Chapter 19

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Rory and Carl ran into the house behind Daryl, both holding up their guns. The childrens hairs had gotten a little longer since the farm, they had gotten a little taller too. Carl still teased Rory that he was taller than her.

Rory walked towards a door, Carl following her. She slowly opened the door with a creak before looking into the dark room. She looked to the centre of the room as a rasp drew her attention.

The girl looked to Carl before looking to the walker in the middle of the room, aiming her gun and shooting. The blow quietened by her silencer. The body dropped to the floor with a thump as the two looked at each other.

The children checked the kitchen to make sure there was no threat before rifling through the cupboards. Rory briefly heard the others walking into the house. As Carl checked the top cupboards, Rory opened the cabinets at the bottom.

She looked to Carl, only for him to shake his head. She looked into the last cupboard, finding two tins of dog food. Rory hesitated before picking them up and walking into the other room, Carl following her.

She sat herself down between Hershel and Beth as Carl rifled through the bag and threw her a tin opener. The young girl caught it with ease and began opening the tin of dog food. Rory looked up as Rick approached her from the other side of the room before stopping infront of her.

He picked up the cans and threw them at the wall, causing a few of them to jump at the loud noise. Rory glared at the man and caught eyes with Lori. The woman looked tired, they all were. But Rory couldn't blame her, she was heavily pregnant after all.

The group sat in an uncomfortable silence before T-Dog whistled from by the window. Rory sighed before standing up and following Carl, making their way out of the building.

They made their way back to the cars and Rory and Carl slipped in, the others following. With a rumbling of engines, they were on the road once again.


"We got no place left to go." T-Dog announced as they opened a map on the car bonnet. Rory looked to Carl, who was on watch near the front of the cars.

"When this herd meets up with this one." Maggie pointed. "We'll be cut off. We'll never make it south."

"What would you say?" Daryl asked, approaching the car. "That was about 150 head?"

"That was last week. It could be twice that by now." Glenn chimed in.

"This river could have delayed them." Hershel offered. "If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear right through there."

"Yeah, but if that group joins with this one, they could spill out this way." T-Dog concluded. Rory ignored the conversation, feeling a headache beginning to bloom in her temple. The girl walked to Daryl, resting her head on his arm and closing her eyes. He rubbed her shoulder soothingly before speaking up.

"Hey, while the others wash their panties, let's go hunt." Daryl told Rick, lightly moving Rory off of his arm. "That owl didn't exactly hit the spot." The girl was about to ask if she could follow when Rick spoke up.

"Not you, stay here with Carl." Rick told the girl.

"But—" Rory was cut off.

"No buts, do as your told." Rick scolded.

"You can't tell me what to do." Rory snarled. "Your not my dad! You killed him, remember?"


As it turns out, Rick and Daryl had found a potential place to hold up for a while. It was a prison. Rory almost found it fitting.

She watched as Rick cut open the fence with his tools and he ushered everybody through. It was a bit of a squeeze, but they all managed it. Daryl and Glenn closed off the opening and they all began jogging down the path, Rory and Carl sticking by Beth.

Rory looked to the side, glancing at all of the walkers, all of the prisoners that roamed the abandoned prison yard. The group panted as they reached the locked gate that led out to the yard.

"It's perfect." Rick clarified. "If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight."

"So how do we shut the gate?" Hershel asked.

"I'll do it. You guys cover me." Glenn said.

"No." Maggie shut down the idea immediately. "It's a suicide run."

"I'm the fastest."

"No, you, Maggie and Beth draw as many as you can over there." Rick instructed. "Pop 'em through the fence. Daryl, go back to the other tower. Carol, you've become a pretty good shot. Take your time. We don't have a lot of ammo to waste."

Rory rolled her eyes at the tone Rick spoke to the woman. "Hershel, you and the two kids, take this tower."

"Right." Carl agreed before the three made their way up the tower. Rory briefly heard Rick state he was going to get the gate. Luckily, there were no walkers in the tower, so Rory, Carl, and Hershel were able to make their way up easily.

Rory was the first one to shoot, firing at a walker that was too close to Rick as he ran. Then the field was lit up by the sounds of shots. Rory watched as Rick made his way to the gate, shutting it and making his own way into the opposite tower. Rory heard Carl let out a sigh of relief at his fathers safety.

"Light it up!" Rory and Carl looked to each other before grinning, Hershel laughing softly at the two before they fired at all of the walkers below.


"Fantastic." Carol beamed as they all came out of the towers, Rory following Daryl. "You okay?" Carol asked Lori as they walked past the woman. She ruffled Rory's hair as she smiled at her.

"I haven't felt this good in weeks." Lori replied. Carol beamed back before they all walked into the field.

"We haven't had this much space since we left the farm." Carol laughed, running a little. Rory unclipped her knife and threw it at a walkers head on the ground. The quiet growling was silenced. She didn't miss the small smirk on Daryl's face as she did so.

Rory sighed as she looked around. She frowned but... Maybe this place could work.

Season three baybeee!!
Who's excited? I know I am!!

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