t or d

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After partying for hours Beomgyu was already drunk, it turned out that the time was already 12:00 AM, Beomgyu needed to look for Yeonjun to tell him that he needs to go home
"Erm.. it's not like I need to tell Yeonjun, right?" Beomgyu looks at Soobin, the taller rolled his eyes because this was the millionth time that Beomgyu had been deciding if they'll tell Yeonjun that they're going home, or just bust out of the door

"Tell me what?" Beomgyu flinched from the voice that he heard, there was a hot breath touching his ear causing it to send shivers to his spine, he turned around and saw Yeonjun really close to him. They were about to kiss due to the small gap between them, Beomgyu backs away quickly and hid behind Soobin's back "Oh uh, we were just about to tell you that we're he-heading home"

Yeonjun smirked "Too bad you can't leave yet, we're playing truth or dare" he called some of the students to join them, a lot of them joined obviously. Beomgyu was terrified in horror, he wanted to leave since the party felt boring for him, all he did was drink and plus he's gone dizzy because of the alcohol, he has low alcohol tolerance to be exact.

"I'm dizzy already but fine" The younger sighed, Soobin didn't join because he didn't feel too well, he had a bad feeling about this game so he sat all alone. The participants sat in a circle and Yeji spun the bottle, the bottle was pointed at a female student "Truth or dare?" Yeji asked

"Dare" the girl replied, hoping that she'd be dared to do something that Yeonjun's involved "Kiss the floor" Yeji dared this one because she knew damn well that the girl was wishing for that one dare, Yeji was in amusement as she saw the other female groan. After the dare, the girl left so Beomgyu had to spin the bottle this time and it landed on Taehyun, another student

"Okay.. truth or dare?" Beomgyu asked lazily, he felt drowsy and tired as hell  "Truth" says Taehyun

"Is Krispy Kreme crispy?" He had to think of a question, but a fucked up one. All of the participants looked at him in confusion including Yeonjun
"What? It's a genuine question, don't y'all bitches look at me like that" some bursted in laughter, Yeonjun was left chuckling

"Uhm, it's a donut so.. no" Taehyun answers, Beomgyu nodded only and Taehyun now took the bottle to spin it, now pointed at Yeonjun
"truth or dare?"


Taehyun gave the bottle to him, and stood up to leave the party "I dare you to spin that bottle, I'm going home" Yeonjun scoffed and placed the bottle on the floor, then spun it. Bingo, landed on Beomgyu

"Love, truth or dare?" Yeonjun smiled, he was a little sober now. The others were shocked but they didn't mind a bit, they're not homophobic anyways.. But some might be

"Dare..." Beomgyu replied, he was already half asleep and his mind was about to shut down soon

"Sit on my lap" Yeonjun smirked proudly, Soobin was in shock and disbelief, pissed too. But he didn't want to be a party pooper so he just hoped that nothing worse would happen right now

"Okay.. eugh" Beomgyu scooted closer to Yeonjun and sat to where he was told, now the older is satisfied, don't get him wrong though it's not like he would take advantage of Beomgyu because he's drunk "You can sleep if you like too" Yeonjun said softly, the students were in awe as they watch the two, and some were also jealous of Beomgyu

Soobin on the other hand gritted his teeth, he couldn't stand the game so he went up to Beomgyu "Excuse me but, I think he needs to go home" Soobin almost took Beomgyu's hand to get up, but Yeonjun turned away with his hand wrapped around Beomgyu's tiny waist "I'm sorry? We're still playing can't you see?" Yeonjun knitted his eyebrows at the other

"You can continue playing even if Beomgyu leaves" Soobin fought back, Yeonjun clenched his jaw and gave him a tough gaze "Let's see if he even wants to go home. Love?" He called out Beomgyu's nickname, the younger hummed as a response "Huhm..?"

"Do you want to go home?"

"No, I'm so dizzy.. let me sleep here" Beomgyu replied, he was totally out of his senses and he really wanted to rest, the other participants looked at them in amusement, waiting for whatever's gonna happen next

"He's drunk, you know that he doesn't mean it" Soobin said harshly, he pulled Beomgyu's arm to make him stand up but Yeonjun was the one to refuse "He needs rest, I think you're the one who needs to leave. Not being harsh, ya know?" He growled at Soobin while the other was taken aback after what he said

"I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I need to take him home"

"Who do I think I am? Look here. You're his 5 MONTH best friend, I'm his 7 MONTH best enemy now you know" Yeonjun said proudly with a smirk visible on his lips, 2 month gap isn't a big one but hey.. at least to Yeonjun he knows Beomgyu more

"You know him longer, but I know him better than you" Soobin boasted, while the older was left speechless. The other students went "woah" to his response

"That's what you could brag about? I can get to know him too, not just you" Yeonjun fought, he won't let his guard down because of this other guy

Beomgyu threw up on the floor out of the blue in the middle of a fight, the other's shrieked and Yeonjun almost dropped him on the floor "Ah shit" he mumbled

"Everyone, the party is over. I announced to y'all that it ends in 2:00 AM right?" Yeonjun said, the students did went home because of all the partying, they were so tired and a lot of stuff happened. Everyone left except for Soobin and Beomgyu

"Clean up this mess, I'll take care of Beomgyu" Yeonjun demands, taking Beomgyu with him to a room as the older carried him in a bridal style, Soobin sighed and let Yeonjun do the job himself "Whatever.." He mumbled and took a mop from the bathroom later on


"What a mess you are, jeez" Yeonjun said as he laid Beomgyu down on the bed, a bed in the guest room of course. He took a plain shirt from his closet and wore it on Beomgyu, he didn't notice that it was his favorite shirt, too tired to notice

He then properly pushed Beomgyu higher on the bed so that his legs weren't of the mattress, Yeonjun brushed the younger's hair with his fingers "Goodnight love.." He said, and left to go see Soobin downstairs

He saw Soobin almost done with the cleaning, he didn't clean up everything, just Beomgyu's vomit and he put all the cups away "Thanks, have this" Yeonjun said and handed a pack of cigarette to Soobin

"I don't smoke.."

"Well, what else do you want?" Yeonjun rolled his eyes

"I wan- have to take Beomgyu home" Soobin stated, Yeonjun shook his head in rejection "He's asleep in the guest room"

"Then I'll sleep with hi-"

"Sleep in the other rooms, his bed is occupied. Don't bother him" Yeonjun instantly cut him off, he's not gonna let Soobin interrupt Beomgyu's sleep

"Fine, so strict." Soobin went upstairs to look for some rooms and ended up in a different one, not so far from where Beomgyu's sleeping. Yeonjun cleaned up the living room and ended up passing out in a couch

"Ugh, goodnight to me.." He shortly said and fell asleep like a fast lightning 

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