Chapter 20

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"Mmm, just like mom used to make." Glenn joked as he ate his share of food, throwing the bone into the grass. Rory laid her head on Loris leg, ignoring the attempts of the woman trying to get her to eat. She just didn't want to.

"Tomorrow we'll put all the bodies together. Want to keep them away from that water." T-Dog stated. "Now, if we can dig a canal under that fence, we'll have plenty of fresh water."

Rory sat up as Lori sighed again. "Rory, baby, please eat." The girl looked at the woman before handing her the food.

"You need it more than me." The young girl commented with a shrug.

"No, Rory—" Lori got cut off.

"I don't want it." With that, Rory stood up, jacket in hand and walked over to the overturned bus, ignoring the concerned glances from the group. She made her way to the bus and climbed up, Daryl helping the girl. They both sat in silence before Carol climbed up too, two dishes in hand.

"It's not much, but if I don't bring you something you won't eat." The woman spoke to Daryl before looking to the young girl, sitting cross legged.

"I guess little Shane over there has quite the appetite." Daryl joked, before seeing the glare on Rory's face. Sure, she news now aware of her fathers and Loris relationship but it didn't mean she was okay with it. "Sorry, kid."

"Ricks gotten us a lot farther than I ever thought he would, I'll give him that." Carol told. "Shane could never have done that."

"You know the sayin, 'don't talk ill of the dead' and all that?" Rory spat. "Yeah? Don't talk shit about my dead dad while I'm here."

"Watch your mouth." Daryl scolded the child, she just rolled her eyes. Carol then looked to the girl and gestured to the bowl of food in her hand, Rory just looked away.

"I told mom I didn't want it." Rory complained, feeling like a scolded child, even though Carol hadn't said anything yet.

"You gotta eat, honey." Carol pressed. Rory ignored her, staring at the darkness through the fence. She jumped as Daryl put the bowl in front of her face.

"Eat." The man spoke gruffly, leaving no room for arguments. She sarcastically made a point of putting a little bit of food in her mouth before chewing, the two adults looking away, satisfied. They carried on their conversation, Rory ignored it.

Daryl began to give Carol a massage while Rory looked to Daryl's bowl. Like the ninja she was, she quickly tipped her share of food into his bowl. Rory was proud to say he didn't notice. Not long after, the two adults began to climb down, so Rory followed.

As they made their way back to the group around the fire, Maggie and Beth were singing. Rory sat down next to Carl, then rested her head on his shoulder.

Rick came over by that point, Carl handing him some food. Rory looked up from the fire and caught Daryl's gaze. He looked to his bowl as she ducked her head. She wasn't as stealthy as she thought.

"Better all turn in." Rick rasped, the group looked to him, confused. "I'll take watch over there. Got a big day tomorrow."

"What do you mean?" Glenn asked quietly, Carl shifting, resting his head on Rory's.

"Look, I know we're all exhausted. This was a great win. But we've got to push just a little bit more." Rick vocalised, Rory and Carl both sighed in tandem. "Most of the walkers are dressed as guards and prisoners. Looks like this place fell pretty early. It could mean the supplies may be intact. They'd have an infirmary. A commissary."

"An armoury?" Daryl added.

"That would be outside e prison itself, but not too far away." Rick revealed. "Wardens office would have info on the location. Weapons, food, medicine. This place could be a gold mine."

"We're dangerously low on ammo." Hershel offered. "We'd run out before we've made a dent."

"That's why we have to go in there..." Rick trailed off. Rory and Carls eyes both widened as they looked at each other. "Hand to hand. After all we've been through, we can handle it. I know it. These assholes don't stand a chance."


Morning came fast, and they began to clear out the courtyard. Maggie, Glenn, Rick, Daryl and T-Dog went in fighting the walkers, while the rest stayed on the other side of the fence, distracting the dead.

"I can't see them, can you see them?" Lori panicked. Rory started to climb the chain link fence, only for Lori to yell at her to get down. She huffed and jumped off the fence, kicking the stones under her boots. After a few minutes, they came back into sight before they stopped a little way away. Then they began walking into the prison.

"What are they doing?" Carl questioned, yet nobody had an answer.


There was a thump as they entered the cell block, T-Dog dragging a walker across the floor. Rory followed in after Glenn, clutching her bag on her shoulder.

"What do you think?" Rick called as he defended the set of stairs in the middle.

"Home sweet home." Glenn muttered before walking into a cell.

"For the time being." Rick agreed.

"It's secure?" Carol asked, apprehension clear in her voice.

"This cell block is." Rick smiled. Looking to Rory as she stood on the stairs behind him.

"What about the rest of the prison?" Hershel quizzed.

"In the morning, we'll find the cafeteria and infirmary." Rick listed off.

"We sleep in the cells?" Beth asked.

"I found keys on some guards. Daryl has a set, too." Rick clarified.

"I ain't sleeping in no cage." Daryl stated. "I'll take the perch."

Rory walked up the rest of the stairs, smiling at Daryl as she passed him. She looked in all the cells upstairs and chose the best looking one, it was the one closest to the stairs, easier to get to. She placed her bag down before sitting on the edge of the bed and closing her eyes, head in her hands.

"You okay, honey?" Lori asked, peering her head through the door. The girl only nodded, Lori telling her she was just a few cells down with Carol. Rory thought it would be easier for Lori to have a cell on the bottom floor, with being pregnant and all. "Have a good sleep, okay?"

"Yeah, goodnight, mom." Rory sleepily mumbled. Lori walking over and sitting on her bed for a moment before kissing the girls head. "Goodnight, baby."


Rory and Carl were messing about with the riot gear on the table, grins on their faces. They both giggled as Carl put on a helmet, only for it to fall off.

"You won't need that." Rick spoke to the children, grabbing the gear from their hands. "I need you to stay put."

"You're kidding." The two complained.

"We don't know what's in there. Something goes wrong, you could be the last ones standing. I need you both to handle things here." Rick reasoned.

"Sure." Carl agreed. Rory did not agree, however, she knew that arguing would get her nowhere. She watched as the same small group from yesterday, plus Hershel, walked out of the cell block, Carl locking the gate behind them.

I'm Rory's opinion, they wasn't gone for long, so she jumped from her seat next to Carl when she heard his name being called frantically. Her eyes widened as she saw a bloody Hershel being wheeled in on a table.


Where was his leg?

Listening to sad boi music rn hbu?

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