defend me

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Beomgyu went outside and saw Yeonjun who was waiting for him, he approached the older and greets him
"Hii" he said waving his hands. Yeonjun looked at him and smiles then he opened the car's door "Hop in" he said

"Can I sit in the front? You know beside the driver's seat.. I'm more comfortable in that spot" Yeonjun nodded "Of course, no problem" he let Beomgyu sat beside the driver's seat because the younger wanted to, they left soon and drove to the mall

"Your car looks brand new" Beomgyu complimented making Yeonjun chuckle "It's not that brand new, this car was bought 4 weeks ago" he said with a joking tone, Beomgyu rolled his eyes playfully "So you're saying it's old?"

"Kind of"

"How old is he or she?" Beomgyu asked jokingly, Yeonjun sent back the same energy

"Like I said, 4 weeks old" Silence took over and after a few minutes they glanced at each other and laughed like psychos, their stomachs were aching because of something stupid
"Why the fuck am I laughing over a car's age" Beomgyu said while tears were almost forming because of laughing too much, while Yeonjun couldn't breathe and kept wheezing
"Okay stop fucking laughing, I can't breathe" says Yeonjun

Suddenly, they shut their mouths and Yeonjun needed to be on serious mode, Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun who's focused on driving then he laughed out of nowhere making Yeonjun jump in surprise "What is so funny..?" He asked judging Beomgyu for laughing at him "I don't know, I just– your face is making me laugh! When you looked too serious, I-" Beomgyu couldn't finish his sentence because of too much laughter, he's the type of friend that who can't stop himself when he's in a 'don't laugh' situation like if he looks at you, he'll automatically laugh

"What's wrong with my face?" Yeonjun asked in confusion making Beomgyu laugh even harder, at this point his humor was so fucking broken that he laughed at something stupid "I'm so sorry my humor is just.. damn" He chuckled and swept his tears away, he finally stopped

Yeonjun looked at him weirdly and continue to drove, they arrived soon and  parked the car somewhere. Beomgyu got out of the car and so did Yeonjun then they got inside the mall

At the parking lot as they were walking, Beomgyu could feel a tension that someone is staring at him, he looked at his back and he was right. Someone is staring at him in a perverting way which made him so uncomfortable, he tried not to look but he could feel that someone is still staring, it wasn't a guy but a girl whispering to her friends as she eyes him down there with a smirk
"Yeonjun, can we walk faster.." he said going closer to the older, Yeonjun was found confused but did what Beomgyu told

"Is something wrong.. or?" The older asked, Beomgyu faked a smile and shook his head but he was really feeling unwell because of that girl "No, nothing's wrong I just wanna head inside to get some air" he made up an excuse, Yeonjun was sure that there's something wrong because of the way the Beomgyu talked, it was his tone. He thinks that Beomgyu is nervous

He decided to look at their back and then saw some girls walking behind them, it was that one girl who was looking at Beomgyu. Yeonjun saw her eyeing Beomgyu in an unpleasant way which made him feel uncomfortable for the younger as well. He confronted the girl, it has to be done
"Can you stop staring at him?" Yeonjun said in a harsh tone making Beomgyu get caught off guard

"Hu-huh? Why would I stare at him?" The girl fought back who is clearly lying, the audacity she really had "Stop lying and get your fucking eyes off him" he stated and dragged Beomgyu in a faster pace, meanwhile the younger was so so surprised that he never thought that Yeonjun would actually defend him from them "Thank you for standing up for me but.. how did you know?"

"I knew that there was something bothering you just by finding out in a tone of your voice" Yeonjun said with a tone of sass making Beomgyu laugh a little "Hmm.. thank you again"

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