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Beomgyu left home earlier and decided to sleep while awfully crying and the next day

He woke up in his bed, he felt hot and his body was heavy then his throat was in sharp pain. He couldn't get up because he was also having a headache, great, what a day to start

He took his phone and decided to message Yeonjun about his situation


hey, sorry but I can't go with you rn I'm sick :( •

• ohh that's okay, don't move too much today alright? Stay in bed and rest, I love you

it's 8 in the evening and you're making me catch butterflies! •

• well, you deserve my love baby~

• now rest Oki?

alright hehe, we can go out tomorrow I promise.. and I love u too dhdhwjdhha •

• cute, it's okay if we can't go out yet, your health is important to me

byeyouresoflirtystopit •

• come on, I'm not flirting! I'm being serious with you because I really love you >:((

hmph •

• I love u I love you I love you I love you! I love you my pretty boy

I love you I love you I love you I love you too ^^

• let's not get too cheesy lmao, rest now okaayy? Stop using your phone, it'll make your headache worse and get well soon love

finee, I love you againn •

• I love you more and more


Beomgyu turned off his phone and smiled to himself like an idiot, his heart pounded faster and his stomach was doing backflips inside him
"Yeonjun why would you do this to me!" He groaned, but not gonna lie it made him happy

He got up from his bed soon and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face to freshen up a bit, he saw his brother earlier and greeted him good morning too. Taehyung looked at Beomgyu's face suspiciously because his cheeks were flaming red
"Hmm, why are you blushing in the morning?"

"It's because I'm sick" Beomgyu rolled his eyes this made his brother snicker "Lies, who's this guy making your heart go kaboom?" Taehyung smirked, the younger covered his cheeks and dashed away immediately "No one!" He lied again

"You're such a bad liar" Beomgyu's brother laughed and proceeded to cook dinner "Shut up" said Beomgyu with his eyes rolling


A few days later, Beomgyu and Yeonjun had became more sweeter to each other like nothing happened before of hating each other, Yeonjun wasn't gonna lie.. He likes the closeness of him and Beomgyu then so does the younger

At least they didn't have to keep arguing anymore, and just be friends.. with benefits

Today, they're at the cinema watching a romantic movie and as they were watching, the most romantic scene came made all the couples kiss each other, a little cringey but hey? love is love

"Beomgyu, I love you so much" said Yeonjun out of nowhere making the other blush "I... I love you too Jun" he smiled, he heard his heartbeat loud and clear

The older smiled and leaned closer to Beomgyu's face, he quickly aimed at his lips causing Beomgyu to gasp softly "mhmph" he hummed. Yeonjun kissed him with full of passion and desires, Beomgyu did the same and now their lips are both dancing and brushing on each other in sync. They pulled away while panting heavily, that was crazy.

Everyone started to blush after their own kisses, that includes Beomgyu and Yeonjun. There were still single people in the cinema and seeing other's kiss made them gag

"Your lips are so soft" Beomgyu complimented the older, Yeonjun blushed madly and quickly pecked Beomgyu's lips once again, he tried to move his lips to Beomgyu's but the other refused and slightly pushed him
"Let's continue at home and finish the movie" the younger chuckled

"Finee" Yeonjun sighed and finished the movie


Hi there fellow Beomjun shippers! I'm sorry that I couldn't post an update today because I have been dealing with a lot of stuff nowadays since school is about to start again. Take care and stay hydrated<3

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