Chapter 36

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Rory was cold.

She didn't realise how much she took the protective walls of the prison for granted, especially with how they protected them from the weather. She pulled her thin jacket tighter around her body as she shivered.

The girl had no clue on where the rest of the group were, she could only hope that they had gotten on the bus and got away. Rory huffed out a breath as the sky began to darken. Looking around, she eyed up a tall tree and began climbing it.

She didn't get called a ninja for nothing.

Once she had climbed the tree and settled onto a sturdy branch where she was sure she wouldn't roll off, she pulled out the small blanket from her bag and wrapped it around her shoulders. She tensed slightly as she heard footfalls from her left, it was only the dead. They couldn't reach her from here anyways.

Rory sat in silence for a while before she shifted and was rewarded with a sting from her leg. The girl hissed as she rolled up her torn pant leg to see a small bullet gash near the middle of her calf. It wasn't deep, but gods did it sting.

It was still bleeding a little, so Rory rolled some bandages on the wound from her bag before leaning backwards on the tree trunk, wiping the blood off of her hands onto the tree bark.

Sleep didn't come easy to they young girl, of course it didn't. She missed her family and the stability that they gave. She wasn't used to being alone, and she really didn't like it.

In the dark, no one heard her cry.


If there was one thing Rory was proud about, it was that she didn't roll her ankle on the way out of her tree. After climbing out of the tree, gracefully, Rory wasn't too sure where to go. She just stood for a few minutes, wondering what direction to go in. The girl wiped her face harshly as she began walking in the opposite direction she came from.

Rory walked for hours, killing walkers here and there. The longer time went on, the more frustrated the girl got. Surely she would find somebody out here, it couldn't just be her... right?

She sighed as she walked up to a car. She smiled a little at the small victory that there were no walkers inside. She got in and closed the door before rummaging around.

Her eyes widened as she found a set of keys. Shakily putting them into the ignition, she turned the keys and she jumped a little as the car sprung to life. Panicking, she took the keys back out. She had never driven a car before. She hesitated.

There's a first time for everything.


Now, again, Rory had never driven a car before. Her dad had jokingly gave her a lesson on how to do it not long before the world went to shit, but she didn't really listen to him. Rory sighed as she looked at the interior of the vehicle.

Rory put the keys back in and turned them again before putting her foot on the break. She wasn't really sure what to do next, so she started moving a bunch of stuff before she nodded to herself before taking her foot off of the break and pressing in the accelerator.

She made a noise as the car began rolling down the road at a steady pace. Her knuckles turned white from how harsh she was gripping the wheel. Rory let out a slow breath, driving wasn't as hard as she thought. She could do this all day.


Rory banged her head against the steering wheel, the gas had ran out. One minute she was vibing and somehow driving a fully functioning vehicle, and the next, something was flashing and the car stopped.

She sighed as she looked up. She best get back to walking.

This chapter is dog water. I've been stuck on it forever but I have 30 chapters written and I wanted to give you guys something for Christmas!!!

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