Chapter 3

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Rory was sat by the rest of the lady's of camp, down by the quarry. She was supposed to be catching frogs with her dad and Carl, but she and the boy had gotten into somewhat of a disagreement during the short time between Rick leaving and now. They were not on talking terms, so she decided to sit this one out and let Carl have fun with her dad.

The ladies were laughing and giggling at things Rory wasn't paying attention too, however, due to a loud chorus of laughs from the ladies, Ed had approached the small group.

"What's so funny?" He questioned gruffly, smoking on his cigarette.

"Just swapping war stories, Ed." Andrea replied smoothly. Rory looked up at the man, shuffling towards the closest person who happened to be Carol. He walked around a little closer and Andrea spoke up again. "Problem, Ed?"

"Nothin that concerns you." Ed snarled. "And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club."

Andrea and Amy huffed as Ed came to stand behind Rory, Carol tensing and looking at the girl. Rory looked across the quarry to see Lori and Carl walking away from her dad. She wondered if they managed to catch any frogs.

Andrea then stood up and began speaking to Ed. "Ed, tell you what... you don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself. Here." She then threw the piece of wet clothing to Ed's chest, who threw it back with a little more force than necessary.

"Ain't my job, missy." He snarled. Amy then stood up and told her sister to leave it alone, yet she didn't listen.

"What is your job, Ed? Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes?" Andrea remarked.

"We'll, it sure as hell ain't listening to some uppity smart-mouthed bitch." Ed commented. Rory furrowed her brows, that was uncalled for. "Tell you what, come on. Let's go." Carol then stood up and walked towards Ed, only to be stopped by Andrea. Rory stood up too, slightly panicked.

"I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you, Ed." Andrea stated.

"And I say it's none of your business. Come on now. You heard me."

"Carol-" Andrea started.

"Andrea, please. It doesn't matter." Carol mumbled.

"Hey, don't think I won't knock you on your ass just cause you're some college-educated close, alright?"

Andrea gasped and Rory looked across the water towards her dad. He looked towards her and she frantically gestured him to come over. She had a feeling they were gonna argue, and her dad was a police officer, he could help. Rory watched as her dad jogged over to her direction.

"I'm done talking. Come on." Ed ordered while grabbing Carol by the arm and draggin her forward.

"Carol, no." Andrea protested. Rory moved to the middle, infront of Carol. Maybe Ed would leave her alone now?

"You don't tell me what! I tell you what!" Ed yelled. Rory didn't see it coming, but she felt it. He had hit her. Ed hit her. And it really hurt.

Everyone was fighting and Amy and a crying Carol ushered Rory away from Ed. Rory looked up as the arguing ceased a little to see her dad dragging Ed by his shirt away from them. He started hitting him. Rory has seen her dad angry before, sure, but right now he was furious. She knew she was supposed to, but she couldn't look away.

Her face throbbed and she could feel a little line of blood from both her eyebrow and her lip. He must have bust it. She could feel the womens hands on her face, trying to turn her away but she tuned back in to what her dad was doing as they were yelling at him to stop. He looked so, so mad.

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