Chapter 58

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Carl had been shot in the eye. His eye had been shot. Rory made a sound between a sob and a gasp, she didn't even know what was happening. She watched as her big brother dropped to the floor before Rick swept his son up.

Rory and Michonne instantly began clearing the path for Rick, killing any walkers that were close enough. Rory followed slightly behind Michonne before she realised that they were heading for the infirmary. One of the walkers almost got her, but Michonne cut its head off as they ran.

Shoot the knee, shoot the head. Carl needs help.

Rory kept shooting as Michonne kept swinging, the pair working in tandem to let Rick through. Rory cried out in frustration when her gun clicked, quickly shoving it in her belt, grabbing a knife from her leg and jamming it in a walkers eye. It was a big stretch for the small girl, but she did it.

Kick to the knee, stab in the eye. Carl needs help.

Rory's eyes were stinging. What if Carl was dead? What if she had just watched her brother die? It reminded her of when he was shot back at the farm. He couldn't die, he couldn't. She gasped in relief as she saw the lights to the infirmary, pushing herself to run just that bit faster.

Kick the leg, stab in the eye. Carl needs help.

Dodge, run, slash. Carl needs help.

Kick the leg, stab the face. Carl needs help.

Dodge, kick, stab.  Carl needs help.

Kick the knee, stab the head. Carl needs help.

Dodge, run, stab. Carl needs HELP.

The lights were closer and they finally made it there, Rick running in first, carrying Carl as Denise held open the door, Rory and Michonne rushing in after before the door was shut and locked.

Ron shot her brother in the eye.

"This is a gunshot?" The woman asked as Rick placed Carl on the table, Rory shrugging off her gut covered bedsheet with the help of Aaron.

Carl had been shot infront of her. Infront of his father, again.

"Handgun, close range." Michonne confirmed.

She had helped Ron to learn how to shoot.

"Please save him." Rick asked softly. "Please."

What if he was already dead?

Rory looked to her brother, only for Aaron to redirect her gaze. "You don't need to look." The man told her. "You don't need to see that."

"I... I've seen worse." Rory croaked out, as if it made anything better. A light turned on behind her. Soft arguing followed before it was drowned out by Aaron.

"It dosent mean you need to see it again." The man explained to the girl. He had never seen her this... distant? Her eyes were glassy and her face was blotchy. Rory was obviously out of breath and visibly shaking. It sounded like everything was spacey for the little girl. He wasn't sure how to help, so he kept rubbing her shoulders.

She turned her head at the sound of Ricks axe scraping its holder, and then the door opening.

"What, what are you doing?" Mishonne rushed out. "Rick! Rick!" As soon as he was out the door, Rory dragged her feet to the window, eyes widening as she saw Rick taking all the walkers on. "Rick's out there." Michonne stressed.

"Hold on." Denise calmed, operating on Carl.

"He needs my help." The woman breathed out as she leant over Carl.

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