Chapter 21

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Rory turned into a ninja once more. She was worried about Hershel, but there was obviously nothing she could do to help, so she snuck out to Daryl, who was loading his crossbow and pointing it at the doorway.

Rory shot him a questioning look as the man gave her a side eye, not speaking, just motioning towards her gun. Rory got her gun out of her belt and aimed it to the door, standing by Daryl. She jumped a little as a few strange men walked through, she tightened her grip on her gun.

"That's far enough." Daryl snarled, shifting slightly as one of the men eyed Rory up, she stood straighter and levelled them with a look that would rival that of her fathers.

"Cell block C. Cell four... that's mine, gringo. Let me in." The man with the long hair remarked, causing Rory to scoff.

"Todays your lucky day, fellas. You've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. You're free to go." Daryl spat.

"What you got going on in there?" The long haired man asked.

"It ain't none of your business." Rory snarled.

"Don't be telling me what's my business." The guy barked, getting his gun out and pointing it at the girl, Daryl glanced to her, she wasn't the slightest bit dazed, she just cocked her head to the side slightly.

"Chill, man." Big guy said. "Dude's leg is messed up. Besides, we're free now. Why are we still in here?"

"The man's got a point." Daryl commented, moving slightly infront of Rory.

"Yeah, and I gotta check on my old lady." Another guy said.

"A group of civilians breaking into a prison you got no business being in..." long haired guy trailed off. "Got me thinking there ain't no place for us to go."

"Why don't you go find out?" Daryl snarled rhetorically.

"Maybe we'll just be going now." The bigger guy said.

"Hey, we ain't leaving." Long haired man rose his voice.

"Yeah, well you're not coming in either." Rory sassed, jumping a little as T-Dog rounded the corner, gun drawn.

"This is my house, my rules. I go where I damn well please." The long haired guy yelled, pointing his gun at T. There was more arguing as Rick jogged out, yelling.

"Hey, everyone relax." Rick then looked to Rory, glaring at her slightly before moving her backwards a little. "There's no need for this."

"How many of you are in there?"

"Too many for you to handle." Rick remarked.

"You guys rob a bank or something?" The guy said. "Why don't you take him to a hospital?" Rory faltered a little as they went silent.

"How long have you been locked in that cafeteria?" Rick asked grimly.

"Going on like ten months." The guy said nervously, eyes constantly flickering. Rory spaced out as the prisoners began bickering amongst themselves. She almost felt bad.

"There is no army." Rick revealed.

"What do you mean?"

"Theres no government, no hospitals, no police. It's all gone." Rick listed off to the men.

"For real?" The small man asked.

"Serious." Rick deadpanned. Rory spaced out yet again. She jumped when Rick grabbed her arm and began walking towards the cell block. She looked behind her to see Daryl and the others shuffling to the door that lead outside.

"I told you to stay out inside the cell block." Rick stated, looking to the child in his grasp.

"Daryl needed help, I helped him, what's your problem?" Rory hissed, yanking her arm out of Ricks grasp as they entered the cell block.

"My problem is that you could have gotten hurt. You've been reckless since... since the farm... just don't get yourself killed." He scolded harshly before walking off to catch up to Daryl. Rory rolled her eyes as Carl looked at her and locked her gate once more.


Rory was sat on the stairs, sulking as she watched Rick, Daryl and T bring in a bunch of food, from the cafeteria probably. She looked up to Carl as he approached her.

"Wanna help me find the infirmary?"


The two children walked back into the cell block, grins on their faces as they carried two, huge bags full of medical supplies. Glenn popped his head round the cell and frowned at the two.

"Thought you were organising the food?"

"Even better." Carl gleamed. The two walked into the cell and dropped both duffles on the floor. "Check it out."

"Where did you get this?" Lori gasped, rifling through the duffles.

"We found the infirmary." Rory told the woman.

"There wasn't much left, but we cleared it out." Carl added on proudly.

"You went by yourselves?" Lori asked.

"Yeah." Rory answered. Maggie looked up, shocked.

"Are you crazy?" Lori gasped.

"No big deal. We killed three walkers." Carl boasted.

"You... allright, do you see this?" The woman gaped. "This was with the whole group."

"We needed supplies, so we got them." Rory reasoned.

"I appreciate that, but..." Lori yelled, it scared Rory a little.

"Then get off our backs!"

"Carl!" Beth scolded. "She's your mother. You can't talk to her like that."

"Listen, I think it's great that you want to help..." Lori started, only for Carl to walk off, leaving Rory staring at the floor.

"We just wanted to help, mom..." Rory whispered.

"I get that, and we're greatful. But you have to understand it was dangerous." Lori explained urgently.

"I'm sorry... can I go?" Rory mumbled. She looked to Lori briefly, who nodded her head. Rory waisted no time in rushing out the room to her cell. She dropped into her bed and laid there. She just wanted to help, why did nobody get that?


Rory didn't do much for the rest of the day, in fact, she didn't do anything. Nobody came to check on her as her mind spiralled. She heard commotion from downstairs, Rick was back. And not soon after, she heard that Hershel woke up. She knew he would be okay.

The girl laid in bed all night, not being able to sleep. The bed was too soft, the prison was too quiet. She huffed as she turned in her bed. She wanted to go home. She wanted her dad.

ngl I forgot about this chapter, I hate it.

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