pit of hell

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Many students were surprised and their reactions were honestly being happy especially the girls, now that Yeonjun is a part of their class, of course there had to be one who's disappointed

Well the reason why Yeonjun moved into Beomgyu's section, because he requested the school principal to do so. If you're wondering how he got access to that, the principal just follows his orders because Yeonjun's parents owns the school, pretty shocking. If Beomgyu knew this fact, he would've moved to a different school rather than staying in a pit of hell

"Holy shit, Yeonjun is here" A girl squealed with a blush on her face, some girls started to brush their hair and put some more make up on, in order to get Yeonjun's attention

"Attention seekers" Beomgyu mumbled, Soobin heard him loud and clear making him scoff "Definitely" the older said shaking his head

"I'm so glad you're also uninterested about Yeonjun being here, what's so special about him anyway?" The younger tsked, Soobin responds with a nod only

"Well I can make you fall for me love" Yeonjun suddenly butts in, he leaned on Beomgyu's shoulder as he placed his hands on him, the Younger could obviously feel that Yeonjun was smiling, or maybe smirking

Beomgyu being annoyed, he brushed off Yeonjun's hand harshly "Keep dreaming, and get your dirty hands off me" He hissed, turning his back on Yeonjun, he was running out of patience "You're so annoying too ya know?" The older pointed at Beomgyu, clearly offended by what he said

"I don't know what the actual hell is wrong with you, the other day you wanted to beat me up and now you're  flirtatious, are you on some kind of drugs?" Beomgyu slightly raised his voice, making the other students look in their direction. Yeonjun made a face at the drugs part, no way he was getting into some addict stuff

"You're insane, I don't do shit"

"I'm just kidding?"

Soobin watched them in amusement, he didn't knew why this bickering was interesting for him, felt like he was watching the siblings argue. The two kept arguing and arguing until they just got tired of it, Beomgyu was really tired of bickering with Yeonjun "Please get out of my sight" Beomgyu said sarcastically while covering his eyes, pretending to be blinded. Yeonjun rolled his eyes at him"Gladly" He left, going back to where he belongs

"So annoying" They both mumbled in unison, they just didn't heard each other because if they did, another riot is gonna start "Bin, tell me. Do you think that he's annoying as much as I think how annoying he is?" Beomgyu switched his position to Soobin, looking at the other directly in the eyes, Soobin looked away a bit, he felt uneasy with the eye contact
"Yes..? I honestly think he's being-"

"Good, because you know that dude? I've been dealing with him for like... 7 months? Ever since I got here, he wasn't annoying me but then after 2 weeks.. He started to annoy me, it's making me go insane" There he was again, ranting to Soobin, well all he could do right now was listen at the other

After a few hours, school ended again. Nothing interesting happened, just the same like everyday

"Come on Soobin! Let's go to the mall, my treat.. for the ride to get there" Beomgyu jokes, Soobin slightly chuckled

"Nah I'm serious, let's go out since it's Friday.. We don't have much to do as well" Beomgyu plastered a smile, looking at Soobin who's now looking at him too "Sure Gyu, what are we gonna do though?" Beomgyu also had no idea why they had to go to the mall

"To go shopping, duh" He sassed

"Are you sure about that?" Soobin smiled playfully, Beomgyu blushed from it.. He found his smile kinda cute

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