an episode of his Derealization struck. He took a look around his surroundings that now felt so new and unfamiliar to him, he glanced at his hands that were slightly trembling, he switched to the palms of his hands and that's where he realized, hell is about to start

Everytime he looks at everything, he felt like he was in a video game and his perspective feels weird and strange to him, he wasn't feeling real. It may sound weird and difficult to explain, but it's just how it is

"Great, just oh.. great" Is all that Beomgyu could say, he scratched his head in frustration and just attempted to lull himself to sleep, though he just remembered that he's already in a 'dream' so it just made it more difficult for him.

Derealization episodes feels like you're in a dream, yes in a dream. You look at everything and you just think to yourself like 'wow, what are these things' It might not be like this for everyone who has this disorder, but some experience this just like Beomgyu

Well, he ended up sleeping even tho he's bothered so much with his situation. He didn't have time to eat dinner because of his tiredness


"Beomgyu, Beomgyu! Choi?" Yeonjun kept repeating his name over and over again until he could piss off the younger for his success, on the other hand Beomgyu kept quiet as he took deep breaths, trying not to burst at any moment.

Yeonjun followed him everywhere, Beomgyu went to school with such bad luck, he got inside the school with Yeonjun earlier, he saw the older talking to some of his friends at the school gate while holding two girl's petite waist in both of his arms. He isn't only an annoying guy, a playboy too who likes to go find some chicks

Beomgyu tried so hard not make any eye contact with the older, he even covered himself with his backpack. Too bad Yeonjun didn't fail to notice his figure, so he quickly approaches the younger and now, Yeonjun is happily annoying the other.

"Please Yeonjun, I beg you to shut up" Beomgyu groaned in annoyance, ready to hit Yeonjun with a book soon but the older only returned a smirk "Beg more, on your knees for daddy" he cracked a joke, Yeonjun's smirk became wider while making Beomgyu gag in disgust

"You're fucking weird, get away from me"

"It was just a joke, chill" The older shrugs, he placed an arm on Beomgyu's shoulder but the other pulled his shoulder away by walking faster "So grumpy today huh?" Yeonjun laughed

"Yes, I am. And now that your existence is right in front of me, I'm getting even more pissed" Beomgyu stated sternly and rolled his eye, Yeonjun still continues to tease him
"Ooh, you look sexy when you're in a pissed mood" he cooed, the younger stopped on his tracks and looked at Yeonjun with a dark gaze

"Shut up.. please?"

"Make me" Yeonjun smirked

"Oh I will" Beomgyu smiled sarcastically and took a book from his bag, raising his hand on Yeonjun and scaring the other about hitting him, he was only kidding but just a few more, Beomgyu will be ready to hit Yeonjun with a book straight to his head

"Look I don't care about you being around me, but if you don't stop pissing me off.. This book right here in my hand? Will fucking land on your head, hard. Really really hard" Beomgyu sassed once again, rolling his eyes.

Yeonjun still didn't stop at all and Beomgyu wasn't scaring him, well he's probably really waiting for Beomgyu to hit him

"But not as hard as a d-" Yeonjun was cut off when he felt a hand land on his mouth, it was clearly Beomgyu's palm placed on his lips "I don't want you saying another weird joke" Beomgyu rubbed his face with the other hand in annoyance, he didn't remove his hand and Yeonjun thought this was a fun opportunity to go spit on it, so he did

"WHAT THE HELL!" Beomgyu yelped, he felt something warm and watery on his hand, and of course he knew damn well it was spit, he quickly took Yeonjun's shirt then rubbed his hand on it to remove the disgusting sticky saliva, he then took an alcohol spray
from his bag, raining it on his hand like there's no tomorrow

"Hey! My saliva isn't that disgusting, any girl would never wash their hands if I spit on their hands" Yeonjun joked again with a sly smile on his face, thought, he felt offended as he saw Beomgyu spray so much alcohol on his hand, as if Yeonjun's saliva was the dirtiest thing. Beomgyu raised a brow and looks at the other up and down

"Well, not everyone likes your stupid spit, why are we even fighting over a saliva?! J-just Leave me alone, I'm gonna be fucking late because of your stupidity" He walked away quickly as he pulled his hair aggressively, he couldn't handle Yeonjun any longer. He ran to his classroom and saw Soobin once he was inside, his stress went away quickly just by seeing his best friend

He sat on his seat with a sigh, finally some peace. "Good morning Bin" He greets Soobin who was sat next to him, the older smiled and waved back "Good morning to you too" Beomgyu felt relieved and luckily he wasn't late

Minutes after, suddenly a figure came inside that was somehow familiar to him. When he familiarized who it was, he was dead meat "You gotta be kidding.." Yeonjun was in the same classroom as him, but how? He thought.

Yeonjun's eyes darted at Beomgyu, he made that goofy smirk again then walked towards the younger with a proud look on his face "Hey new classmate" He winked at Beomgyu then walked away heading to his seat, Beomgyu was left shocked and his stress got back again

"H-how, what? Huh?!"

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