Chapter 26

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Carl was telling Glenn where he found Tyreese's group, so they could figure out how they got into the prison. Glenn concluded that there must have been another breech somewhere in the prison. Rory watched as they drew on the prison floor with chalk.

"Now, you said you found Tyreese's group here?" Glenn asked Carl. The boy nodded in agreement as Glenn shifted. "We secured this." Carl sighed before he spoke up, pointing to the badly drawn map on the floor.

"He thought he came through here." Carl pointed.

"Means there's another breach." Rory spoke up, Glenn looked to the girl, nodding grimly. Rory breathed out as Beth begun playing with her hair, braiding a particularly long strand of hair behind her ear.

"Okay." Glenn begun, standing up preoperly. "The whole front of the prison is unsecure. If walkers just strolled in, then it's gonna be cake for a group of armed men."

"Why are we even so sure he's going to attack?" Beth spoke up from behind Rory. "Maybe you scared him off."

"He had fish tanks full of heads." Michonne revealed, Rory wrinkling her nose. "Walker and humans. Trophies. He's coming."

"We should hit him now." Glenn offered.

"What?" Beth asked softly, most likely confused.

"He won't be expecting it." Glenn explained. "We'll sneak back in and put a bullet in his head."

"We're not assassins." Carol scoffed from her place on the table next to Axel.

"I'm a ninja." Rory muttered to herself, Beth puffing out air at the younger girl in amusement as she tied off the braid.

"You know where his apartment is." Glenn spoke to Michonne, approaching the woman quickly. "You and I could end this tonight... I'll do it myself." Glenn insisted. After a moment of silence, Michonne nodded at the man. "Okay." Glenn spoke, walking backwards a little.

"He didn't know you were coming last time and look what happened." Hershel vocalised as Glenn turned to face him. "You we're almost killed. Daryl and Ivory were captured. And you and Maggie were almost executed."

"You can't stop me." Glenn breathed out.

"Rick would never allow this." Hershel continued.

"You really think he's in any position to make that choice?" Glenn spat rhetorically.

"Think this through clearly." Hershel told Glenn. "T-Dog lost his life here. Lori, too. The men that were here. It isn't worth any more killing. What are we waiting for? If he's really on his way, we should be out here by now."

"And go where?"

"We lived on the road all winter."

"Back when you had two legs and we didn't have a baby crying for walkers every four hours." Glenn argued.

"We can't stay here." Hershel spoke softly.

"We can't run."


Rory made her way through the field. Glenn had asked her to walk the perimeter, sure, he probably meant to stay inside the walls, but Rory was bored.

By the time she had made it to the outside of the prison gates, she saw Hershel approaching Rick from the other side, the two having an obvious debate. Hershel caught the girls eye before smiling at her softly, she waved back at him. Rick turned to face Rory for a moment before continuing his talk with Hershel.

Rory walked along the riverbank and dipped her shoe in the river. With one last look to Rick and Hershel, Rory ran and jumped over the small river to the other side, slipping a little on the mud and falling to her knees. The girl yelled quietly and looked around, embarrassed before she got up and dusted off her pants.

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