Chapter 35

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Rory was still sick, but she had gotten past the worst of it. She just planned on sleeping the day away, yet her plans were interrupted as she felt the prison shake. With aching legs, she made her way out of the cell block, curiosity getting the best of her.

She squinted her eyes at the harsh light as she opened the door to outside. The girl stumbled over to Daryl, the man clutching her to his side as they looked to the gates. A tank and cars. She made it outside just in time to hear a man call out for Rick. Her heart stopped.

The Governor was back.


He had Hershel and Michonne. Fury bubbles in Rory's chest, how dare he? Daryl pushed her behind him, she glanced at Carl, her friend holding her hand tight. She watched as the derranged man had Hershel and Michonne kneel. Rick nodded to Daryl, stealing a quick glance at Rory and Carl as he made his way down to the gate.

"We can't take 'em all on." Daryl rasped quietly. "We'll go through the admin building, through the woods like we planned. We ain't got the numbers no more... when's the last time someone checked the stash on the bus?"

"Day before we hit the Big Spot." Sasha replied, Rory turning to face the woman as she spoke. She looked almost free of the sickness. "We were running low on rations then. We're lower now."

"Yeah, we'll manage." Daryl reassured, looking to Rory for a second. "Things go south, everyone heads for that bus. Let everybody know."

"What if everybody doesn't know when things go bad?" Tyreese asked. "How long do we wait?"

"As long as we can."

Rory and Carl both watched as Rick made it to the front fences, they both strained their ears, yet they couldn't make out what they were discussing.

Rory jumped as Daryl tapped her with a gun. She grabbed the rifle as the man nodded to her, she nodded back, slyly walking over to the next fence with Carl, both the kids aiming their rifles when Daryl approached and did the same.

"We've got to do something." Carl breathed out from beside Rory.

"Your dad's got it."

"They're... talking." Rory spoke up. "We could kill the Governor right now."

"From fifty yards?" Daryl spoke quietly.

"I'm a good shot." Rory snapped back, rifle still lined up with the Governor. She paused a moment to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

"We could end this right now." Carl agreed.

"Yeah, or you could start something else." Daryl countered. "You gotta trust him."

Minutes passed on for what felt like hours. Rory's hands were beginning to cramp up, yet she was back on full alert as the Governor jumped down from his tank. Her breath stuttered as he held Michonnes sword to Hershel's neck.

The group watched as Rick paced. Arguing with the man they had already fought once. Rory relaxed a little as she watched the man move the sword away from her friends neck. Only to let out a startled yell as the man brung it down onto Hershel's neck full force.

Rory was the first one to shoot before Rick, nailing the Governor in the arm. It felt like she was in a trance. For a minute she felt like she was underwater.

She didn't hear the screams and cries of Maggie and Beth, wailing for the loss of their father, right infront of their eyes. She didn't hear the shots of the other guns around her. She just saw the Governor and knew she wanted him dead.

The girl kept shooting, arms tired already, but she had to kill them, kill as many as she could.

Rory yelled in frustration when her rifle ran out of ammo. She felt a tug on her arm and shrugged it off, only for a harsher tug to send her stumbling backwards, her balance still not great. She looked behind her to see Daryl and Carl already running. Looking forward, she saw the tank moving towards the gates, crushing them.

"Come on! Get to the bus!"

Rory nodded soundlessly at the man, dodging bullets as they ran. Rory looked around and paused before darting to the cell block in a panicked frenzy, she briefly heard Daryl yell her name, but she kept running. She continued going, even as she felt a sharp sting in her leg, letting out a pained yell, the Rory forced the door open and stumbled to cell block C.

The girl panted as she made it to her cell, dropping to her knees, she stuck her hand under her bed and pulled out her emergency bag and quickly shrugged it on her back. She shrieked as the prison shook once more, stumbling her way into the hallway on uncoordinated feet, she ran into Beth.

"Judith." Rory breathed out, grabbing into the older girl. "Have you seen Judith?"

"I'm lookin' for her, just run to the bus."

"What about you?" Rory panted, Beth wrapping the younger in a tight hug before letting go, holding the girl at arms length.

"Don't worry, I'm right behind you." Beth promised.

Rory nodded at the older girl, trusting that she would find her little sister before running back outside, wincing slightly. The girl stumbled a little as coughs wracked her body. Rory ran over to the bus, only for it to be already driving away. "No! Wait."

Rory whimpered as she limped after the bus. She looked to her side to see walkers... everywhere. "No."

Her eyes frantically scanned the area, nobody was there. Why was nobody there?

"Rick?" Rory whimpered into the gunfire, clutching her leg, hand coming away wet and bloody. "Daryl? Maggie! Glenn! ...Carl?" The walkers got closer, Rory threw one of her knives and it dropped. She let out a ragged breath as she realised what had happened.

She had been left.

She had to go...


I quite liked the prison :(
I however, did not like this chapter... again.

Please don't forget to vote and comment! <3

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