Chapter 30

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Rory huffed as she picked up her bags, slipping a photo of her and her father into her jacket pocket. She was so glad she hadn't fully unpacked everything just yet. She slung her bag over her shoulder and double checked her room. Nodding to herself, she made her way down the stairs and walked out of the prison with Carl, dodging Ricks attempts to speak to them. They both made their way over to the car, Beth helping them put their bags inside.

"I've never seen them this mad." Glenn spoke to Rick quietly. "Even with Lori and Shane. They just... shut down."

"They're still kids." Rick mumbled. "It's easy to forget."

Rory shuffled into the car, in between Carl and Beth. She looked to Carl as he slammed the door, the boy gripping onto her hand as she lent her head onto his shoulder, Beth holding her other hand softly. She heard Carl push out an angry breath as Hershel started the engine.


They ended up in the woods. Beth carrying Judith as Hershel crouched in the bushes. Carl and Rory both poking their heads up as they heard the gunfire.

"This plan is stupid." Carl voiced. "Why— why did we have to leave? Why couldn't we help fight?"

"You know why, Carl." Hershel responded softly, looking to his daughter.

"Carl's right." Rory backed her friend up. "We can fight, so why can't we? It's not remotely fair." The two began bickering with Hershel, gunfire echoing louder in the distance. Rory frowned, pausing in her words, hitting Carl and gesturing for him to be quiet.

Carls head snapped up at the sound of footsteps. Both kids loaded their guns and pointed them in the direction the noise came from. Not long after, Carl jumped forward, gun raised as another kid came stumbling into the opening they were hiding in.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Don't shoot." The kid panicked. Rory put her gun down the slightest bit as she looked at him. He couldn't be just a few years older than herself.

"Drop the weapon, son." Hershel spoke out.

"Sure." The boy agreed, lowering his rifle to the ground slowly, keeping eye contact with the older man. "Here, take it." Rory went to reach for the boys gun, only for him to drop to the ground. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Carl?" The girl breathed out, looking to her friend. He just killed the kid...


When they made it back to the prison, Rick greeted both kids with a hug. Rory stood by Hershel as Carl demanded he go to Woodbury.

"I took out one of the Governor's soldiers." Carl told his father who looked on in shock. Rory glared at her friend a little. He at least had the empathy to look a tiny bit ashamed.

"One of his soldiers?" Hershel asked rhetorically. "A kid running away? He stumbled across us."

"No, he drew on us." Car defended, looking to his friend for help. When Rory didn't speak up, Carl huffed and stormed away.

"The kid was scared." Hershel told Rick, the man looking to Rory for a moment, settling his hands on her shoulders. She leaned into his chest, closing her eyes. "He was handing his gun over to Ivory."

"He said he drew." Rick spoke, chest rumbling with his words under Rory's ear. "Carl said it was in defense."

"He didn't have to shoot, Rick." Rory confirmed quietly, lifting her head off of his chest.

"He had every reason not to." Hershel added on.

"Maybe it looked like that to you—"

"Rick!" Hershel expressed. "I'm telling you. He gunned that kid down."


Rory was helping Daryl pack up the car, ready for them to go back after Woodbury. Daryl paused, looking to the girl.

"Hey." Rory looked to him. "I never got to thank you for this." The man gestured to the new crossbow he had on his shoulder. Rory smiled softly.

"Saw it at Morgan's." The girl clarified. "Thought you might like it." She grinned as Daryl ruffled her hair. Rory was just happy that Daryl was happy, especially after Merle.

"Hey, Rory?" Rick called out. The girl swivelled around to look at the man as he approached. "I'm heading out with Daryl and Michonne."

"To Woodbury?" Rory asked.

"To Woodbury." Rick confirmed, bracing himself for Rory to ask to go with them.

"Be safe." The girl nodded, Rick smiling softly at his surrogate daughter. The man smiled and held the girl in his arms before they separated.


Rory felt hands carding through her hair gently as she stirred awake, the girl making a sleepy noise as she opened her eyes.

"Have a nice nap?" Beth asked the younger girl. Rory just huffed as Beth giggled and stopped playing with her hair. Rory sat up and scratched her head before grabbing a section of her hair and frowning. "What's up?"

"Where are the scissors?"


Rory stayed quiet as Beth braided a section of her hair, just behind her ear. Beth shifted as she tied off the end. "Are you sure you want me to cut it?"

"Mhm." Rory mumbled. "It's too long."

Beth nodded behind the girl and began chopping away at the long curls. After about half an hour, Rory beamed at her reflection, hair poofy with short curls, much like how her dad would cut it. The girl played with the long braid behind her ear.

"Thank you, Beth." The older girl just smiled as they both cleaned up and made their way to the cafeteria to wait for Rick to return.


It was early the next morning when they came back. Daryl on his motorcycle followed by a car and a school bus. Rory frowned as she stood next to Glenn at the gate. They made their way over to Rick as he got out of the car.

Rory and Carl both looked to Rick in confusion as people, Woodbury's people began walking out of the bus. Rick walked over to the two children.

"What is this?" Carl accused.

"They're gonna join us." Rick told the two. Carl scoffed and walked away as Rory stood with Rick.

"They can't fight." Rory said. "Can't survive."

"That's why we're gonna teach them." Rick explained to the young girl. "We're going to help them."

And that's an end to season three!!

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