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"Ew! N-no way" Beomgyu gagged for real, Yeonjun chuckled at his actions
"You act like you're so disgusted of me, but admit it, I'm hot" The older took Beomgyu's chin and looks at him directly in the eyes deeply, the other blushed in embarrassment and looked away

"You're not my type.." He mumbled

"But I didn't asked if I'm your type, are you low-key admitting I'm hot but... I'm just not your type?" Yeonjun went to genius mode there, Beomgyu was caught up, let's just say that Beomgyu finds him attractive sometimes but that doesn't mean he likes Yeonjun

"I hate bickering with you" Beomgyu tried changing the subject, luckily Yeonjun played along "And I don't, it's fun to annoy you"

"You're making things worse for me, so stop stressing me out" Beomgyu stated seriously with a blank expression written on his face, Yeonjun became serious too

"What do you mean?"


"Tell me, love" Yeonjun cupped Beomgyu's cheeks, let me tell you that he's drunk but if he's not, Yeonjun wouldn't care at all

"Bold of you to assume I would, and stop calling me for fuck's sake" He pulled away the older's hands from his face to avoid weird contact with him

"If something is wrong, please tell me.." Yeonjun smiled, Beomgyu looked at him with a small smile too
"It's not that hard to be nice, I hope you mean it" Beomgyu mumbled lowly, which Yeonjun couldn't hear

Soobin came back, he saw the two close to each other. Of course he felt bothered but who was he to complain about it, he's just Beomgyu's best friend. Is this where it's about to begin? Enemies to friends, to best friends, to lovers? Possibly or Impossibly.

"Hey guys, what's up..?" He sat down with the two, Beomgyu felt comfortable again, now that Soobin is with him. Yeonjun returned a frown when he came back "See you guys, enjoy the party" he left after

"Want a shot?" Beomgyu offered to Soobin "Sure"

On the other hand, Yeonjun was annoyed, not because of Beomgyu but because of that someone who keeps getting in the way

"What's wrong?" Yeji asked when she saw an angry Yeonjun walking towards her, the male sighed and sat on a chair

"There's this one feeling I'm getting" Yeonjun stated, Yeji being confused, knitted her brows and asked again
"And that is?"

"You know, a few days ago I hated Beomgyu.. like really hated him, and now when I see him with his stupid friend, I get uhm.. upset?" He says, Yeji's mouth was hung open, she blinked for a few minutes to process what Yeonjun said "Yeonjun, you are in big big trouble" She chuckled mischievously

"What? What do you mean?"

"I can't believe for almost 7 months of hating Beomgyu, you just fell for him now" the female teased, Yeonjun scoffed in return "Fall for him? The fuck is that"

"You're in denial again, and the more you deny, the more it shows Yeonjun" Yeji sat next to him, then nudged Yeonjun with her elbow. He's never gonna admit that he's starting to catch feelings for Beomgyu "No, neverrr haha" Yeonjun chuckled nervously, unfortunately Yeji can read his facial expressions and can totally tell that he's denying it

"You even call him love, you think I don't kno–"

"THAT WAS AS A JOKE, I SWEAR, FUCKING HWANG YEJI DON'T START!" The older cuts her off, Yeji puts on a smirk "You're being so defensive, gosh"

"Fine, maybe I do get jealous when Beomgyu's with his best friend.." He finally admits it, his heart was beating faster and faster

All he could ever think was, how? How did it start like this? How did he even liked Beomgyu? He was in so much confusion and his head was filled up with questions that needed answers. He can't fall for his enemy just like that, in a blink. But he can't control his feelings for the younger, it's uncontrollable

"There are times that you actually start developing feeling for someone suddenly, you don't know exactly why. Even if you don't tell me you like him, I already know. Believe me, if you don't know the reason why you like him, it's true love" Yeji gave him a piece of advice, and she walked out to continue to party. Could it really be true love? Yeonjun thought

But things are just about to start, and the situation is far from love yet, Yeonjun is just attached to Beomgyu even if all they do the whole day is bicker, argue, piss each other like there's no ending. His reason of liking Beomgyu is unknown, and will never be known

But Yeonjun wouldn't tell him of course, he still has his pride along with him, and he thought that maybe these feelings would go away to in a short blink

Jokes on you

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